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Adherens junction

Adherens junctions (or zonula adherens, intermediate junction, or "belt desmosome") are protein complexes that occur at cell–cell junctions in epithelial and endothelial tissues, usually more basal than tight junctions. An adherens junction is defined as a cell junction whose cytoplasmic face is linked to the actin cytoskeleton. They can appear as bands encircling the cell (zonula adherens) or as spots of attachment to the extracellular matrix (adhesion plaques).

A similar cell junction in non-epithelial, non-endothelial cells is the fascia adherens. It is structurally the same, but appears in ribbonlike patterns that do not completely encircle the cells. One example is in cardiomyocytes.


Adherens junctions are composed of the following proteins:

  • cadherins. The cadherins are a family of transmembrane proteins that form homodimers in a calcium-dependent manner with other cadherin molecules on adjacent cells.
  • p120 (sometimes called delta catenin) binds the juxtamembrane region of the cadherin.
  • Within

    Within may refer to:

  • Within (William Joseph album) (2004), by pianist William Joseph
  • Within (Embraced album) (2000), by Swedish melodic black metal band Embraced
  • Within (Alyssa album) (2008), by Alyssa Cooper
  • "Within" (The X-Files), a season eight episode of The X-Files
  • Within (Embraced album)

    Within is the second studio album by the Swedish melodic black metal band Embraced released in 2000 on Regain Records.

    Track listing


  • Kalle Johansson - vocals
  • Thomas Lejon - drums
  • Julius Chmielewski - keyboards
  • Sven Karlsson - keyboards, mastering
  • Michael Håkansson - bass
  • Davor Tepic - guitars
  • Peter Mårdklint - guitars, mastering
  • Additional personnel

  • Odious Engender - logo art
  • K. Metz - cover art, layout
  • Staffan Olsson - mastering
  • Tommy Tägtgren - engineering, mixing
  • Jenny Baumgartner - photography
  • External links

  • Within at Allmusic
  • Within (Alyssa album)

    Within is the debut release by recording artist AlyssA, released on July 18, 2008. "Feel the Softness" was nominated for Best Pop Song by The Inland Empire Music Awards in Riverside, California.

    AlyssA collaborated with musician Deron Johnson, who co-produced the album with her. Other musicians involved with the album are Bakithi Kumalo on bass, James Genus on upright bass, Jimmy Paxson on percussion and drums, and Chris Bruce on guitar. James Sklar served as the executive producer.

    Track listing

  • "Earth Child" – 5:16
  • "When I Breathe" – 2:43
  • "Laughter in the Distance" – 4:03
  • "Subway Gospel" – 5:14
  • "Feel the Softness" – 3:11
  • "Warm Day" – 4:11
  • "Pure and Holy" – 4:12
  • "Firefly" – 4:29
  • "Just to Be with You" – 3:21
  • "And I..." – 4:16
  • References

  • http://news.yahoo.com/s/prweb/20090110/bs_prweb/prweb1841264_1
  • http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/discography/index.jsp?pid=1031672&aid=1180317
  • http://www.ballantinesbiz.com/green/AlyssA_010609.htm
  • External links

  • http://www.alyssamusic.com
  • http://www.myspace.com/alyssafolksoul
  • Induction

    Induction may refer to:

    General use

  • Rite of passage
    • Introduction of an individual into a body such as the armed forces
    • Formal introduction of a priest into possession of the position to which she or he has been presented and instituted
    • Student orientation, an induction program for new students at Universities
    • Teacher induction, the support and guidance provided to novice educators in the early stages of their careers
    • Induction (teachers), the period of one year following qualification as a teacher in the United Kingdom
  • Introduction of an individual into a body such as the armed forces
  • Formal introduction of a priest into possession of the position to which she or he has been presented and instituted
  • Student orientation, an induction program for new students at Universities
  • Teacher induction, the support and guidance provided to novice educators in the early stages of their careers
  • Induction (teachers), the period of one year following qualification as a teacher in the United Kingdom
  • List of Death Note episodes

    Death Note is a 37-episode anime series based on the manga series of the same title written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata. Death Note aired in Japan on the Nippon Television (NTV) network every Tuesday, from October 3, 2006, to June 26, 2007. The plot of the series primarily revolves around high school student Light Yagami, who decides to rid the world of evil with the help of a supernatural notebook titled Death Note. This book causes the death of anyone whose name is written in it and is passed on to Light by the God of Death (or Shinigami) Ryuk after he becomes bored within the Shinigami world.

    A three-hour "Director's Cut" compilation TV special, titled "Death Note: Relight: Visions of a God", aired on NTV a few months after the anime concluded. Although advertised to be the "complete conclusion", the popularity of the series inspired the release of a second TV special, titled "Death Note: Relight 2: L's Successors" nearly a year later. These specials recap the first and second arcs of the anime respectively, with new scenes added to fill in any plot holes resulted from omitted footage.

    Induction (play)

    An Induction in a play is an explanatory scene, summary or other text that stands outside and apart from the main action with the intent to comment on it, moralize about it or in the case of dumb show to summarize the plot or underscore what is afoot. Typically, an induction precedes the main text of a play. Inductions are a common feature of plays written and performed in the Renaissance period, including those of Shakespeare. While Shakespeare plays do not typically have inductions, they are sometimes depicted as part of the device of the play within the play. Examples include the dumb show in Hamlet and the address to the audience by Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream. Another example, in The Spanish Tragedy by Thomas Kyd, is the introduction to that play by the ghost of Andrea who preps the audience by laying out the story to come. Likewise, Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew opens with induction scenes which involve characters watching the play proper.

