I have reviewed the code and correct should be corrected.
About the controls, i use the Keyboard arrows instead of letters.
Arrow Right to move the evil circle Forward
Arrow left to move the evil circle Backward
Arrow Up to move the evil circle Upward
Arrow down to move the evil circle DownWard
This is my reviewed Code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<title> BOUNCING BALLS </title>
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow: hidden;
.counter-container {
color: #fff;
position: absolute;
font-weight: bold;
top: 25px;
left: 25px;
<div class="counter-container">Remain balls: <span id="counter"></span></div>
<canvas id="black-board"></canvas>
// Get a reference to the canvas and store it into a variable
var blackBoard = document.querySelector('#black-board');
// Get a reference to the counter and store it into a variable
var counter = document.querySelector('#counter');
// Set a 2d context on the canvas
var blackBoardContext = blackBoard.getContext('2d');
// Set the scene width and height
var blackBoardWidth = blackBoard.width = window.innerWidth;
var blackBoardHeight = blackBoard.height = window.innerHeight;
// FDraw the sene and make it fit the window of the browser
blackBoardContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0, .25)';
blackBoardContext.fillRect(0, 0, blackBoardWidth, blackBoardHeight);
// Define the random number generator function
function random(min, max) {
var num = Math.floor( Math.random() * (max - min + 1 ) ) + min;
return num;
// Define a shape Object constructor
function Shape(coordX, coordY, horizontalVelocity, verticalVelocity, size) {
// Coordinates of the shape
this.coordX = coordX;
this.coordY = coordY;
// Define a velocity for the shape movement
this.horizontalVelocity = horizontalVelocity;
this.verticalVelocity = verticalVelocity;
//Define the size of the shape
this.size = size;
* Define the ball Object
* The Ball Object will inherit from the Shape Object
function Ball(coordX, coordY, horizontalVelocity, verticalVelocity, size, ballColor) {
// Call the Shape constructor to inherit its properties from it
Shape.call(this, coordX, coordY, horizontalVelocity, verticalVelocity, size);
// Define a color for the ball
this.ballColor = ballColor;
* Define an existance for our ball
* This will help us to make a ball disappear when it will be eaten by the evil circle
* By default, a ball exists at it creation
this.exists = true;
// Define a method that will draw our balls on the game context
Ball.prototype.drawBall = function () {
// Create a new Path
// Set the Fill color of the ball with the ballColor of the current ball
blackBoardContext.fillStyle = this.ballColor;
// Design the abstract form of the circle with the current ball datas
blackBoardContext.arc(this.coordX, this.coordY, this.size, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
// Fill the cicrcle and make it solid ans visible with the current ball color
* Define a function that will update ball position
* Though make a ball moves
Ball.prototype.update = function () {
if ((this.coordX + this.size) >= blackBoardWidth) {
this.horizontalVelocity = - (this.horizontalVelocity);
if ((this.coordX + this.size) <= 0) {
this.horizontalVelocity = - (this.horizontalVelocity);
if ((this.coordY + this.size) >= blackBoardHeight) {
this.verticalVelocity = - (this.verticalVelocity);
if ((this.coordY + this.size) <= 0) {
this.verticalVelocity = - (this.verticalVelocity);
this.coordX += this.horizontalVelocity;
this.coordY += this.verticalVelocity;
* var oneBall = new Ball(250, 250, -7, 7, 50, 'red');
* *oneBall.drawBall();
// An array that will store all the balls we are playing with on the game scene
var balls = [];
* Define a methodd to change color of the balls
* each time they collide of one another
Ball.prototype.ballCollisionDetect = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < balls.length; i++) {
