DinoTrux Wikia
Desert Scraptors & Click Clack

A trio of Desert Scraptors with Click-Clack dressed as their alpha.

Desert Scraptors, sometimes called Sand Scraptors, are Dinotrux that are horned desert-dwelling variants of regular Scraptors. They can be commanded by whomever has the largest horns, even if it's a different species. Click-Clack and others have been known to command them if they put a piece of bent scrap on their head.


Physical Description[]

Desert Scraptors are physically the same as their normal counterparts, but with more clawed feet, electric-yellow eyes and desert camouflage; other than their coloration, the fact that, unlike their counterparts, they can walk and that they have horns split into two, Desert Scraptors are just like regular ones.


They are obviously smarter than regular Scraptors since they build traps that are advanced, at least for a Scraptor; they even dig complex tunnels underground. Also, they have an alpha, the leader of the pack. One of their most well-known tactics is placing volcanic ore in deserted areas and waiting for any unsuspecting creatures to move by, and when this happens, through some sort of motion-detection, perhaps sensing vibrations, the pack attacks whoever or whatever is nearby. Despite this, they also move around instead of just staying in one spot for very long. Revvit even commented on their ferocity when attacking as a result of living in an environment such as the desert.


Related (See also)[]
