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You think that I'm not a hunter like you... That I'm not a threat... That's what makes me dangerous.

Naru, pronounced Nardu, is the protagonist of the 2022 Hulu movie Prey. She is a Comanche warrior who takes on the Predator in 1719.



This is as far as you go.

Naru is a tough and determined young woman who, like her fellow Comanche, has a great deal of respect for the land and bounty around her. However, she displays a desire for much more, as it is strongly implied that she is held back by the more sexist views of the male members of her tribe. When asked why she wants to hunt, Naru explains, "because you all think I can't." She appears to be much more open-minded as well, as her fellow hunters were quick to dismiss the odd killings as being that of a lion or a bear, despite evidence to the contrary. Naru also displays wisdom beyond her years and reveals this when she faces off against the Predator while lightly mocking the French voyageur who had previously tortured her brother.


Naru has basic hunting skills as well as deductive abilities that are common among Comanche hunters. She possesses a tomahawk that she attached to a rope, allowing her to retract her weapon after a very effective throw and even as makeshift grappling hook as shown when using it to pull herself out of a quicksand that later used to further wear down Feral Predator later on. She is also skilled in medicine and particularly keeps an orange flower on her that is capable of both healing wounds and lowers the body temperature, latter quirk she found useful to overcome Yautja's infrared-focused sight. While barely shown, it is also implied that she is proficient in weaving.



  • Naru is unique in that the viewer is allowed to pick whether she is speaking English or Comanche, though she is obviously speaking the latter as the former is simply so that the viewer can understand what she is saying.
  • While Naru spends the movie trying to show that she is a capable warrior despite her placement, in real life, she would have no problem being accepted, as women warriors among the various Great Plains Nations were actually very common and would sometimes even lead other warriors into battle.
    • It must be noted that only minority of her tribesmen that underestimated what she capable of as the rest readily acknowledged her as Taabe's immediate successor as their leader. Even Taabe himself admires his sister's outstanding observational skill which allows her to notice things her fellow tribesmen overlooked and planning accordingly.
  • While Naru is Comanche, Amber Midthunder herself is of mixed Native ancestry on her father's side, which includes Hunkpapa Lakota, Sisseton Dakota, and Sahiyaiyeskabi Assiniboine. She was born in Navajo Nation, but is a citizen of the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribe.

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v - e - d
Predator logo
PreyUntitled Predator filmPredator: Badlands
NaruFeral Predator