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Zed Necrodopolis (born October 27[1]) is the male protagonist of the Z-O-M-B-I-E-S franchise. He is the son of Zevon Necrodopolis and Zoey's older brother. He was a student at Seabrook High School where he played football. He is portrayed by Milo Manheim.



Zed is a very sweet, confident and headstrong person and even though he does most things for himself and his fellow zombies, he is extremely loyal to his friends and will do anything for them. He always stands up for what’s right and is compassionate, but also impulsive at times. When he sets his mind to something, it’s very hard to change it, even when others say he can’t do it due to him being a zombie. This is shown when he wants to try out for the football game in the first movie and running for President in the second one.

He can become jealous at times due to misunderstandings, when he thought that a werewolf, Wyatt, had a romantic interest in Addison. He is very protective, especially towards Addison and tries to do the right thing. He is optimistic and hopeful that one day all monsters will be seen as equal in Seabrook.

Zed is enthusiastic and compassionate towards others and their successes. This can be seen in Zombies 3, where he encourages one of his best friends Eliza in her new internship at Z-Corp. He also displays a lot of enthusiasm towards Addison when she discovers her alien heritage, despite the fact that her newfound abilities interfere with his interview to get into Mountain College.

Zed often uses exaggerated mannerisms and expressions to convey his feelings, with this somewhat goofy and aloof attitude aiding in his ability to be well liked, even among the humans who show trepidation towards the zombies at first.

Physical Appearance[]


Powers & Abilities[]

As a zombie, Zed has a lot of special powers because of his zombie bloodline. Therefore, he is capable of the following abilities:

  • Supernatural Strength: Zed shows throughout the three movies that he has exceptional physical strength. He can run and push through a group of football players easily. In Zombies 2, when he thinks Addison had been kidnapped by the werewolves, he flings one of them across the room effortlessly.
  • Supernatural Speed
  • Athlete: He is skilled in football, as he is member of the Seabrook High School football team.



Zed introduces himself and talks about life in Zombietown. He also introduces his father, Zevon Necrodopolis, and his younger sister, Zoey Necrodopolis. His big dream is to join the football team when he gets transferred to Seabrook High School and is optimistic that things are going to be better for zombies. On his first day, he sees a beautiful human girl with blonde hair entering the school and he's immediately smitten with her. Zed is disappointed that he and his fellow zombies are going to take classes in the basement. Even though Principal Lee told the zombies to stay put, Zed quietly sneaks out the door and heads to football tryouts. He accidentally bumps his foot into a magazine stand and calls attention to himself. This frightens a student, who pulls a Z-Alert and all the students start to panic. Zed tries to reassure them everything is okay but he ends up getting chased by a group of male athletes and takes shelter in a zombie safe room. He suddenly notices that someone else entered the safe room after him and hides behind a column of stacked boxes. To his surprise, it 's the girl he had seen earlier. The two begin a friendly conversation and tell each other about their goals for the school year. Zed introduces himself to the girl and learns her name: Addison Wells. However, when the lights go on, Addison is horrified to see that Zed is a zombie and punches him in the face. Addison immediately apologizes and explains that her parents had always told her that zombies are "disgusting dead-eye freaks", but says that Zed isn't hideous at all and he accepts the apology. Their moment is cut short when Addison's cousin and Seabrook cheer captain Bucky Buchanan and his minions, the Acey's, barge into the safe room. Bucky threatens Zed to stay away from her.

Zed eventually makes it to football tryouts, but the coach tells him he didn't make the team due to him being a zombie. He talks about what happened to him to his friend Eliza, who gives negative feedback that football is stupid and that cheerleaders are monsters, indicating that she doesn't approve of Addison, when he reveals that he has feelings for her.

Later that night, Zed hears a commotion outside and goes out to investigate, with his dad following behind, asking if things are alright. Zed is stunned to Addison and her new friend, Bree, hiding and holding a carton of eggs. When his dad asks if anyone is there, Zed lies to cover for Addison. He heads back inside the house, before giving Addison a disappointed look.

