Morisawa company


Morisawa is a Japanese font company which has been distributing beautiful Japaneses fonts. Their web design is cool as well.
Simple and nice fonts.

Awesome! Nice graphic and layout!

perfection or vanity

It’s a clean weblog. It assumes to me that there is no necessary items.
Background image is so nice.

It’s a unique blog from an American couple.
Contents include photos, video, and blog concerning their honeymoon around Europe.
Especially, I like their videos whose caption and music makes me a fun.
XHTML 1.0 Transitional + CSS + WordPress


HItotoki is a unique web site including individual experience and photos in Tokyo.
The happenings for foreigners are interesting to me ‘cos their attitude and feeling for Tokyo is totally diffrence where we live.
Design and concept is nice as well.
XHTML 1.0 Transitional + CSS + Javascript

Powered by ScribeFire.

Computer FAQ


computer faq

Simple, at the same time, design is so classy and elaborate.
XHTML1.0 Transitional + CSS

HDR Okinawa


HDR Okinawa

HDR Okinawa focuses on Japanese Photograph. This has collecting photos concerning Japan.
This site is total portal site, however, information is nor massive, so it is easy for net surfing.

oscar brevia portfolio

Nice Flash portfolio site. Elegant.

Ajax Rain


ajax rain

Ajax Rain is Ajax demos and examples to download.

new era design studio

New era design studio is design studio in Romania. Layout and color is awesome.
Web usability is easy to understand as well.
XHTML 1.0 Transitional+ CSS

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