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The Walt Disney Studios Water Tower is a well-known Water Tower at the Walt Disney Studios in Burbank. It was built in 1939 and is 40 meters high. The Walt Disney Studios Water Tower was originally built for fire emergencies, but now stands symbolically on the studio lot. It is painted with the lettering "The Walt Disney Company" on both sides and Mickey Mouse is next to the lettering.


The Walt Disney Studios Water Tower was designed by William Cottrell and was built in 1939. The Walt Disney Studios Water Tower served to provide sufficient Water for the Studio facilities, including the fire extinguishing systems. In the early years, the Water Tower also played a practical role in Movie production. It was used as an elevated platform to film scenes from a higher perspective and enable panoramic shots. Over time, the Water Tower lost its original function as water supply as the Studio implemented other supply systems. Nonetheless, the Water Tower was preserved due to its symbolic importance to the studio and remains a landmark of Walt Disney Studios in Burbank.