    See also

  • Play within a play
  • Podcasts:

    • Daft Punk - Within (Official Audio)

      Official audio for “Within” by Daft Punk Homework: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/Homework Discovery: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/Discovery Alive 1997: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/Alive1997 Daft Club: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/DaftClub Human After All: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/HumanAfterAll Human After All (Remixes): https://daftpunk.lnk.to/HumanAfterAllRemixes Alive 2007: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/Alive2007 Watch more videos of Daft Punk: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/listenY Listen to Daft Punk’s Essentials here: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/essentials Official website: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followW Instagram: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followI Facebook:https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followF Twitter : https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followT YouTube: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/subscribeonY Spotify:https://daftpunk.lnk.to/follow...

      published: 24 Feb 2014
    • Within-Trailer

      In Cinemas October 7, 2016

      published: 01 Oct 2016
    • Daft Punk - Within

      Fan edited music video for "Within" from Random Access Memories with footage from Daft Punk's Film "Electroma".

      published: 24 May 2013
    • 【MV】加賀美ハヤト - WITHIN【にじさんじ】

      Music:ぎゃぷいち https://twitter.com/gyapich Guitar:KUHLE https://twitter.com/kuhle_hate Bass/REC/MIX/Mastering:つこhttps://twitter.com/tuko1573 Movie/Illust :紺色。https://twitter.com/kon7iro Illust:冬臣 https://twitter.com/fuyuomi Vocal/lyric 加賀美ハヤト 加賀美ハヤト/Hayato Kagami【にじさんじ所属】 にじさんじ所属バーチャルライバー兼、株式会社 加賀美インダストリアル代表取締役、加賀美ハヤトと申します。 我が社の製品のPRの為いちから様と仕事させて頂く事になりました。 まずは皆様との信頼関係を作り上げていくことから! どうぞよろしくお願い致します! 【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/H_KAGAMI2434 【お問い合わせとお手紙はこちら】 https://nijisanji.co.jp/contact/ にじさんじ関連リンク 【公式Twitter】 https://twitter.com/nijisanji_app 【公式HP】 https://nijisanji.co.jp/ 【公式オンラインショップ】 https://nijisanji.booth.pm/ 【Pixiv fanbox】 https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox/creator/24113985

      published: 09 May 2020
    • Within Temptation - Faster (Music Video)

      Music video by Within Temptation performing ‘Faster’ from their fifth studio album ‘The Unforgiving’ (2011). Listen to all essential Within Temptation songs: https://www.lnk.to/wttp Stay up to date on Within Temptation news: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wtofficial Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/wtofficial Instagram: https://instagram.com/wtofficial Grab your favorite Within Temptation merchandise: https://wt.lnk.to/merch For more information and upcoming tour dates: https://www.within-temptation.com Within Temptation – ‘Faster’ (lyrics): I can't see, cause it's burning deep inside. Like gasoline, a fire running wild. No more fear, cause I'm getting closer now. So unreal, but I like it anyhow. I go faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster. I ...

      published: 06 May 2019
    • Mili - Within (Official Lyric Video / Goblin Slayer Episode 12 Insert Song)

      Within(TVアニメゴブリンスレイヤー 第12話最終回 挿入歌) "Within" will be available on multiple streaming platforms from 12:00 am, Dec 23, 2018(JST). https://mili.lnk.to/vc8TT 2018/12/23 0:00〜 各種音楽サイトにて配信開始 https://mili.lnk.to/vc8TT Follow Mili Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/projectmili/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProjectMili Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectMili Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0K05T... Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/mi... Bandcamp: http://project-mili.bandcamp.com/ HP: http://projectmili.com/ Lyrics: momocashew Music: momocashew, Yamato Kasai Arrange: Yamato Kasai Mix & Recording & Mastering: Satoshi Yoneda Artwork: Ao Fujimori Mili members on Twitter momocashew: https://twitter.com/momocashew Yamato Kasai: https://twitter.com/HAMOloid/ Yukihito...

      published: 22 Dec 2018
    • Christina Aguilera - The Voice Within (Official HD Video)

      Official HD Video for ”The Voice Within” by Christina Aguilera Listen to Christina Aguilera: https://ChristinaAguilera.lnk.to/listenYD Watch more videos by Christina Aguilera: https://ChristinaAguilera.lnk.to/listenYD/youtube Subscribe to the official Christina Aguilera YouTube channel: https://ChristinaAguliera.lnk.to/subscribeYD Follow Christina Aguilera Facebook: https://ChristinaAguliera.lnk.to/followFI Instagram: https://ChristinaAguliera.lnk.to/followII Twitter: https://ChristinaAguliera.lnk.to/followTI TikTok: https://ChristinaAguliera.lnk.to/followYx Website: https://ChristinaAguliera.lnk.to/followWI Spotify: https://ChristinaAguliera.lnk.to/followSI YouTube: https://ChristinaAguliera.lnk.to/subscribeYD Ask your voice device to play Christina Aguilera! Lyrics: When there's no...

      published: 03 Oct 2009
    • Within Temptation - Memories (Music Video)

