For background information, please see the initial post on this topic and the discussion of the proposed wording.
tl;dr: this proposes a community policy on use of links to resources not accessible to the whole community, such as private bug trackers, private documentation, and other kinds of dead links. The proposal is to disallow such links in source code, test files, or documentation while allowing these links to be used for purposes of process automation, including for downstream consumers, in commit messages, code review comments, issue comments, or other forms of discussion.
The community has never had a documented policy on whether private links were permissible, and as such, an ad hoc policy arose allowing such links under certain circumstances because they were thought to be mostly harmless metadata. The “rule” was effectively to only use these links in commit messages (or other forms of discussion) or as comments within test files and only when the links add extra information about the test case. However, this policy was never official and was never enforced, which means there are a large number of these links that have no supporting context or that are present in source files, etc. Over time, this has caused several concrete issues:
- The links introduce confusion where there should be clarity, which adds extra burden on the community. For example, code reviews where diagnostic behavior changes a test case and the only surrounding context in the test is a link to a private bug tracker. The patch author and the code reviewers then have to expend more effort determining the correct path forward but without a straightforward way to do so.
- Private resources are often private for legal IP reasons; the community should not have a policy encouraging the release of private information. Further, because of the legal risks involved, the information behind the links is often not released upon community request.
- Allowing links to private resources is a relatively novel activity for an open source project. So these links are especially problematic for new contributors who have not encountered this practice before. We should not introduce needless barriers to entry (however small they may be) for newcomers without significant benefit to the community as a whole.
- It doesn’t scale. Currently, only one company has been adding private links and so the scaling issue hasn’t been a problem. However, we have dozens of corporate downstreams and thousands of individual contributors and forks – we cannot allow all of them the ability to add links to private resources without negatively impacting our ability to maintain projects and it would be inappropriate to allow only one company to introduce these links.
The proposal is that, moving forward, links to private resources should not be added to source code, test files, or documentation (basically, anything that gets committed to the repo). Instead, please add sufficient comments to obviate the need for a link in the first place. However, these links are still allowed in commit messages, code review, issue comments, discussions, etc when helpful. This can be useful for downstream process automation and isn’t significantly different from other forms of metadata we allow in these contexts.
No project is required to remove existing private links. Like any coding style change, link removal can happen organically or on an as-needed basis. It is acceptable to remove any such link as needed without getting prior authorization from the link owner: either there is sufficient surrounding comments that the link is superfluous or there is not sufficient surrounding comments and the link is not providing value to the community in that case. However, if removal of a link causes a specific problem in practice (e.g., breaks a script somewhere), the link should remain and the owner of the link should work to resolve the issue such that the link can be removed.