The next day while entering the basement, he talks to Bonzo Zambi about what happened and thought that Addison was different and was "The One" but states that cheerleaders are all terrible. Addison soon after arrives in the basement and Zed asks her what she's doing. The reason Addison came was to apologize for what happened the night before and that her cousin is a jerk to zombies and she'll make sure that Bucky won't see them talking, restoring Zed's trust in her. Even though Eliza declines Addison's invitation to come to the pep rally later in the day, Zed states that they'll think about it.

Zed decides to accept Addison's invitation and he, along with his friends and a reluctant Eliza, attend the pep rally. Zed and the others, besides Eliza, are enjoying the pep rally until Bucky and the cheerleaders release the "spirit sticks", which are sparklers used to scare the zombies. Bonzo, whose biggest fear is fire, starts to panic but Zed tries to assure him that things are alright. Nevertheless, Bonzo pushes him and escapes through the bleachers, causing Zed's Z-Band to go unstable. Zed tries to stop Bonzo, who inadvertently scares the cheerleaders including the three who had launched Addison into the air for an aerial trick. Zed, noticing this, runs down the bleachers, pushes through a few linebackers, and catches Addison, impressing her and the football coach.

Zed is pulled aside for a private conversation with Coach and Principal Lee, thinking he's in trouble at first, but finds out that Coach wants to include him on the football team. Zed is elated about the news, but he can only do it if his fellow zombies are fully integrated. With Coach's support, Principal Lee decides to let the zombie students eat in the cafeteria and once Zed helps win more games, the other demands will be included and Zed agrees.

The next day, Zed and the other zombies are allowed to eat in the school's cafeteria for the very first time. He catches a glimpse of Addison, who is sitting with Bree and the other cheerleaders, who gives him a smile. He later calls her name and waves to her, which stuns everyone. Addison walks over and tries to welcome them in zombie tongue (even though she's not good at speaking it). Before Addison can thank him for the day before, the Acey's drag her away. After seeing Addison having a tense conversation with the Acey's, Zed feels sorry for her and decides to follow her with the apple rose that Bonzo made for her.

Zed finds Addison in the hallway and gives her the apple. Addison apologizes for not being able to sit with him at lunch. The two walk together and share how hard it is to fit in a town like Seabrook, although Zed finds it hard to believe that Addison has trouble fitting in, because to him, she's perfect. Addison reveals to Zed that she wears a wig and that her real hair is freakish. After hearing other people in the hallway, Zed takes her hand and the two run off to the zombie safe room where they first met. It is here where the two perform Someday.

At his first football game, things don't go swimmingly for Zed. His fellow teammates don't accept him and allow him to get pummeled by the opposing team. This upsets him, Addison, his fellow zombies and Coach and causes the team to do poorly in the first half of the game. After Principal Lee gives a warning that zombies won't be integrated if he doesn't win and Coach encourages him to use his Z-band, despite being hesitant about it, Zed decides that giving an extra power boost is what he needs. He recruits a reluctant Eliza to give him a power boost, which she accepts, warning him to never swipe his Z-band to the right or the software will corrupt. The power boost helps Zed win the game, gain respect from his teammates and the affection of Addison, who hugs him.

Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2[]


Addison's Moonstone Mystery[]


Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 3[]


Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 4: Dawn of the Vampires[]





Group songs[]

Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2[]


Group songs[]

Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 3[]


Exceptional Zed (Reprise)

Group songs[]



Zevon Necrodopolis (father)

Zevon is Zed's father and cares about his son. He believed Zed couldn't play football since the humans are against the zombies which is why he said that, he was proven wrong later on.

Zoey Necrodopolis (younger sister)

Zoey is Zed's younger sister, and he is shown to have good relationship with her. He also acts like a dog in front of Zoey sometimes, possibly to keep her happy because of not having one, but later she got a pet dog from Addison.


Bonzo (best friend)

Bonzo is another best friend of Zed's. He shares Zed's positive view on humans and is friendly towards Addison due to Zed having major feelings for her.

