Project IDX troubleshooting & FAQ

While opening a workspace, I see the message Unable to forward your request to backend. Couldn't connect to a server on port 80.

This rarely occurs, but as a workaround, you can wait approximately 5 seconds and refresh the page.

My preview is broken, but I see nothing wrong with my code. How can I restart IDX ?

If IDX isn't refreshing properly (typically as a result of major refactors, or changes to your environment dev.nix file), open the command palette (Cmd+Shift+P on Mac or Ctrl+Shift+P on ChromeOS, Windows, or Linux) and run the Hard Restart command. If that doesn't work, try running the Rebuild Environment command.

While creating a workspace, I see a message, Whoops.. We need to start a new VM, and the UI hangs after that

IDX maintains a warm pool of VMs used to provision workspaces on demand. When the pool runs low, the workspaces are provisioned after a new VM is spun. The process can take time (sometimes up to 5 minutes) but eventually succeeds.

While creating a workspace, I see a message, an internal error occurred

In most cases of internal errors during workspace provisioning, refreshing the page after a minute or so should get you past the error and into the workspace.

How many different workspaces can I have on my account?

IDX has a limit of one workspace per user. If you have a Google Developer Profile, you can create up to five workspaces. To create a Google Developer Profile directly from IDX once you've hit the workspace limit, click Complete Setup from the notification on the template dashboard.

My workspace loads but the emulator is blank

We're actively improving the reliability of our cloud-based emulators. If a page refresh does not fix the problem, please report the issue.

IDX workspaces have a Flutter version that is incompatible with my project.

You can upgrade or downgrade the version of almost all preinstalled software inside a workspace like you would on your local machine (using apt-get or brew). Note that the changes are not preserved when an "idle" workspace hibernates.

We're actively working to improve Flutter version management in IDX.

What's the difference between Project IDX and Google Cloud Workstations?

We've built IDX on the (incredible!) generally available Cloud Workstations offering from Google Cloud. Cloud Workstations is an infrastructure offering that focuses on developer workstations' reliability, security, and availability.

It's the ideal choice for large enterprises that want to manage their development experience. Project IDX is a "batteries included" environment inside these workstations that manages the toolchains, software development stack, and system dependencies required to build different application types.

Why does IDX need third-party (3P) cookies enabled?

IDX needs 3P cookies enabled since we render an IFRAME from one domain (a subdomain of on another domain (, and 3P cookies enable secure cross-origin communication.

I shared my workstation URL with someone, but they cannot see my workspace

You can only share a workspace URL with users that have access to the workspace. Users without permission see an error when trying to visit the URL. Be sure to explicitly share the workspace with them, like sharing a Google Doc!

When I share my workstation, what can my collaborator see?

Users added to your workspace have complete access to the VM's entire file system, which may contain sensitive files like private keys and access tokens. Share your workspace only with people you trust. While this approach helps other users view the exact state of your workspace, it means that they see everything on your workspace.

Can I use frameworks that IDX does not have a template for to build my application?

Yes! You can customize your environment to work with just about any framework or language in IDX.

Can I import my repository from GitLab or Cloud Source repos?

At the moment, we support importing projects from GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. If you want us to support more Git hosts, submit a feature request.

In the meantime, you can create a new workspace from an existing template and run git clone with any https or ssh-based Git host in a terminal, like you normally would on your local machine.

What target directory should I select when deploying a Flutter app to Firebase Hosting?

Choose the build/web directory. This directory should contain an index.html and all the static assets needed to render your web app after the app is built successfully (via flutter build web).

How can I set up my app's backend on my workspace so that my frontend can communicate with it?

You can temporarily publicly open the TCP port your backend server is running on to make it easier to develop your frontend and backend separately, across different workspaces:

  1. Start your backend or API server either manually in a terminal, or as part of your dev.nix file's preview configuration or onStart lifecycle hook.

  2. Click the image of IDX
logo Project IDX icon in the activity bar (on the left by default) to open the IDX panel.

  3. Backend ports

    Expand the Backend Ports section to see a list of running servers, including their port number and process ID (PID).

  4. Click the image of a lock
icon Make Public icon (a lock) to the left of the port number.

  5. Click the image of copy
icon Copy URL icon to the right of the port number to copy its fully-qualified URL.

  6. You can now reference this URL directly (for example, with a fetch call) from your frontend.

I closed my preview tab. How do I bring it back?

Open the command palette (Cmd+Shift+P on Mac or Ctrl+Shift+P on ChromeOS, Windows, or Linux) and select Project IDX: Show Android Preview or Project IDX: Show Web Preview.

What is Code OSS?

Code-Open Source Software (Code-OSS) is an open-source project that's the core layer of VS Code. Code-OSS is available on GitHub under the standard MIT License, and is where Microsoft develops the VS Code product.

How can I prevent my code completions and Gemini chat prompts from being used as training data?

If you don't want your Gemini chat prompts used as training data to improve Gemini in IDX, don't use the chat assistant and turn off code completion in your workspace Settings. You can also turn off assistance when working with specific files by adding .aiexclude file(s) to your repository.

How do I submit a feature request or feedback on an issue I encountered?

If you encounter an issue while using Project IDX, ask a question in the forum or file a bug.

If there's a feature you want to see added to IDX, or an existing feature you want expanded, file a feature request.

How can I find out if Gemini in IDX is available in my country or region?

Gemini in IDX is available in limited regions, with availability expanding regularly. If Gemini in IDX is available in your region, you can start using it by following the steps outlined in Add Gemini to your workspace.

I was using a particular feature in Project IDX but I can't find it anymore. Why was it removed?

Some of the features in Project IDX are experimental. We value your feedback and actively use it to inform our current and planned feature set, periodically removing features that aren't living up to your expectations or our own. If there are features you'd like to see in your ideal version of Project IDX, send us feedback. We want to hear from you!