Let’s collect feedback about KubeCon Barcelona, recaps (links to blog posts etc), and talk recommendations here.

Eager to hear your stories, learnings, and talk recommendations from KubeCon EU 2019. All talks are published on YouTube, see the playlist.


I would recommend The Kubernetes Control Plane for Busy People Who Like Pictures where @lavalamp (Daniel Smith) goes through most of the controllers in kube-contoller-manager. It’s pretty informative talk if you want to know internal stuff.


My top three (random order) among talks I’ve followed:


I would be doing a disservice to my colleague if I didn’t say this keynote was one of my faves:

Keynote: A Journey to a Centralized, Globally Distributed Platform – Katie Gamanji

I also really liked:

Ready? A Deep Dive into Pod Readiness Gates for Service Health… - Minhan Xia & Ping Zou
Keynote: Reperforming a Nobel Prize Discovery on Kubernetes - Ricardo Rocha & Lukas Heinrich


My personal KubeCon recap: https://srcco.de/posts/kubecon-barcelona-2019-recap.html


Here the YouTube link for Fool-Proof Kubernetes Dashboards for Sleep-Deprived Oncalls

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It was my first KubeCon, and I had such a great time - I’ll definitely be coming along next year!

I really enjoyed the “hallway track” and just running into and chatting to lots of different people - I wonder if there could be more official slots for this, e.g. networking sessions perhaps based around areas of interest (like AWS, controllers, security to name a few).

I did see many great talks - if I had to pick just three (in random order):


I really enjoyed a number of presentations, including your own about k8s
fails! :slight_smile:

My favorite session I believe was “Scavenging for Reusable Code in
Kubernetes” by Kevin Lingerfelt:

Big thanks and shout-out to all the speakers. I appreciate the effort
that each presenter put into their talk.



I especially liked “Scale Kubernetes Service Endpoints 100x” by Minhan Xia & Wojciech Tyczynski:

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Yes, agreed, a fantastic talk.

Especially for people new to the k8s code base who want to get an overview of how the k8s code is structured.

Kevin’s mission sorties into kubernetes/kubernetes to find “alien” go technology for use in linkerd were entertaining and informative.

At the time as I sat in the room I was trying to follow along in my own checked out copy of the code but the pace Kevin was going at was to a bit too fast for in-talk follow along.

However, I’ll be scrubbing through this video a lot over the next few days as I start my own journey on grokking the k8s codebase.

Excellent work.


This post covers a number of interesting talks from Barcelona, including the Knative talks, discussion of Istio, etc.


Another recap blog post with talk recommendations (French :fr:!): https://blog.zenika.com/2019/05/27/retour-sur-la-kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe-2019/ — I found the blog post by accident because it links to my repo

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I have watched far from all talks but so far the ones I would recommend other people to watch are:


From what has not already been mentioned I enjoyed:

Autoscaling Multi-Cluster Observability with Thanos and Linkerd - Andrew Seigner & Frederic Branczyk

Very well executed demo!


Wow, thanks for the talk endorsements, @jaypipes and @RobKielty! Sorry I’m only just now seeing this thread, but I’m really glad to hear that you enjoyed it.

The recording of the talk is incomplete, unfortunately, so I’m hoping to give the talk again sometime soon. I’ll post a full recording once I have one. Thanks again for the feedback!


Just published my recap: https://www.tibobeijen.nl/2019/06/13/kubecon-cloudnativecon-2019/

(Spare time: Kids or writing? Kids win)


Hello folks!

At the Cloud Native Barcelona meetup we ran an KubeCap event:

You can check/modify/share/use the slide deck as you like:

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Just found a handy tool by Stefan Büringer:

which spit out this if you’re looking for all the slides:


Looks awesome!

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It took a few months, but I’ve managed to give the Scavenging for Reusable Code talk again, and it has a functional recording, which you can view here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLgkA8a87R4