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No. Say no. Sorry, Scott, I have a career here. I'm not moving to Greenland to catch and sell shrimp. Nope. Uh-uh. 'Cause you'll do anything for him. I'm not raising my kids on a trawler. Smelly, damp, swearing sea children. And what about me? I get seasick standing on the beach. No. No! The answer's no!
―Marie Calvin refuses to leave Florida.

Marie Calvin is Charlie Calvin's wife, who appears as a minor character in The Santa Clauses.


At some point, Marie met and fell in love with Charlie Calvin. The two eventually got married and had two sons together. She also met her father-in-law, Scott Calvin and formed a good relationship with him, but was unaware that he was Santa Claus, as she was under the impression that he lived in Greenland.



  • She's Scott Calvin's favorite daughter-in-law.
    • She always makes his lemonade just the way he likes it: No lemon and extra sugar.
  • It is currently unknown what job she has, but it is located somewhere in Florida which was why she doesn’t want to leave.


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Disney The Santa Clause Logo
The Santa Clause (video/soundtrack) • The Santa Clause 2 (video/soundtrack) • The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (video/soundtrack) • The Santa Clauses
The Santa Clause: Scott Calvin/Santa ClausCharlie CalvinLaura MillerNeil MillerBernardDet. NunzioMiss DanielsJudyMr. WhittleSusan PerryBobbyPrincipal ComptonDr. Pete NovosJudge G. WhelanOfficer MaloneFireman O'Hara

The Santa Clause 2: Carol Newman-Calvin/Mrs. ClausLucy MillerAbbyCurtisMother NatureFather TimeSandmanTracyToy Santa
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause: Jack FrostBud and Sylvia NewmanCometBuddy Calvin-Claus
The Santa Clauses: Simon ChoksiGrace ChoksiBettyNoelSandra Calvin-ClausDoc MartinMarie CalvinRileyBefanaSanta 17KrampusKris MorenoMagnus Antas

IllinoisNorth Pole
Season One: "Chapter One: Good To Ho" • "Chapter Two: The Secessus Clause" • "Chapter Three: Into the Wobbly Wood" • "Chapter Four: The Shoes Off the Bed Clause" • "Chapter Five: Across the Yule-Verse" • "Chapter Six: A Christmas to Remember"

Season Two: "Chapter Seven: The Kribble Krabble Clause" • "Chapter Eight: Floofy" • "Chapter Nine: No Magic at the Dinner Table!" • "Chapter Ten: Miracle on Dead Creek Road" • "Chapter Eleven: B-E-T-T-Y" • "Chapter Twelve: Wanga Banga Langa"

Total Tank
Santa Claus is Comin' to TownJingle BellsRun Rudolph RunSanta Claus LaneGreatest Time of Year