Virana is a supporting character in Disney's 2021 animated feature film Raya and the Last Dragon. She is the chieftess of Fang and the mother of Namaari. Virana's sole mission was to ensure her homeland's survival, even at the expense of the other lands of Kumandra.
Virana is a resourceful leader. She truly loves her daughter and would do anything to keep her town safe, however her Fang-centric mindset has consequences. When she was invited to Heart along with the other tribes in hopes of reuniting Kumandra, she planned to steal the Dragon Gem instead, thinking that it was the source of Hearts prosperity. This would unintentionally cause the release of the Drunn and Fang being blamed for breaking the world.
Virana believes that the prosperity of her people depends on them making smart choices rather than emotional ones. To her, this means doing what will benefit her people the most, even at the expense of all others. Which she does so with cold pragmatism and little empathy or concern for the impacts of her actions beyond her tribe.
Virana cares little to nothing for those who are not part of Fang and is solely focused on her own tribes wellbeing. To the point of being isolationists and willing to betray potential allies when she thinks she can benefit more. Showing that she has little in the way of strong morals, integrity, and honor.
She is even willing to do shady and immoral things such as planning to have her daughter manipulate the daughter of the chief of the Heart tribe to steal the dragon gem despite having been invited into the kingdom to discuss peace. The release of the Druun due to her actions did not change this mind set as she ordered her daughter to steal the dragon pieces back from Raya so that Fang could get credit for saving the world. This was specifically so that the rest of the tribes would not come after them for revenge (even stating that Fangs survival is more important than the rest of the world's).
Though, despite her belief that she makes smart decisions, in reality her decisions are rather short-sighted and blinded by her negative feelings such as apathy and greed. Rather than agree to living in peace with the other tribes, she chose to betray them all for the chance to steal the Dragon Gem, which (though likely to provide great short term benefit if successful) could have had long term consequences even if the plan had succeeded, or potentially started a war if it had failed (aside from releasing the Drunn). She also chose to risk the safety of the world (including her tribe) by going after Raya to get the gem pieces rather than agree to her daughter’s suggestion to help Raya instead. Desiring instead for Fang to directly receive credit for fixing the world (and getting the Dragon Gem as a result) despite her own tribe being at risk as well. This led to her downfall when Naamari and Raya accidentally caused Sisu’s death and, subsequently, all of Fang (including her) being petrified by the Drunn.
At the end of the movie, she seems to mostly learn from her mistakes and accepts living in peace with the other tribes rather than risk causing more harm through selfish actions.
Despite her ruthless apathy to the other tribes, she is a loving mother and wise leader of her people and everything she does is to do what she thinks is best for both. She also encourages the young children of her tribe to always help each other for the good of their society (though once again only meaning to help other people of Fang rather than anyone else).
Role in the film[]
Virana is first seen attending a feast of reuniting all the tribes of Tail, Talon, Spine, and Fang at the Land of Heart. During the feast, Virana introduces Namaari to Raya, who also introduces herself to the Princess of Fang, which is part of Virana’s plan to have her daughter manipulate Raya so she can steal the Dragon Gem for Fang. During a conversation with Chief Benja, he explains to Virana that Fang would be happy to accept the invitation to which the conversation is disrupted upon seeing a flare caused by Namaari and a group of Fang soldiers in possession of the Dragon Gem due to Namaari's betrayal to Raya. As the Druun arrive at Heart, Virana retreats with a group of survivors as she returns to Fang.
Years later, Fang is the only tribe untouched by the Drunn thanks to its water canals while her daughter grows up to lead a group into the mainland to scavenge for resources. After someone (Raya) steals Fangs dragon scroll, Naamari and her group are sent to track her down.
Arriving at the Land of Fang, General Atitãya explains to Virana that she is running out of room in a plan to expand the mainland, much to the Druun roaming around the kingdom just as she notices Namaari who approaches her just as she plans to summon in a group of Fang soldiers to go after Raya to which Virana tells Namaari to take a look around Fang instead. Virana explains to her daughter that all the palace was made with smart decisions, not emotional ones, explaining that Fang is safe with the canals protecting them from the Druun just as she explains to Namaari that General Atitãya's decision to expand the kingdom to secure Fang's future as the only decision she thought of just as Virana tells Atitãya to ready her royal army thanks to Namaari's plan.
Virana then tells the children about the history of the kingdom which rose to protect the kingdom from monsters despite the kingdom's size just as Namaari explains to her mother that she saw Sisu in the kingdom. Virana tells her daughter that she is worried because if the petrified return they will possibly decide to take revenge on the inhabitants of Fang since all the other lands blame them for the Drunns returning and the world deteriorating. Just as she explains to her daughter that if she had the dragon and then had all the gem pieces together, everything would be forgiven and Kumandra would be saved and the most importantly is to keep the people of Fang safe. The next day, Virana notices the Druun arriving back at Fang which is caused when Sisu died at the hands of Namaari. As the Druun continue plaguing Kumandra, Virana is petrified along with everyone at Kumandra, as the gem's magic fades away.
With all the pieces of the Dragon Gem reunited, the Druun is wiped away, just as Virana is revived alongside everyone at Kumandra, followed by Sisu, who is revived. She later visits Heart with the rest of Raya's friends in rejoice. Later, Virana then visits the kingdom of Heart with everyone else in rejoice.
- Her name means "desolate" in Hindi. It also means "strong and heroic".
- It is unknown what became of Virana's husband as he is never seen or mentioned in the film.
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