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Doli is the sidekick of King Eidilleg and a supporting character in Disney's 1985 animated feature film The Black Cauldron. The companions meet him when they are trapped in the realm of the Fair Folk. Doli agrees to accompany them on their journey, and at the end of the journey, he is granted the ability to become invisible.

He is a Pixie, though in the original book series, he was a Dwarf.


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The Black Cauldron logo
The Black CauldronSoundtrackVideo gameChronicles of PrydainMovie VideoDisney Heroes: Battle Mode
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Disney Animation BuildingCinderella Castle Mystery Tour
Fireworks: Wonderful World of AnimationWondrous Journeys
TaranPrincess EilonwyFflewddur FflamGurgiDallbenHen WenTalyllynMooseHorned KingCreeperCauldron BornHorned King's GuardsGwythaintsKing EidillegDoliFair FolkOrddu, Orwen, and OrgochThe Hunter (deleted character) • Arawn (deleted character)
PrydainCaer DallbenThe Horned King's CastleMarshes of Morva
The Black CauldronMagic SwordMagic HarpGolden Pelydryn