The leader in tracker protection for business.

Trackers are hidden virtually everywhere online.

Widespread data collection exposes employees and leaves your organization vulnerable.

Trackers present in
90% Websites
90% Apps
+70% Emails

Bad actors routinely obtain sensitive employee data.

The digital ad ecosystem provides attackers with the ability to hyper-target individual employees.

}} SocialengineeringMaliciouscontentAdware, pop up,crypto & other scamsBlackmailWateringholesMalvertisingSpearphishingAttackersSSPsDSPsKnownrecipientsUnknownrecipientsData brokersKnownrecipientsUnknownrecipientsAnalyticsFingerprintersCookiesTracker adsLocationtrackingPixelsTrackersAd techIndividuals

Compromising data is easily linked to individual and employer.

Personal data collected about online activity and location is correlated with real name and identity.

Name: Robert Kahana Employment: CTO, Company X Email: [email protected] Home Address: 7523 Oak Street
Detailed log history
App data
All activity

Attackers target the weakest link in your security, individual employees.

Hyper-targeted attacks on employees lead to costly organizational breaches.


Legal collection and sale of sensitive employee data


Targeted attacks based on tracked profile and behavior data


Organization breached through compromised employee

How Disconnect protects your business.

We block trackers across browsers, apps, email, and the network.

block-malicius-ad-contentMalvertisingPhishingCrypto scamsSocial engineeringWe block the start of the attackchainYour existingsecurity solution

Stop attackers from gaining sensitive employee data.

Prevent commonplace surveillance of your employees.

prevent-trackingStop trackersfromconnecting your employees’online activity and identity.Trackers collect and analyze thepersonal information of yourworkforce.Valuable profiles linked to realidentities and your organization arecreated and shared.

Improve efficiency, get rid of dangerous distractions.

Blocking malicious ads and content, speeds up page and app loads up to 2.4x.

EfficiencyDevicesInternetThe content you wantwithout distractions,surveillance, and threats.AutoplayvideosPop upscamsInvasiveadsQuizzesand surveysSocialdistractionsVideo gamesimulations

Integrate in minutes, not months.

Deployment is flexible and requires zero trust, or Disconnect code to run in your environment.

WorkforceEnd usersCustomersEnterpriseGovernmentSMBsSchoolsNetworksHardwareBrowsersApps

AI-driven protection powered by over 750 million users.

We are the global leader in tracker protection.