Vicky and Vetaal (Vicky Aur Vetaal) is a children's comedy series produced by and aired on Disney Channel India. It was launched on October 7, 2006 as the first major original production of the network, and Disney's first locally produced live action Hindi language series. The show was planned to be the first of a string of five local productions due to get released within a year's span, and has since been followed by Dhoom Machaao Dhoom. The series stars Dev Kantawala as Vicky and Vishal Malhotra as Vetaal.
The show is based on the Baital Pachisi collection of tales about the semi-legendary King Vikram, identified as Vikramāditya, and the Vetala, a huge vampire-like being.
The main characters of the series are Vicky (Dev Kantawala), a brave and intelligent sixth standard boy and Vetaal (Vishal Malhotra), a friendly but foolish ghost whom only Vicky can see. Vicky saved Vetaal accidentally after Vetaal had been hanging from a tree in a graveyard for 300 years and since then their fate has been tied together (much to their dismay) and they have to go along together everywhere followed by "Paddu", Vetaal's living book of magic. The episodes mostly revolves around mishaps in Vicky's life and Vetaal's brave but foolish attempts to save the day, often leading to additional troubles for Vicky.
The series is primarily a comedy series with stand-alone episodes.
- Vetaal - Vishal Malhotra
- Vicky Sharma - Dev Kantawala
- Anil Sharma (Vicky's Father) - Girish Pardeshi
- Shikha Sharma (mother) - Pubali Sanyal
- Sid - Jai Thakkar
- Ashish - Yash Shah
- Meghna - Shivani Joshi
- Sanjana - Kritika Sharma
- Jumbo - Suhail More
- Sabha - Swapnali Kulkarni
- Malika Ma'am - Aakansha Kapil
- Principal Kapoor - Kenny Desai
- Voice Of Spell Book - Daman Deep Singh
Vicky Sharma (played by Dev Kantawala), is a sixth standard boy. He, as seen in the pilot episode and the series, is very naughty boy who likes to play pranks on others. He is tormented by the school bully Sid (portrayed by (Jai Thakkar) in the first episode and Vicky challenged him to visit a graveyard and touch a peepal tree. Although he accepted the challenge, but was very scared and to make other worse, he chooses heads in the toss and wins, meaning he would be going first. Vicky then reveals to the viewers that it was actually a coin with two heads. He scares Sid by setting many scary things like his skeleton model "Bonu". And therefore Vicky wins by touching the tree, but, Everything ends there as he wakes up to find it was a nightmare. However, it wasn't a nightmare. Vetaal, the vampire and his spellbook Paddu get a new home, that is Vicky's home and from then onward they live together. He is usually blamed for things which are actually done by Vetaal as He is the only one who can see him.
He is a vampire, who likes drinking milk and not blood. He never can control his powers. He usually does things completely wrong and get help from Paddu to get the things right. He is portrayed by Vishal Malhotra, a complete nutcase with a liking for vicky's teacher mallika madam.
He is Vetaal's alive spellbook. He usually helps to undo the wrong things done by Vetaal. He usually uses weird slang terms like Chips ke khaali packet, (Empty packet of Chips), Chamgaadar ki doom, (Tail of a bat), etc. He often releases a fart. He is a CGI character and is voiced by Daman Deep Singh.
Siddheshwaran Khanna (Sid)[]
He is the son of Principal Mr. Ayushyamakarand Khanna (Ashu Sir), the principal of Vicky's school, and is the school bully. His whole family of 4 people(Siddheshwaran[he himself],Ayushyamakarand[his dad],Neelamkeshwari[his mom] & Anshulmanthan[his brother]), has very big names as their family thinks its a sin to keep small names. He usually calls Vicky "Icky Vicky". He has two sidekicks(who are brothers), namely Manan and Chirag. He is very afraid of scary things. He usually bullies Vicky and his friends Rishi, Megha. He is occasionally seen teaming up with Vicky. He is played by Jai Thakkar.
External links[]
This page uses content from the English Wikipedia page Vicky & Vetaal. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. Text from Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. |