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Nurse Wilson is a major antagonist appearing in the 1985 live-action film, Return to Oz. She is a nurse who wanted to erase Dorothy's "imaginations" of Oz upon her patient's arrival. She is the real-world counterpart of Mombi, a wicked witch from Oz.


Return to Oz[]

Nurse Wilson was first seen when Dorothy was admitted to a mental health facility due to rampant insomnia. She appeared with two men who were going to strap down Dorothy to a gurney to wheedle her to Dr. Worley's labratory. Dorothy protested that she can walk herself. Nurse Wilson calmly reminded Dorothy that she promised her Uncle Henry and Aunt Emily that she would do whatever the staff demanded of her. Not wanting to disobey her aunt and uncle, Dorothy then allowed the orderlies to strap her to the gurney. Nurse Wilson performed tests just as Dr. Worley was ready to begin electrocurrent therapy on Dorothy while a thunderstorm raged outside. At the last minute, lightning struck the clinic and caused a fire in the basement. Nurse Wilson ran downstairs with Dr. Worley, allowing Dorothy to be freed by another girl at the clinic.

In the end, Nurse Wilson is arrested by the police, as Dr. Worley was wanted by the authorities for conducting unethical medical experiments and shuttering away people who were hurt by his experiments. Nurse Wilson was arrested for being an accomplice to these experiments. Dr. Worley is not arrested as his attempt to salvage his machines cost him his life; perishing in the fire.


  • Dorothy's room in the sanitarium is 31. This may have been a cryptic remark to Mombi's 31 heads.
  • Nurse Wilson's Oz counterpart is Mombi.


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Dorothy GaleOzTheodora the Wicked Witch of the WestJack PumpkinheadGlinda the Good Witch of the SouthTik-TokChina GirlDr. WorleyEvanora the Wicked Witch of the EastNome KingMombiNurse WilsonAunt EmBillinaUncle HenryPrincess OzmaThe ScarecrowTin WoodmanCowardly LionAnnie GaleFinleyWheelersMaster TinkerKnuckMayMunchkinsWinged BaboonsTotoWinkie GuardsQuadlingsThe Gump
Almost HomeThe Munchkin Welcome Song
Land of OzEmerald CityKansasYellow Brick RoadMunchkin CountryWinkie CountryPoppy Fields
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