      Music video by Within Temptation performing ‘Memories’, from their third studio album ‘The Silent Force’ (2004). Listen to all essential Within Temptation songs: https://www.lnk.to/wttp Stay up to date on Within Temptation news: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wtofficial Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/wtofficial Instagram: https://instagram.com/wtofficial Grab your favorite Within Temptation merchandise: https://wt.lnk.to/merch For more information and upcoming tour dates: https://www.within-temptation.com Within Temptation – ‘Memories’ (lyrics): In this world you tried Not leaving me alone behind. There's no other way. I prayed to the gods let him stay. The memories ease the pain inside, Now I know why. All of my memories keep you near. In silent moments imagine you here. Al...

      published: 24 Mar 2011
    • Daft Punk - Within (Drumless Edition) (Official Lyric Video)

      Daft Punk - Within (Drumless Edition) (Official Lyric Video) Listen to Daft Punk’s “Within (Drumless Edition)” : https://daftpunk.lnk.to/WithinDrumless Random Access Memories (Drumless Edition) out Nov 17th 2023 Pre-order now: https://bio.to/daftpunk Random Access Memories (10th Anniversary Edition) available : https://daftpunk.lnk.to/RAM10p Watch more videos of Daft Punk: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/essentialsvideos Listen to Daft Punk’s Essentials here: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/essentials Join the mailing list: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/mail Follow Daft Punk: Official website: https://www.daftpunk.com/ Snapchat: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/snapchat Instagram: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/instagram Tiktok: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/tiktok Twitch: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/twitch Twitter: https://daftp...

      published: 28 Sep 2023
    • Within Temptation - Paradise (What About Us?) ft. Tarja

      Within Temptation joined forces with Tarja for the first single of the band’s new studio album to be released in January 2014. The cooperation is the lead single of the “Paradise (What About Us?)” EP, which is available now! Tracklisting: 1. Paradise (What About Us?) feat. Tarja 2. Let Us Burn (demo version) 3. Silver Moonlight (demo version) 4. Dog Days (demo version) Order Hydra on iTunes now: http://smarturl.it/wthydra Order Limited Delux Box Set now: http://smarturl.it/WT-Hydra-Box Directed by Maarten van Welzen. http://www.welzen.nl/ For more information and tour dates: http://www.within-temptation.com Stay up to date on any Within Temptation news: Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/wtofficial Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/wtofficial Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/wtoffic...

      published: 26 Sep 2013
    developed with YouTube
    Daft Punk - Within (Official Audio)

    Daft Punk - Within (Official Audio)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:53
    • Uploaded Date: 24 Feb 2014
    • views: 9725719
    Official audio for “Within” by Daft Punk Homework: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/Homework Discovery: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/Discovery Alive 1997: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/Alive1997 Daft Club: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/DaftClub Human After All: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/HumanAfterAll Human After All (Remixes): https://daftpunk.lnk.to/HumanAfterAllRemixes Alive 2007: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/Alive2007 Watch more videos of Daft Punk: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/listenY Listen to Daft Punk’s Essentials here: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/essentials Official website: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followW Instagram: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followI Facebook:https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followF Twitter : https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followT YouTube: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/subscribeonY Spotify:https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followS Apple Music: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followA Amazon Music: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followonAM Deezer: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/deezer Lyrics: I've been, for some time Looking for someone I need to know now Please tell me who I am I've been, for some time Looking for someone I need to know now Please tell me who I am #DaftPunk #Within #OfficialAudio


    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:27
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Oct 2016
    • views: 1397588
    In Cinemas October 7, 2016
    Daft Punk - Within

    Daft Punk - Within

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:01
    • Uploaded Date: 24 May 2013
    • views: 18836887
    Fan edited music video for "Within" from Random Access Memories with footage from Daft Punk's Film "Electroma".
    【MV】加賀美ハヤト - WITHIN【にじさんじ】

    【MV】加賀美ハヤト - WITHIN【にじさんじ】

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:22
    • Uploaded Date: 09 May 2020
    • views: 4441496
    Music:ぎゃぷいち https://twitter.com/gyapich Guitar:KUHLE https://twitter.com/kuhle_hate Bass/REC/MIX/Mastering:つこhttps://twitter.com/tuko1573 Movie/Illust :紺色。https://twitter.com/kon7iro Illust:冬臣 https://twitter.com/fuyuomi Vocal/lyric 加賀美ハヤト 加賀美ハヤト/Hayato Kagami【にじさんじ所属】 にじさんじ所属バーチャルライバー兼、株式会社 加賀美インダストリアル代表取締役、加賀美ハヤトと申します。 我が社の製品のPRの為いちから様と仕事させて頂く事になりました。 まずは皆様との信頼関係を作り上げていくことから! どうぞよろしくお願い致します! 【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/H_KAGAMI2434 【お問い合わせとお手紙はこちら】 https://nijisanji.co.jp/contact/ にじさんじ関連リンク 【公式Twitter】 https://twitter.com/nijisanji_app 【公式HP】 https://nijisanji.co.jp/ 【公式オンラインショップ】 https://nijisanji.booth.pm/ 【Pixiv fanbox】 https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox/creator/24113985
    Within Temptation - Faster (Music Video)

