"Schoolhouse Rocky" is the theme song of Schoolhouse Rock!.
Each VHS presented a variable lyric at the ending that represented the subject, seen below.
Original Version[]
As your body grows bigger,
your mind must flower.
It's great to learn...
Rocky: ...'Cause knowledge is power.
It's Schoolhouse Rocky,
That chip off the block
Of your favorite schoolhouse,
Schoolhouse Rock!
Extended Version[]
As your body grows bigger,
Your mind must flower.
It's great to learn...
Rocky: 'Cause knowledge is power.
It's Schoolhouse Rocky,
That chip off the block
Of your favorite schoolhouse,
Schoolhouse Rock!
Come on, let's follow him down
To that place of renown.
They call it the Conjunction Junction Diner.
With Schoolhouse Rocky and friends,
You know the fun never ends.
'Cause everyone's a Schoolhouse Rock headliner.
(Paperboy: Extra!)
Rocky gets the diner cooking in short orders
When he feeds that video jukebox nickels, dimes, and quarters.
Conjunction junction, what's your function?
Hookin' up multiplication to music.
Rockin' with grammar and science and history.
Connie: With music on the menu, learning's really no mystery.
When you're in Conjunction Junction...
All: Fun's your function!
Picking up some knowledge rocking around the clock.
Accumulating power watching Schoolhouse Rock!
Rocky: Hey, chef, what's the special today?
Chef: Macaroni and cheese, with a side of multiplication...
Chef: Alphabet soup du jour, with a side of grammar...
Chef: Sautéed succotash, with a side of science...
Chef: Homemade apple pie, with a side of America...
Chef: Lots of lettuce, with a side of money...
Chef: Tuna club sandwich, with a side of earth…
Chef: My new 25 ingredient soup! I'm stirring in the 25 all-time favorite songs of Schoolhouse...
Together with Chef: ROCK!
Rocky: Wow! The all-time favorites?
Chef: That's right! It takes 30 years to make a soup this good!
Bob Dorough: The whole enchilada and a side of fun!
Chef: The complete meals with side of fun that makes you…
- When the song was updated in 1995, the original girls on the left and right at the beginning were respectively replaced by the ones from A Noun is a Person, Place or Thing and The Body Machine.
- In the PC game of Grammar Rock, this song is occasionally played as the game starts up, albeit with the intro edited out, so that it begins with Rocky brushing himself off.
- In the overhead shot of the city, some buildings that are seen include the movie theater from "Verb: That's What's Happening", the Bank and Rudy's Music from "Dollars and Sense", Lolly's from "Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Get Your Adverbs Here" and the railway from "Conjunction Junction" is seen behind the diner.
- Becky Sue from "Dollars and Sense" appears despite the VHS tape originally being released in 1995 and "Money Rock" not being released until three years later. The barker character from "The Weather Show" also appears despite the lawsuit preventing the song from being included on the video.
- In the 30th Anniversary DVD edition, the chorus does not say "ROCK!" and replaced by a one-note horn riff at the end of the theme music. Also, Bob Dorough voices the chef instead of Jack Sheldon.