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Hier werden Bands des Hardcore Punks und dessen Subgenres (mit Ausnahme von einigen Melodycore-Gruppen (siehe Kategorie:Punkband)) eingeordnet. Weiterhin haben Straight-Edge- (siehe Kategorie:Straight-Edge-Band) und Emo-Bands (siehe Kategorie:Emoband) eine eigene Unterkategorie. Auch Metalcore-Bands haben eine eigene Kategorie (siehe Kategorie:Metalcore-Band).
Commons: Hardcore-Punk-Band – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien
Es werden 12 von insgesamt 12 Unterkategorien in dieser Kategorie angezeigt:
In Klammern die Anzahl der enthaltenen Kategorien (K), Seiten (S), Dateien (D)
- Crunkcore-Band (4 S)
- Crustband (55 S)
- Groove-Metal-Band (128 S)
- Hatecore-Band (20 S)
- Melodic-Hardcore-Band (87 S)
- Skatepunk-Band (23 S)
- Sludge-Band (104 S)
- Straight-Edge-Band (51 S)
Einträge in der Kategorie „Hardcore-Punk-Band“
Folgende 200 Einträge sind in dieser Kategorie, von 481 insgesamt.
(vorherige Seite) (nächste Seite)A
- A Secret Death
- Abfukk
- Abomination
- The Abused
- AC4
- The Accüsed
- Acidez
- Actress (Band)
- Adrenalin O.D.
- AFI (Band)
- Against All Authority (Band)
- Agent 86
- Agnostic Front
- Agrotóxico
- Aheads
- Aivolävistys
- Alexisonfire
- All Its Grace
- All You Can Eat
- Allgemeines Chaos Kommando
- Amen (Band)
- Amen 81
- American Nightmare (Band)
- The Amity Affliction
- Amulet
- Anchor (Band)
- Angkor Wat (Band)
- Annihilation Time
- Anti Cimex
- Antidote (Hardcore-Band)
- Arson Anthem
- Articles of Faith
- Artificial Peace
- As Cities Burn
- Ash Return
- Assassin (Band)
- At the Drive-In
- Attitude Adjustment
- Authority Zero
- Aversion (Band)
- Awaken Demons
- Bad Brains
- Baffdecks
- Bane (Band)
- Barcode (Band)
- Battalion of Saints
- Battery (US-amerikanische Band)
- Beartooth
- Beowülf
- Better Than a Thousand
- Beyond Description
- Big Black
- Big Boys
- Biohazard (Band)
- Birth A.D.
- Black Friday ’29
- The Blackout Argument
- Blind Idiot God
- The Blood Brothers
- Blood for Blood
- Bloodclot
- Blut + Eisen
- Bluttat (Band)
- Blutverlust (Band)
- Bokassa
- Bold (Band)
- Bomb the Music Industry!
- Bonehouse
- Born from Pain
- Both Worlds
- Boysetsfire
- Brick Bath
- Broken Bones (Band)
- Broken Teeth
- The Bronx (Band)
- Brutality Will Prevail
- B-Thong
- Bullet LaVolta
- Burning Heads
- Bust the Chain
- Butthole Surfers
- Cancer Bats
- Career Suicide
- Casey Jones (Band)
- The Casualties
- Cause for Alarm
- Cause for Effect
- Caustic Christ
- Centuries
- Chain of Strength
- Champion (Band)
- Chaos UK
- Chaos Z
- Circle Jerks
- Circle of Sig-Tiu
- Citizens Arrest
- CIV (Band)
- Clown Alley
- Code Orange
- Coffin Break
- Coldburn
- Collaps
- Colour Trip
- Comeback Kid
- Concrete Sox
- Conflicto Urbano
- Confronto
- Constraint (Band)
- COR (Band)
- Crisis (Metal-Band)
- Cro-Mags
- Crowd of Isolated
- Crucifix (Band)
- Crumbsuckers
- Crushing Caspars
- Cyco Miko
- Damnation A.D.
- Dead Cross
- Dead Kennedys
- Death Before Dishonor
- Death by Stereo
- A Death for Every Sin
- Death in Action
- Death Is Not Glamorous
- Debeli Precjednik/Fat Prezident
- Deez Nuts
- Defdump
- Defeater
- Desolated
- Deviate
- Devil in Me
- The Dicks
- Die Kreuzen
- Dirty Rotten Imbeciles
- Discharge
- Discipline (Band)
- Disfear
- Disorder
- Distemper
- D.O.A. (Band)
- The Doomsayer
- Downer (Band)
- Downset.
- Drain (Band)
- Drug Church
- The Dwarves
- DYS (Band)