Mai Ka Lal was a game show on Disney Channel (India) which ran from 2011 to 2012. The show was hosted by well known actor and impressionist Jaaved Jaaferi who introduced each episode in his own unique, inimitable style. In each episode, the winning family gets a chance to go on a fun-filled Disney family holiday.
Each episode of ‘Mai Ka Laal’ saw three new teams comprising of kids and their parents from across India, battle it out in various rounds where parents was quizzed to prove how well they know their kid. Starting with ‘Keeda No 1’, the five fun rounds include ‘Paana Hai to Khaana Hai’, ‘Bol Pol Ke khol’, ‘Act Do Teen’, ‘Dance Pe Chance’, 'Rapid Fire with Mummy or Daddy' and ‘Sazaa Ya Mazaa’. The winning family got a dream holiday at Disneyland while all participating families won exclusive Disney goodies in each round.
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