    Within Temptation - Faster (Music Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:24
    • Uploaded Date: 06 May 2019
    • views: 56293753
    Music video by Within Temptation performing ‘Faster’ from their fifth studio album ‘The Unforgiving’ (2011). Listen to all essential Within Temptation songs: https://www.lnk.to/wttp Stay up to date on Within Temptation news: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wtofficial Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/wtofficial Instagram: https://instagram.com/wtofficial Grab your favorite Within Temptation merchandise: https://wt.lnk.to/merch For more information and upcoming tour dates: https://www.within-temptation.com Within Temptation – ‘Faster’ (lyrics): I can't see, cause it's burning deep inside. Like gasoline, a fire running wild. No more fear, cause I'm getting closer now. So unreal, but I like it anyhow. I go faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster. I can't live in a fairytale of lies. And I can't hide from the feeling cause it's right. And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love. And I can't live in a fairytale of lies. I can feel that you've mesmerized my heart. I feel so free. I'm alive, I'm breaking out. I won't give in, cause I'm proud of all my scars. And I can see I've been wasting too much time. I go faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster. I can't live in a fairytale of lies. And I can't hide from the feeling cause it's right. And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love. And I can't live in a fairytale of lies. I can't live in a fairytale of lies. And I can't hide from the feeling cause it's right. And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love. And I can't live in a fairytale of lies. A fairytale of lies. Songwriters: Gibson Daniel Bjorn / Westerholt Robert J / Adelden Sharon HD music video by @HDFactory #withintemptation #musicvideo #symphonic #rock #metal #femalefronted #metalfamily #nightwish #evanescence #ironmaiden
    Mili - Within (Official Lyric Video / Goblin Slayer Episode 12 Insert Song)

    Mili - Within (Official Lyric Video / Goblin Slayer Episode 12 Insert Song)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:44
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Dec 2018
    • views: 4221408
    Within(TVアニメゴブリンスレイヤー 第12話最終回 挿入歌) "Within" will be available on multiple streaming platforms from 12:00 am, Dec 23, 2018(JST). https://mili.lnk.to/vc8TT 2018/12/23 0:00〜 各種音楽サイトにて配信開始 https://mili.lnk.to/vc8TT Follow Mili Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/projectmili/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProjectMili Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectMili Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0K05T... Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/mi... Bandcamp: http://project-mili.bandcamp.com/ HP: http://projectmili.com/ Lyrics: momocashew Music: momocashew, Yamato Kasai Arrange: Yamato Kasai Mix & Recording & Mastering: Satoshi Yoneda Artwork: Ao Fujimori Mili members on Twitter momocashew: https://twitter.com/momocashew Yamato Kasai: https://twitter.com/HAMOloid/ Yukihito Mitomo: https://twitter.com/going_man Shoto Yoshida: https://twitter.com/shoto_0y Ame Yamaguchi: https://twitter.com/ametromin Ao Fujimori: https://twitter.com/pioooooon #GoblinSlayer #ゴブスレ #Mili ©KK-SBCr/GSP
    Christina Aguilera - The Voice Within (Official HD Video)

    Christina Aguilera - The Voice Within (Official HD Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:31
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Oct 2009
    • views: 56618736
    Official HD Video for ”The Voice Within” by Christina Aguilera Listen to Christina Aguilera: https://ChristinaAguilera.lnk.to/listenYD Watch more videos by Christina Aguilera: https://ChristinaAguilera.lnk.to/listenYD/youtube Subscribe to the official Christina Aguilera YouTube channel: https://ChristinaAguliera.lnk.to/subscribeYD Follow Christina Aguilera Facebook: https://ChristinaAguliera.lnk.to/followFI Instagram: https://ChristinaAguliera.lnk.to/followII Twitter: https://ChristinaAguliera.lnk.to/followTI TikTok: https://ChristinaAguliera.lnk.to/followYx Website: https://ChristinaAguliera.lnk.to/followWI Spotify: https://ChristinaAguliera.lnk.to/followSI YouTube: https://ChristinaAguliera.lnk.to/subscribeYD Ask your voice device to play Christina Aguilera! Lyrics: When there's no one else Look inside yourself Like your oldest friend Just trust the voice within Then you'll find the strength That will guide your way You'll learn to begin To trust the voice within Oh #ChristinaAguilera #TheVoiceWithin #Stripped #OfficialHDVideo #Pop
    Within Temptation - Memories (Music Video)

