Tag: DevOps engineering
Only 10% of Organizations are Doing Full Observability. Can Generative AI Move the Needle?
Generative AI, powered by large language models (LLMs), introduces a transformative solution to the challenges of modern observability ...
Five Great DevOps Job Opportunities
DevOps.com is now providing a weekly DevOps jobs report through which opportunities for DevOps professionals will be highlighted to better serve our audience. Our goal in these challenging economic times is to ...
Best of 2022: Making the Move From Developer to Team Lead
As we close out 2022, we at DevOps.com wanted to highlight the most popular articles of the year. Following is the latest in our series of the Best of 2022. After working ...
Best of 2022: SRE Vs. Platform Engineering: What’s the Difference?
As we close out 2022, we at DevOps.com wanted to highlight the most popular articles of the year. Following is the latest in our series of the Best of 2022. Site reliability ...
Five Great DevOps Job Opportunities
DevOps.com is now providing a weekly DevOps jobs report through which opportunities for DevOps professionals will be highlighted as part of an effort to better serve our audience. Our goal in these ...
How to Avoid Crappy Culture and Keep Engineers Happy
Software engineers know how much they are worth—everyone wants them and there aren't enough of them to fill that demand. While the need for tech talent is greater than ever, the pandemic ...
Nurturing a Developer-Centric Culture
The tech world is constantly, rapidly changing and many tech companies are growing up. They are adding to their product portfolios, increasing the number of employees, servicing more users, expanding global reach ...
Best Practices to Improve your Engineering Sprints
What is the purpose of sprints? We break work into sprints so we can more easily monitor, estimate and predict what we want to ship and when. Over the years, engineering teams ...
The Key Benefits of Observability for SREs
In today’s technology landscape, organizations strive to champion innovative ideas, techniques and technologies to achieve success and outshine their competitors. For this reason, site reliability engineering (SRE) has become one of the ...
Real-Life BDD: Getting the Best Out of Dev Teams
If we want our software to have value, we need to improve it every day, rather than wait three months for the next release. If someone finds a bug and we know ...
Chicken Soup for the SLO
Since time immemorial, humans have struggled to communicate. From myth to the modern era, our most memorable stories often involve individuals or groups seeking to be understood in order to avoid conflict ...
Human Transformation Breeds DevOps Skills and Success
As part of its mission to advance the human elements of DevOps, DevOps Institute has released its 2020 Upskilling: Enterprise DevOps Skills Report. The year-over-year data builds on the inaugural 2019 project ...