Kategorie:Companion des Distinguished Service Order
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Companions des Distinguished Service Order
Einträge in der Kategorie „Companion des Distinguished Service Order“
Folgende 200 Einträge sind in dieser Kategorie, von 547 insgesamt.
(vorherige Seite) (nächste Seite)A
- Henry Abel Smith
- Ronald Forbes Adam
- Jameson Adams
- Harold Alexander, 1. Earl Alexander of Tunis
- Henry Templer Alexander
- William Alexander (Politiker, 1874)
- Robert Allan, Baron Allan of Kilmahew
- Jean Victor Allard
- Charles Walter Allfrey
- Dudley Aman, 1. Baron Marley
- Richard Anderson (Offizier)
- Robert Arkwright
- Cecil Hamilton Armitage
- Clement Armitage
- Bertram Armstrong
- Edward Atkinson
- Claude Auchinleck
- Reginald Bacon
- Douglas Bader
- Douglas Baird
- John Baird, 1. Viscount Stonehaven
- John Eustace Arthur Baldwin
- Albert Ball
- Colin Muir Barber
- Evelyn Barker
- Michael Barker
- William George Barker
- John Ashworth Barraclough
- Harold Barrowclough
- William Bartholomew
- William Henry Beach
- David Beatty, 1. Earl Beatty
- Andrew Beauchamp-Proctor
- Varyl Begg
- Henry Pybus Bell-Irving
- William Benn, 1. Viscount Stansgate
- Gordon Bennett (General)
- Phillip Bennett
- Noel Beresford-Peirse
- Denis Bernard (Offizier)
- Frank Berryman
- Peter de la Billière
- George Binney
- Hugh Binney
- Graham Binns
- Frank Bird
- William Birdwood, 1. Baron Birdwood
- Billy Bishop (Pilot)
- Jeremy Black (Admiral)
- Charles Blackader
- Thomas Blamey
- Valentine Blomfield
- Eric Bols
- Louis Bols
- Charles Bonham Carter
- Norman Bottomley
- Alan Bourne
- John Boyd Orr, 1. Baron Boyd-Orr
- Robert Bray
- Tom Bridges
- Harold Rawdon Briggs
- Harry Broadhurst
- Alan Brooke, 1. Viscount Alanbrooke
- Robert Brooke-Popham
- Allan Brooks
- Dallas Brooks
- Frederick Browning
- Michael Bruxner
- Charles Burnell
- Robert Burnett
- Frederick Russell Burnham
- Eedson Louis Millard Burns
- Alfred Burt (General)
- Harry Burton (Offizier)
- Mervyn Butler
- Alexander Cambridge, 1. Earl of Athlone
- Donald Charles Cameron (Politiker, 1879)
- Neil Cameron
- Gordon Campbell (Vizeadmiral)
- Victor Campbell
- Walter Campbell
- William Campion
- James Harold Cannan
- Thompson Capper
- John Carew Pole
- Len Carney
- Laurence Carr
- Nick Carter (General)
- Adrian Carton de Wiart
- Michael Carver
- Richard Casey, Baron Casey
- Alan Cathcart, 6. Earl Cathcart
- Clement Cazalet
- Douglas Chalmers
- John Chancellor (Offizier)
- Philip Chetwode, 1. Baron Chetwode
- Robert Erskine Childers
- Philip Christison
- Archibald Church (Politiker)
- Gordon Churchill
- John Atherton Churchill
- Archer Clive
- Pierre Clostermann
- Harry Cobby
- Charles Coleman (Offizier)
- Raymond Collishaw
- Walter Norris Congreve
- Arthur Coningham
- Alfred Duff Cooper, 1. Viscount Norwich
- Willy Coppens
- Robert Cottrell-Hill
- Walter Henry Cowan
- Richard Craddock
- Henry Crerar
- Charles Crichton (Segler)
- John Crocker
- Francis Cromie
- Paul Edwin Crook
- Kenneth Brian Boyd Cross
- Francis Crossman
- Thomas Cubitt (Offizier)
- Alan Cunningham (General)
- Andrew Cunningham, 1. Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope
- Manfred Czernin
- Mosche Dajan
- Roderic Dallas
- Kenneth Darling
- Tannatt William Edgeworth David
- Philip de Fonblanque
- Freddie de Guingand
- Henry de Beauvoir De Lisle
- Tony Deane-Drummond
- Wyndham Deedes
- Rohan Delacombe
- Miles Dempsey
- Henri Deplante
- William Dickson (RAF-Offizier)
- John Dickson-Poynder, 1. Baron Islington
- John Dill
- William Dobbie
- Charles Macpherson Dobell
- Arthur Dorward (Offizier)
- Roy Dowling
- Reginald Drax
- Charles Drury
- St. John Louis Hyde du Plat Taylor
- Arthur Antony Duff
- John Charteris
- Winston Dugan, 1. Baron Dugan of Victoria
- Neville Duke
- Claude Dunbar
- Trevor N. Dupuy
- Harold Farncomb
- Roy Farran
- Anthony Farrar-Hockley
- Geoffrey Feilding
- Bernard Fergusson, Baron Ballantrae
- Charles Fergusson, 7. Baronet
- Patrick Leigh Fermor
- Francis Festing
- Xan Fielding
- Eugène Fiset
- Bertie Fisher
- Edmund Fitzalan-Howard, 1. Viscount FitzAlan of Derwent
- Geoffrey FitzClarence, 3. Earl of Munster
- Victor FitzGeorge-Balfour
- Desmond Fitzpatrick
- Arthur Floyer-Acland
- Ferdinand Foch
- William Wasbrough Foster
- Charles Foulkes (General, 1903)
- John F. Foulkes
- Christopher Foxley-Norris
- Francis von Teck
- Harold Franklyn
- Simon Fraser, 15. Lord Lovat
- Bernard Freyberg, 1. Baron Freyberg
- John Frost
- Cyril Fuller
- John Frederick Charles Fuller