    Within Temptation - Memories (Music Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:49
    • Uploaded Date: 24 Mar 2011
    • views: 24404641
    Music video by Within Temptation performing ‘Memories’, from their third studio album ‘The Silent Force’ (2004). Listen to all essential Within Temptation songs: https://www.lnk.to/wttp Stay up to date on Within Temptation news: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wtofficial Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/wtofficial Instagram: https://instagram.com/wtofficial Grab your favorite Within Temptation merchandise: https://wt.lnk.to/merch For more information and upcoming tour dates: https://www.within-temptation.com Within Temptation – ‘Memories’ (lyrics): In this world you tried Not leaving me alone behind. There's no other way. I prayed to the gods let him stay. The memories ease the pain inside, Now I know why. All of my memories keep you near. In silent moments imagine you here. All of my memories keep you near. Your silent whispers, silent tears. Made me promise I'd try To find my way back in this life. I hope there is a way To give me a sign you're OK. Reminds me again it's worth it all So I can go on. All of my memories keep you near. In silent moments imagine you here. All of my memories keep you near. Your silent whispers, silent tears. Together in all these memories I see your smile. All the memories I hold dear. Darling, you know I will love you 'Til the end of time. All of my memories keep you near. In silent moments imagine you here. All of my memories keep you near. Your silent whispers, silent tears. All of my memories Songwriters: Martinus J. E. Martijn Spierenburg / Robert Westerholt / Sharon J. Den Adel HD music video by @HDFactory #withintemptation #musicvideo #symphonic #rock #metal #femalefronted #metalfamily #nightwish #evanescence #ironmaiden Amazon: http://smarturl.it/WTTSFAmazon?IQid=WithinTME More From Within Temptation Whole World Is Watching: https://youtu.be/mf97F-SpBQU Dangerous: https://youtu.be/MAiV8RpqzME Paradise (What About Us?): https://youtu.be/Dy6MpsDPKts More great Metal videos here: http://smarturl.it/UltimateMetal?IQid=WithinTME Follow Within Temptation Website: http://www.within-temptation.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wtofficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/WTofficial Instagram: https://instagram.com/wtofficial Subscribe to Within Temptation on YouTube: http://smarturl.it/WithinTSub?IQid=WithinTME --------- Lyrics: Memories, memories, memories In this world you tried Not leaving me alone behind There's no other way I'll pray to the gods: let him stay The memories ease the pain inside Now I know why All of my memories Keep you near In silent moments Imagine you'd be here All of my memories Keep you near The silent whispers, silent tears
    Daft Punk - Within (Drumless Edition) (Official Lyric Video)

    Daft Punk - Within (Drumless Edition) (Official Lyric Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:52
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Sep 2023
    • views: 574712
    Daft Punk - Within (Drumless Edition) (Official Lyric Video) Listen to Daft Punk’s “Within (Drumless Edition)” : https://daftpunk.lnk.to/WithinDrumless Random Access Memories (Drumless Edition) out Nov 17th 2023 Pre-order now: https://bio.to/daftpunk Random Access Memories (10th Anniversary Edition) available : https://daftpunk.lnk.to/RAM10p Watch more videos of Daft Punk: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/essentialsvideos Listen to Daft Punk’s Essentials here: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/essentials Join the mailing list: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/mail Follow Daft Punk: Official website: https://www.daftpunk.com/ Snapchat: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/snapchat Instagram: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/instagram Tiktok: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/tiktok Twitch: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/twitch Twitter: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/twitter YouTube: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/youtube Facebook: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/facebook Spotify: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/spotify Apple Music: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/applemusic Amazon Music: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/amazonmusic Discord: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/discord Ask your voice device to play Daft Punk! ↓ LYRICS ↓ There are so many things that I don't understand There's a world within me that I cannot explain Many rooms to explore, but the doors look the same I am lost, I can't even remember my name I've been, for some time Looking for someone I need to know now Please tell me who I am I've been, for some time Looking for someone I need to know now Please tell me who I am There are so many things that I don't understand There's a world within me that I cannot explain Many rooms to explore, but the doors look the same (Where are the locks to try the key?) I am lost, I can't even remember my name (And I wonder why) I've been, for some time Looking for someone I need to know now Please tell me who I am I've been, for some time Looking for someone I need to know now Please tell me who I am I've been, for some time Looking for someone I need to know now Please tell me who I am I've been, for some time Looking for someone I need to know now Please tell me who I am #DaftPunk #Within #DrumlessEdition
    Within Temptation - Paradise (What About Us?) ft. Tarja

    Within Temptation - Paradise (What About Us?) ft. Tarja

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:51
    • Uploaded Date: 26 Sep 2013
    • views: 118663864
    Within Temptation joined forces with Tarja for the first single of the band’s new studio album to be released in January 2014. The cooperation is the lead single of the “Paradise (What About Us?)” EP, which is available now! Tracklisting: 1. Paradise (What About Us?) feat. Tarja 2. Let Us Burn (demo version) 3. Silver Moonlight (demo version) 4. Dog Days (demo version) Order Hydra on iTunes now: http://smarturl.it/wthydra Order Limited Delux Box Set now: http://smarturl.it/WT-Hydra-Box Directed by Maarten van Welzen. http://www.welzen.nl/ For more information and tour dates: http://www.within-temptation.com Stay up to date on any Within Temptation news: Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/wtofficial Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/wtofficial Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/wtofficial Google+: https://plus.google.com/+wtofficial Instagram: http://instagram.com/wtofficial
    • The Embraced - In My Dreams... I Am Armageddon (Full Album)

      Melodic Death Metal from Trondheim (Norway), this is their first album from 1998.

      published: 08 Jan 2020
    • ATARAXIA "Synchronicity Embraced" (full album, SLEASZY RIDER)

      Subscribe: https://goo.gl/CEmPdV This is the new album of ATARAXIA! The 26th album of Italian gothic/dark/ethereal/neofolk masters! "Synchronicity Embraced", a real masterpiece! Digital release date: 10 October 2018 Physical release date: 26 October 2018 Sleaszy Rider Rec. (SR-0237) Pre-order the physical cd (or buy the digital edition): https://sleaszyrider.bandcamp.com/album/ataraxia-synchronicity-embraced Video Creation by Kostas Tsimpoukas (contact: kostas777711@gmail.com) www.sleaszyrider.com www.facebook.com/sleaszyrider www.ataraxia.net

      published: 10 Oct 2018
    • Embrace - Ashes (Official HD Video)