Eliza Zambi (best friend)

Eliza is one of Zed's best friends. Eliza is always pushing him to be better and do what’s right for his people. In the beginning, Eliza tries to dissuade Zed from pursuing a relationship with Addison Wells because “cheerleaders are all terrible” and she doesn’t want to see him get hurt. Eliza helps Zed hack his z-band so he can win the football games. Zed stops her from sabotaging the cheer competition so she doesn’t get in trouble, and is quick to remind her that her actions won’t solve anything.

The two show to have differing personalities, with Eliza wanting immediate action to make zombies equal to humans, while Zed is more comfortable with waiting things out and not cause a scene and make things worse for zombies. Despite this and their different views on humans, they have each other's backs and they’re a good team.

Addison Wells (close friend/girlfriend)

Addison Wells is Zed's girlfriend as well as the girl of his dreams. He first sees Addison walking into Seabrook High with all the other humans and he immediately falls in love with her. They officially meet in the Zombie Safe Room after he causes an alarm to go off. They begin a friendly conversation about their goals for the school year and introduce themselves to each other. However, when the lights come back on, Addison sees that Zed is a zombie, screams, and punches him in the face. She immediately apologizes and explains how her parents taught her that zombies were “disgusting, dead-eyed freaks,” but he “[wasn’t] hideous at all.” However, their moment gets cut off when Bucky Buchanan, Addison’s cousin and Seabrook High’s cheerleading captain, barges in the safe room, along with the Acey’s, and drags her away. Later, when talking to Eliza Zambi and Bonzo Zambi, Zed mentions that Addison might like him, much to Eliza’s disgust.

Later that night, when Zed goes outside his house to check on a noise, he sees her again with her friend Bree, holding a carton of eggs. Realizing what she was doing, he’s visibly shocked. However, when Zed’s dad comes out to ask if everything was alright and if there was anybody outside, Zed says no, covering for her. After giving a disappointed look, he goes back inside.

The next day, Zed relays the story of what happened last night to his friends. He shows how disappointed he was of Addison, because before he thought that she was “different,” and “the one.” Immediately after, Addison appears in the basement where the zombie students have school. When Zed asks why she’s there, she apologizes for the night before, explaining that Bucky made her do it because it was part of cheer initiation. Addison then invites him and his friends to the pep rally, and after Eliza’s immediate rejection, Zed tells Addison that they’ll think about it.

Zed and the other zombies arrive at the pep rally and everything seems to be going smoothly, until Bucky and a few other cheerleaders use sparklers in their performance. Bonzo, who is afraid of fire, gets scared and runs toward a few cheerleaders who had just tossed Addison into the air for an aerial trick. Seeing this, Zed rushes over while his Z-Band is unstable, and catches her as she plummets to the ground.

The next day, when zombies are allowed to eat in the cafeteria, Addison catches his eye and he smiles at her. Later, Zed calls out to her from his table and waves to her, which shocks everyone, but goes unnoticed by Addison as she walks over.

When Addison leaves the cafeteria, Zed follows her into the hallway and hands her the flower Bonzo had made for her. Addison apologizes for it being able to sit with him and his friends at lunch and thanks him for saving her at the pep rally. Zed talks about how if his playing on the football team goes well, zombies will be more accepted. Addison then states how hard it is to fit in a town like Seabrook. Zed asks how she would know how that feels, because to him, she’s perfect. Addison reveals that she wears a wig, making Zed the first one outside of her family to know about her real hair. When a few students start coming into the hallway, Zed grabs Addison’s hand and runs into the Zombie Safe Room where they first met. The two perform “Someday,” where they dance and flirt with each other.

After the first football game that Zed wins, Addison runs up to him and says that he was amazing and hugs him.

As the weeks go by, Zed wins more football games and Addison is more isolated from him by the Acey's and Bucky. As a result the two barely see each other, but quickly start using notes to communicate. One day, Zed gives Bonzo a note to give to Addison, telling her to meet him at the barrier that night. She arrives and Zed takes her hand and leads her into Zombietown.

