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The Office of Human Resources and the Digital Accessibility Office have partnered to create a step-by-step guide on adding a Digital Accessibility Development Plan for your employees. This template offers a suggested plan title, description and objectives (both training and action steps). The manager can assign the plan to multiple employees on their team. Each employee may then register themselves for training, which, when completed, will appear on their transcript. The manager also may adjust the plan based on their employee’s roles and responsibilities.

Step 1: select performance – development plan

  • The platform offers many ways to get to the Performance Module. In this guide, we suggest that the manager enter the Development Plans area through the drop down menu on the Home page.
  • Select Performance > Development Plan.
  • After clicking on this menu selection, a new screen will open to a list of development plans.
Step 1 Screenshot of Carolina Talent Home page with the drop down for 'Development Plan' indicated with a red arrow and grey background

Step 2: create a new [development] plan

  • Select the blue Create New Plan button.
  • After clicking on this button selection, a new screen will open to a blank development plan.
Step 2 - Screenshot of Carolina Talent Development Plans page showing the location of the Create New Plan button in the top right.

Step 3: draft plan with provided template

  • Managers can add a Plan Title and Description of the Plan to the labeled input boxes. The Digital Accessibility Office has offered the suggested language below.
  • Plan title: Digital Accessibility Awareness and Best Practices
  • Description: This development plan aims to increase awareness around the best practices of Digital Accessibility. Digital Accessibility is an important step for ensuring that our communication at Carolina is inclusive to all audiences. This plan can include training (instructor-led or online), reviewing policy, using services and exploring resources available through the Digital Accessibility Office.
Step 3 screenshot of the 'Create a Plan' section of the plan. Red arrows indicate the input area for 'Plan Title*' and 'Description'. The typed text in the input boxes, indicated by red square box outline, are the same as the suggested language in the bullet points below image.

Step 4: add a development objective

  • After adding type text to the input boxes, managers need to scroll down the screen to the Development Objectives section.
  • Select the gray Add Objective button. After clicking on this button selection, a new screen will open to the section to input objectives.
Step 4 screenshot of Development Objectives section indicated by red square outline. A red arrow is pointed at a grey 'Add Objective' button.

Step 5: draft objective title and select type of learning and development

  • On this screen, managers can add an Objective Title to the input box. Again, the suggested language is below.
    • Development objective (Training) Title: Introduction to Digital Accessibility Core Skills
  • Next, Select the gray Search for Learning button. After clicking this button selection, a new screen will open to a list of training found in Carolina Talent.
  • *Optional action not shown:
    • Select the gray Add Development Action button. After clicking the button selection, a new slide side window to the user’s left will open to draft a Description of the development action step.
      • Suggested Language: [Development Action] Description: Review Digital Accessibility Policy, provide best practices to your supervisor based on resources used by Department/School.
    • Choose a Due Date.
    • Select the blue Done button.
Step 5- screenshot of the ‘Add Development Objective’ section. Red arrows highlight the input box for the ‘Objective Title’ and the Learning and Development section. The typed text in the input box matches the suggested language in the bullet points below the image. There’s a red box outlining the ‘Search for Learning’ gray button.

Step 6: add digital accessibility learning to new objectives

  • On this screen, managers will input Digital Accessibility into the Search Bar and Press Enter. Managers should consider Digital Accessibility Awareness as the learning objective.
  • Select Add to Objective. Other objectives can be selected based on the employee roles.
  • After completing selections, Select the blue Return to Objective button.
  • NOTE: Adding training to a performance plan doesn’t assign it to your employee in Carolina Talent. To get the training on the employee’s transcript, the employee needs to register for or launch the assigned training. They can also save the training for later.
Step 6 Screenshot of the 'Add Learning to New Objective' section. Red arrow indicates a search bar with the type text 'Digital Accessibility' in a red square outline. Red arrow indicates 'Digital Accessibility Awareness' event, outlined with a red square. Lastly, a red arrow indicates 'Return to Objective'.

Step 7: accept development objective, add due date, and return to plan

  • On this screen, managers will see the learning objective(s) listed. The system requires a Due Date. Managers can use the default of a year from creating the objective or select a different date.
  • Select the white Save and Add Another button or the blue Save and Return to Plan button.
Step 7 screenshot of the 'Add Development Objective' section. This time, the managers selection for Digital Accessibility Awareness learning is outlined in a red square. A red arrow indicates the 'Due Date' box to be completed. Another red arrow indicates the 'Save and Return to Plan'.

Step 8: create assignment for plan

  • On this screen, managers are now back at the Development Plan from Step 3 and can select Assignment of the plan. In this example, the manager selected all team members and their subordinates to be assigned this development plan.
Step 8 screenshot with the 'Assignments' section outlined in red square. Several radio and selection check boxes are on the screen. 'My Team' radio button is highlighted. This action caused 'Include Self' check box to appear. All check boxes are selected including the blurred team members check boxes, 'Include subordinates' check boxes and 'Designate this a the primary Plan for assignees' is checked. A red arrow indicates 'Submit Plan'.


If you have any questions about this process, contact [email protected].