      Official HD Video for "Ashes" by Embrace, taken from the album ‘Out Of Nothing’. 🔉 Listen & buy the vinyl reissue: https://found.ee/embrace-outofnothing 🔉 Stream Embrace: https://found.ee/embrace-discover ‘Ashes’, the second single from Embrace's fourth studio album 'Out of Nothing' was released on 15 November 2004. The follow-up to Top 10 single ‘Gravity', the song was propelled to number 11 in the UK singles chart through the fan-led campaign G.A.T.N.O (Get Ashes To Number One). ‘Ashes’ also featured on Match of the Day’s ‘Goal of the Month’ segment for the 2004-05 football season, it also featured prominently in the hit film 'Kingsman: The Golden Circle' in 2017. In the video the band perform in a dark, dusty, abandoned theatre that gradually restores itself from dereliction as the s...

      published: 18 Jul 2006
    • Embrace - Gravity (Official HD Video)

      Official HD Video for Embrace's 2004 single "Gravity" from the No.1 album ‘OUT OF NOTHING’. 🔉 Stream Out Of Nothing: https://found.ee/embrace-outofnothing 🔉 Stream Embrace: https://found.ee/embrace-discover After a three-year hiatus, Embrace triumphantly returned with their 2004 album "Out of Nothing," topping the UK albums chart. The lead single, ‘Gravity' was generously gifted to Embrace by Chris Martin of Coldplay, playing a pivotal role in their comeback. Released on August 30, 2004, "Gravity" quickly reached number seven on the UK Singles Chart, marking a significant chapter in their career. ► Watch more Embrace videos: https://bit.ly/EmbraceVideos ► Subscribe to the Embrace YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/EmbraceYTsub ► Subscribe to the Independiente YouTube channel: https://bit.l...

      published: 18 Jul 2006
    • In Death's Embrace

      Provided to YouTube by Nuclear Blast In Death's Embrace · Dimmu Borgir · Sven Atle Kopperud · Stian Thoresen · Sven Atle Kopperud Enthrone Darkness Triumphant ℗ 1997 Nuclear Blast Released on: 1997-05-30 Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 14 Mar 2019
    • Embrace - Come Back To What You Know (Official Video)

      Official Video for "Come Back To What You Know" by Embrace, taken from the 1998 album ‘The Good Will Out’. 🔉 Stream Embrace: https://found.ee/embrace-discover Taken from the band’s debut album The Good Will Out, released May 1998 the single charted at number 6 in the UK singles chart, giving Embrace their highest charting single up to that point in their career. Come Back To What You Know was the last song recorded for the album, produced by legendary producer Youth, the single was the follow-up to the band’s anthemic All You Good Good People breakthrough top 10 single. ► Watch more Embrace videos: https://bit.ly/EmbraceVideos ► Subscribe to the Embrace YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/EmbraceYTsub ► Sign up to the Embrace mailinglist: https://bit.ly/EmbraceMailinglist ► Shop Official Em...

      published: 07 Mar 2009
    • Moonlight Sorcery - In Coldest Embrace (Official Music/Lyric Video)

      Country: Finland | Year: 2023 | Genre: Melodic/Symphonic Black Metal Pre-order 7" Single: 2-color bundle: https://bit.ly/3Lwlrpm Black 7'': https://bit.ly/42pxYSg Green 7'': https://bit.ly/42kiT4V Moonlight Sorcery is working relentless towards their goal: a full-length studio album. Following two acclaimed EPs released in 2022, the Finnish symphonic black metal band is now completing the work on their first complete studio recording, Horned Lord of the Thorned Castle, which will see the light in September 2023. Today we proudly present you the first taste of such opus: Burning Embrace, a 7’’ single containing a brand-new song, “In Coldest Embrace”, and Moonlight Sorcery’s own reinterpretation of Deep Purple’s classic “Burn”. Burning Embrace will be released physically on 7’’ only ...

      published: 04 May 2023
    • In Twilight's Embrace - Lawa (Full Album 2018)

      "Lawa" 12" LP out now on Warmate Records. Order vinyl: https://www.warmaterecords.com Order CDs & merchandise: https://metalsmierci.pl/ 00:00 - Zaklęcie 03:20 - Dziś wzywają mnie podziemia 08:04 - Krew 13:49 - Pełen Czerni 19:07 - Ile trwa czas 23:23 - Żywi nieumarli Physical & digital: https://intwilightsembrace.bandcamp.com Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/intwilightsembrace Released a year after the lauded fourth full-length “Vanitas” (Arachnophobia Records) and sung entirely in Polish, “Lawa” is yet another step into the sonic netherworld of Metal Śmierci, a rift between the fundamental principles of black and death metal, yet this time taken even further, into more atmospheric, idiosyncratic and surreal directions. It’s like an exorcism, during which the spirits are unb...

      published: 31 Oct 2018
    • In Twilight's Embrace : Lifeblood (Full Split Album)

      Country: Poland | Year: 2022 | Genre: Black Metal Tracklist: 1. The Death Drive 00:00 2. Smoke and Mirrors 08:58 3. Lifeblood 14:54 4. Iskry 20:50 5. So Bleeds the Night 26:12 6. Sedation to Sedition 33:38 7. Te Deum 39:07 Upload on behalf of Malignant Voices!