Zed takes Addison to a Zombie Mash where they dance, have fun, and even Eliza starts to warm up to Addison. Later that night, Zed takes her on a walk through a zombie light garden where the two sing “Someday - Ballad.” At the end of the song, they find themselves in an embrace and Zed notices a lock of Addison’s real hair outside of her wig. When he inspects it, Addison, fearing rejection, hastily covers it. Zed tells her that it’s beautiful. They gaze at each other, and Zed says that she is beautiful. The two almost kiss, but then the Zombie Patrol arrives and Zed runs off.

The next day at school, Zed rushes to Addison and apologizes for running off. Addison reveals that her parents won’t let her cheer anymore unless they meet him. Zed quickly realizes that her parents won’t accept him because he’s a zombie. He apologizes for making things difficult for Addison, but she tells him he’s done nothing wrong. She just wishes she could flip a switch and change everything. This gives Zed the motivation to break his z-band.

Later, after his z-band makes him look human, Zed goes to Addison’s house to take her to the homecoming game. They stop at an ice cream shop and the two have fun on their date. However, Addison tells him that changing himself is not right.

At the homecoming game, the Acey’s hack Zed’s z-band, causing him to turn full zombie and attack the crowd. Zed is taken away and Addison tries to help him, but he tells her that it’s better if they’re not together, leaving them both heartbroken. Addison removes her wig, revealing her natural white hair to the stunned school. Zed smiles and stares dreamily at her as he’s taken away.

Later, when Zed and Bonzo go to stop Eliza from sabotaging the cheer competition, Addison shows up and tries to encourage her. Zed is quick to remind Addison that that isn’t who she is and later joins her during the final performance (Fired Up - Competition). It’s implied that the two tell each other “I love you” in zombie tongue, “gar gargiza.” At the end of the movie, they are finally allowed to be together.

Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2

At the beginning, the two miss each other with Addison being away at cheer camp. Zed, along with Zoey Necrodopolis, goes to set up a Prawn proposal for Addison. He accidentally causes the bus to crash in the woods. He finds Addison, who mistakes him for a werewolf and punches him, but becomes excited to see him and hugs him, and Zed says “I missed you too.”

After Mayor Wells puts the anti-monster laws back in place, Zed goes over to Addison to talk to her. He mentions her not writing back to his letters, but Addison explains how the Acey’s shredded them. Zed then gets down on one knee and formally asks her to the Prawn, which she surprisingly refuses. Addison explains that they can’t go to Prawn with the old monster laws back in effect, and this ultimately urges Zed to run for School President so they can go together.

When the werewolves interrupt the nomination, Zed gets the football players to form a barrier between them and Addison, whom they were trying to attack.

Later, when arriving at the cheer practice, a werewolf, Wyatt Lykensen, seemingly flirts with Addison. Zed becomes jealous and he storms off, but Addison catches him in the hallway and the two argue.

Afterwards, Zed feels guilty for making Addison feel like she didn’t belong anywhere. He goes to Eliza and Bonzo and tells them that he needs to go to Addison and apologize. Suddenly, Bree shows up and asks the group if they’ve seen Addison. When Eliza tracks Addison on her tablet, it’s revealed that Addison is in the Forbidden Forest. Assuming that the werewolves had kidnapped her, Zed becomes worried and takes his friends to the forest to rescue her.

When the group arrives in the werewolf cave, Zed rushes in to protect Addison, taking off his z-band and going full zombie and attempts to attack the werewolves. Addison puts his z-band back on and claims that she wanted to be there and reveals there’s a chance that she might also be a werewolf. Zed is against the idea, because he knows what it’s like to be considered a monster and doesn’t want Addison to go through the same experience he had at Seabrook as well as knowing that this isn't who she is.

The next day at school, Zed tries to convince Addison that she isn’t a werewolf, but she won’t budge. She shows him the moonstone necklace that the wolves gave her and tells him that she’s going to put it on when she sees them again. She apologizes for not being able to make the debate but wishes him luck and hugs him. Later before the debate, it’s revealed that Zed had taken Addison’s necklace.