// Check if the ball is different from the current ball
if (!(this === balls[i])) {
// Determine the distance between the two balls
distanceX = this.coordX - balls[i].coordX;
distanceY = this.coordY - balls[i].coordY;
ballsDistance = Math.sqrt(distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY);
// Check if the two balls collides
// And have different colors
// Change the color of the second into the color of the current ball
if ((ballsDistance - this.size) <= balls[i].size) {
if (this.ballColor !== balls[i].ballColor) {
this.ballColor = balls[i].ballColor;
} else {
this.ballColor = 'rgb('+random(0, 255)+', '+random(0, 255)+', '+random(0, 255)+')';
* Define the EvilCircle Object constructor
* This Object will inherit from Shape Object
function EvilCircle(coordX, coordY, horizontalVelocity, verticalVelocity, size, evilStrokeColor) {
Shape.call(this, coordX, coordY, horizontalVelocity, verticalVelocity, size);
// Set the Sroke Color of our Evil Circle
this.evilStrokeColor = evilStrokeColor;
// Ddefine a method that draws the evil circle
EvilCircle.prototype.drawEvil = function() {
blackBoardContext.lineWidth = 2;
blackBoardContext.strokeStyle = "#fff";
blackBoardContext.arc(this.coordX, this.coordY, this.size, 0, 2*Math.PI );
// Check the bounds to avoid the evil Circle to traverse the Window
EvilCircle.prototype.checkBounds = function() {
if( (this.coordX + this.size) >= blackBoardWidth ) {
this.coordX = blackBoardWidth + 2*this.horizontalVelocity;
if( (this.coordX + this.size ) <= 0 ) {
this.coordX = -2*this.horizontalVelocity;
if( (this.coordY + this.size ) >= blackBoardHeight ) {
this.coordY = blackBoardHeight - 2*this.verticalVelocity;
if( (this.coordY + this.size) <= 0) {
this.coordY = 2*this.verticalVelocity;
// Define a method that allows us control the movement of our evil circle
EvilCircle.prototype.setControls = function() {
console.log("I'am in");
var myEvilCircle = this;
// ArrowRight -> 39
// ArrowLeft -> 37
// ArrowUp -> 38
// ArrowDown -> 40
window.onkeydown = function(event) {
// Move the Evil Cirlce Backward
if(event.keyCode === 37 ) {
myEvilCircle.coordX += myEvilCircle.horizontalVelocity;
// Move the Evil Circle forward
if(event.keyCode === 39 ) {
myEvilCircle.coordX -= myEvilCircle.horizontalVelocity;
// Move the Evil Circle UpWard
if(event.keyCode === 38 ) {
myEvilCircle.coordY -= myEvilCircle.verticalVelocity;
// Move the Evil Circle downWard
if(event.keyCode === 40 ) {
myEvilCircle.coordY += myEvilCircle.verticalVelocity;
// Make the Evil circle eats balls when they collide with it
EvilCircle.prototype.evilDetectCollision = function() {
for( var k = 0 ; k < balls.length ; k++ ) {
if( balls[k].exists ) {
let distanceEvilBallX = this.coordX - balls[k].coordX;
let distanceEvilBallY = this.coordY - balls[k].coordY;
let distanceEvilBall = Math.sqrt(distanceEvilBallX*distanceEvilBallX + distanceEvilBallY*distanceEvilBallY);
if((distanceEvilBall - this.size) <= balls[k].size ) {
balls[k].exists = false;
// Create an evilCircle Object
var evilCircle = new EvilCircle(250, 250, -20, 20, 10, '#fff');
// A default number of balls to draw
var defaultNumber = 25;
// Define a loop to create our balls bouncing in the game scene
function bouncingBallsLoop() {
blackBoardContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0, .25)';
blackBoardContext.fillRect(0, 0, blackBoardWidth, blackBoardHeight);
while( balls.length <= defaultNumber - 1 ) {
// Create a New Ball with random parameters
var ball = new Ball(
random(0, blackBoardWidth),
random(0, blackBoardHeight),
random(-7, 7),
random(-7, 7),
random(5, 20),
'rgb('+random(0, 255)+', '+random(0, 255)+', '+random(0, 255)+')'
// Draw the ball, update it, and detect if collides with another balls
for( var j = 0 ; j < balls.length ; j++ ) {
if(balls[j].exists) {
counter.textContent = defaultNumber;
// Recall the function by itself