      published: 01 Oct 2024
    • SIRENIA - In Styx Embrace (Official Lyric Video) | Napalm Records

      Order "Arcane Astral Aeons" here: http://smarturl.it/ArcaneAstralAeons Two years after Dim Days Of Dolor mastermind Morten Veland presents the ninth Sirenia album: Arcane Astral Aeons once more reflects the Norwegian`s love for title alliterations and succeeds in infusing the darkest night with the brightest colors. Who could resist a symphonic, unbridled opener like ‘In Styx Embrace‘? Singer Emmanuelle Zoldan`s ethereal mezzo-soprano voice connects all 11 varied and spirited compositions: the insanely melodic ‘Into The Night‘ impressively showcases her abilities and flows into the catchy ‘Love Like Cyanide‘ that`s not even afraid to employ a small handful of black metal trademarks. Danish producer legend Jacob Hansen managed to harmonize Sirenia`s more soothing side with edgy metal soun...

      published: 27 Nov 2018
    developed with YouTube
    The Embraced - In My Dreams... I Am Armageddon (Full Album)

    The Embraced - In My Dreams... I Am Armageddon (Full Album)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 55:32
    • Uploaded Date: 08 Jan 2020
    • views: 485
    Melodic Death Metal from Trondheim (Norway), this is their first album from 1998.
    ATARAXIA "Synchronicity Embraced" (full album, SLEASZY RIDER)

    ATARAXIA "Synchronicity Embraced" (full album, SLEASZY RIDER)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 59:33
    • Uploaded Date: 10 Oct 2018
    • views: 15284
    Subscribe: https://goo.gl/CEmPdV This is the new album of ATARAXIA! The 26th album of Italian gothic/dark/ethereal/neofolk masters! "Synchronicity Embraced", a real masterpiece! Digital release date: 10 October 2018 Physical release date: 26 October 2018 Sleaszy Rider Rec. (SR-0237) Pre-order the physical cd (or buy the digital edition): https://sleaszyrider.bandcamp.com/album/ataraxia-synchronicity-embraced Video Creation by Kostas Tsimpoukas (contact: kostas777711@gmail.com) www.sleaszyrider.com www.facebook.com/sleaszyrider www.ataraxia.net
    Embrace - Ashes (Official HD Video)

    Embrace - Ashes (Official HD Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:10
    • Uploaded Date: 18 Jul 2006
    • views: 2747392
    Official HD Video for "Ashes" by Embrace, taken from the album ‘Out Of Nothing’. 🔉 Listen & buy the vinyl reissue: https://found.ee/embrace-outofnothing 🔉 Stream Embrace: https://found.ee/embrace-discover ‘Ashes’, the second single from Embrace's fourth studio album 'Out of Nothing' was released on 15 November 2004. The follow-up to Top 10 single ‘Gravity', the song was propelled to number 11 in the UK singles chart through the fan-led campaign G.A.T.N.O (Get Ashes To Number One). ‘Ashes’ also featured on Match of the Day’s ‘Goal of the Month’ segment for the 2004-05 football season, it also featured prominently in the hit film 'Kingsman: The Golden Circle' in 2017. In the video the band perform in a dark, dusty, abandoned theatre that gradually restores itself from dereliction as the song unfolds, a metaphor for the song’s lyrical theme of rising from the ashes of a failed relationship. ► Watch more Embrace videos: https://bit.ly/EmbraceVideos ► Subscribe to the Embrace YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/EmbraceYTsub ► Subscribe to the Independiente YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/IndependienteYTsub ► Sign up to the Embrace mailinglist: https://bit.ly/EmbraceMailinglist ► Shop Official Embrace Store: https://embrace.tmstor.es FOLLOW EMBRACE ► website: https://www.embrace.co.uk ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embrace_band_official ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/embracemusic ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@embrace_band ► X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/embrace EMBRACE ARE Mickey Dale – keyboards and piano, backing vocals, horn and string arrangement. Steve Firth – bass guitar Mike Heaton – drums, percussion, backing vocals Danny McNamara – lead vocals, acoustic guitar Richard McNamara – lead guitar, keyboards, percussion, backing and lead vocals, production, mixing LYRICS I've waited, and given the chance again, I'd do it all the same, but either way I'm always outplayed, up on your down days I left in the right way, to start again Now watch me rise up and leave all the ashes you made out of me When you said that we were wrong, life goes on, just look how long I've agreed Now watch me rise up and leave all the ashes you made out of me When you said that we were wrong, life goes on, just look how long I've agreed Out of place, like a gem on a coalface Lost on the right way, it's all the same 'Cause I've had my hopes raised, riding the wrong waves Scared when you feel safe to start again Now watch me rise up and leave all the ashes you made out of me When you said that we were wrong, life goes on, look how wrong I could be Now watch me rise up and leave all the ashes you made out of me When you said that we were wrong, life goes on, you blew me away Away I sink like a stone, I lost my control I sink like a stone, I lost my control ABOUT EMBRACE Formed in the early ‘90s, Embrace solidified their current line-up in 1996, consisting of brothers Danny and Richard McNamara, bassist Steve Firth, keyboardist Mickey Dale, and drummer Mike Heaton. Their breakthrough came in 1997 with the indie anthem 'All You Good Good People', followed by top 10 hits 'Come Back To What You Know' and 'My Weakness Is None Of Your Business'. Debut album 'The Good Will Out’, released in June 1998 soared to number one and went on to sell over 500,000 copies in the UK alone, marking it out as one of the fastest-selling debuts by a British artist. Subsequent albums, 'Drawn from Memory' (2000) and 'If You've Never Been' (2001) both entered the top 10 before the band left their original label Hut Recordings. After a three-year hiatus, Embrace signed with Independiente Records. 2004’s 'Out of Nothing’ album propelled the band back to the top of the charts, thanks in part to Coldplay's Chris Martin, who wrote the hit single ‘Gravity' for the album. The album went on to sell over 600,000 copies in the UK (2xPlatinum) and the band has now scored eight consecutive top 10 album in their career to date. #EmbraceBand #Alternative #IndieMusic
    Embrace - Gravity (Official HD Video)