After the zombies and cheerleaders stop the demolition, Zed tells Addison that he won’t be able to take her to Prawn and Addison assures him that it’s okay. Zed then gives back her necklace, and even though Addison initially believes he found it Zed tells her the truth. Addison is furious and out of anger states that she wouldn't go to Prawn with him after what he did. However, when she puts the necklace on, she is the same as she always was, making her realize that Zed was right of her not being a werewolf and becomes embarrassed and regretful for not hearing Zed's opinion and her harsh words to him .

On the night of Prawn, Zed goes to Addison and apologizes. He explains that he couldn’t handle the fact that she might be a monster because he couldn’t accept that he was one himself. Addison as well apologizes to Zed by expressing again how she feels disconnected from everyone, but Zed tells her that she makes others feel belonged. They sing “Someday (Reprise)” and almost kiss, but then another earthquake happens and the two rush off to safety.

Zed and Addison, along with the others, help the werewolves move the moonstone from underground. However, the chamber caves in, trapping them. Eliza, with the help of Addison, encourages Zed to take his z-band off and lift the wall. He does this and the wall almost closes him in. The group is shocked, especially Addison, whos was terrified that he had been hurt. When he walks into the light with his z-band back on, Addison is relieved and asks if he’s okay. They finally get their picture on Prawn Wall of Fame, making Zed the first zombie ever to be on the Wall of Fame. They return to Prawn with their friends, dance and finally share their first kiss.

Willa Lykensen (Close Friend)

Willa is one of Zed's closest friends.

Wyatt Lykensen (Close Friend)

At first, Zed didn't like Wyatt because he assumed that the werewolf was into Addison and became jealous of him. However, realizing that he was wrong about him and the other werewolves, Zed helps them and became close friends with Wyatt.

Winter Barkowitz

Wynter is one of Zed's closest friends and fellow football team member.



Check out the Zed image gallery.

Zed Necrodopolis Gallery


  • "I'm Zed and yeah...I'm a zombie."
  • "We are Monsters."
  • (to Addison) "It's beautiful...you're beautiful."
  • "I'm not a monster, I'm a zombie."
  • "Progess, we're making progress."
  • "Addison!"
  • (Barks like a dog to his little sister, Zoey) "Ruff, ruff!"
  • "Trust me."
  • (to Addison) "I love you too...to the end of the universe."
  • "Were someday can be today."


  • Addison is the first human that he meets on screen. She is also technically the first alien he meets.
    • Zed's father mentions that Zed hasn't been around humans much, so he probably met one before, but Addison was likely the first person he spent a long time with.
  • Zed was the first Zombie to joined the football team and to get into college.
  • Zed is the first person to see Addison's real hair color and discover that she is an alien.
  • Zed's position on the Seabrook High School football team is a fullback. He then later becomes the team captain.
  • He became the first zombie to be on the Prawn Wall of Fame.
  • It's unknown what happened to his mother.
  • Before he became friends with them, Zed was untrusting of the werewolves.
  • Zed was the first zombie to board the Mothership when the aliens came to Seabrook.
  • The last name Necrodopolis derives from "necro", the prefix that means death in Greek and it fits considering Zed and his family are zombies.
  • Zed's first name contains the letter "Z", a trait common among all zombie characters throughout the series.
  • Zed is the only character in the Z-O-M-B-I-E-S franchise to have a song named after them.
  • According to his report card in Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 3, revealed his date of birth is October 27, 2004 but in Z-O-M-B-I-E-S, newspaper clipping reveals the movie takes place in 2017. Since Zed was freshmen in the fall of 2017 which means Zed was born somewhere between 2002 to 2003. Zed's real date of birth is October 27, 2002 but it was retcon to 2004 in the third film probably due to films trying to take place the year it was filmed.
  • His name is spelled almost like the DJ artist Zedd, but without the extra "d".

