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"The Seahorse Roundup" is the second segment of the tenth episode of Jake and the Never Land Pirates. It premiered on February 24, 2011 alongside "Surfin' Turf".


Izzy takes Cubby and Jake to see the seahorses at Seahorse Shallows. Captain Hook, finding the seahorses appealing, decides to capture them to see if they can pull his rowboat through the water. Meanwhile, at Seahorse Shallows, Jake and his crew are enjoying playing with the seahorses when suddenly a seagull appears and spooks them. Izzy explains that the best way to calm the seahorses is to sing a lullaby. She demonstrates by singing, and the seahorses settle down. Just then, the Jolly Roger appears, and Hook orders Smee to dive in to lure the seahorses. Hook and his crew then capture them and take them away. Jake and his mateys must save them and return them to Seahorse Shallows. Hook later reveals to the captured seahorses that he wants them to obey his commands and pull his rowboat. The seahorses refuse to be Hook's slaves and squirt him with water. While Hook leaves the seahorses in the coral corral to get some hot cocoa to warm up, Jake and his crew arrive to help the seahorses calm down.  For this, they earn three gold doubloons. They then help the seahorses escape by hopping across the rocks out of the corral, earning three more gold doubloons. They leave before Hook returns.

Captain Hook soon becomes aware of the puny pirates' activities and tries to stop them, alerting his crew by ringing a bell and spooking the seahorses into fleeing further out to sea. Jake and his friends soon find the seahorses hiding in the shipwrecks, thanks to Izzy's singing pulling them out and they earned two more gold dubloons. Captain Hook soon arrives with Mr. Smee by rowboat while Sharky and Bones cut Jake and his friends' escape path using the Jolly Roger. Jake and his crew evade capture, thanks to Izzy and her pixie dust granting everyone flight and returning the seahorses back to their home.



  • Jake and his crew collect eight gold doubloons.
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