    Embrace - Gravity (Official HD Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:52
    • Uploaded Date: 18 Jul 2006
    • views: 7365773
    Official HD Video for Embrace's 2004 single "Gravity" from the No.1 album ‘OUT OF NOTHING’. 🔉 Stream Out Of Nothing: https://found.ee/embrace-outofnothing 🔉 Stream Embrace: https://found.ee/embrace-discover After a three-year hiatus, Embrace triumphantly returned with their 2004 album "Out of Nothing," topping the UK albums chart. The lead single, ‘Gravity' was generously gifted to Embrace by Chris Martin of Coldplay, playing a pivotal role in their comeback. Released on August 30, 2004, "Gravity" quickly reached number seven on the UK Singles Chart, marking a significant chapter in their career. ► Watch more Embrace videos: https://bit.ly/EmbraceVideos ► Subscribe to the Embrace YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/EmbraceYTsub ► Subscribe to the Independiente YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/IndependienteYTsub ► Sign up to the Embrace mailinglist: https://bit.ly/EmbraceMailinglist ► Shop Official Embrace Store: https://embrace.tmstor.es FOLLOW EMBRACE ► website: https://www.embrace.co.uk ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embrace_band_official ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/embracemusic ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@embrace_band ► X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/embrace EMBRACE ARE Mickey Dale – keyboards and piano, backing vocals, horn and string arrangement. Steve Firth – bass guitar Mike Heaton – drums, percussion, backing vocals Danny McNamara – lead vocals, acoustic guitar Richard McNamara – lead guitar, keyboards, percussion, backing and lead vocals, production, mixing LYRICS Honey, it's been a long time coming And I can't stop now Such a long time running And I can't stop now Do you hear my heart beating? Can you hear the sound? 'Cause I can't help thinking And I don't look down And then I looked up at the sun and I could see All the way that gravity turns for you and me And then I looked up at the sky and saw the sun And the way that gravity pulls on everyone On everyone Baby, it's been a long time waiting Such a long, long time And I can't stop smiling No, I can't stop now Do you hear my heart beating? Can you hear the sound? 'Cause I can't help crying and I won't look down And then I looked up at the sun and I could see All the way that gravity turns you and me And then I looked up at the sun and saw the sky And the way that gravity pulls on you and I On you and I Can you hear my heart beating? Oh do you hear that sound? 'Cause I can't help crying and I won't look down ABOUT EMBRACE Formed in the early ‘90s, Embrace solidified their current line-up in 1996, consisting of brothers Danny and Richard McNamara, bassist Steve Firth, keyboardist Mickey Dale, and drummer Mike Heaton. Their breakthrough came in 1997 with the indie anthem 'All You Good Good People', followed by top 10 hits 'Come Back To What You Know' and 'My Weakness Is None Of Your Business'. Debut album 'The Good Will Out’, released in June 1998 soared to number one and went on to sell over 500,000 copies in the UK alone, marking it out as one of the fastest-selling debuts by a British artist. Subsequent albums, 'Drawn from Memory' (2000) and 'If You've Never Been' (2001) both entered the top 10 before the band left their original label Hut Recordings. After a three-year hiatus, Embrace signed with Independiente Records. 2004’s 'Out of Nothing’ album propelled the band back to the top of the charts, thanks in part to Coldplay's Chris Martin, who wrote the hit single ‘Gravity' for the album. The album went on to sell over 600,000 copies in the UK (2xPlatinum) and the band has now scored eight consecutive top 10 album in their career to date. #EmbraceBand #Alternative #IndieMusic
    In Death's Embrace

    In Death's Embrace

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:43
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Mar 2019
    • views: 953108
    Provided to YouTube by Nuclear Blast In Death's Embrace · Dimmu Borgir · Sven Atle Kopperud · Stian Thoresen · Sven Atle Kopperud Enthrone Darkness Triumphant ℗ 1997 Nuclear Blast Released on: 1997-05-30 Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Embrace - Come Back To What You Know (Official Video)

    Embrace - Come Back To What You Know (Official Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:10
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Mar 2009
    • views: 2188597
    Official Video for "Come Back To What You Know" by Embrace, taken from the 1998 album ‘The Good Will Out’. 🔉 Stream Embrace: https://found.ee/embrace-discover Taken from the band’s debut album The Good Will Out, released May 1998 the single charted at number 6 in the UK singles chart, giving Embrace their highest charting single up to that point in their career. Come Back To What You Know was the last song recorded for the album, produced by legendary producer Youth, the single was the follow-up to the band’s anthemic All You Good Good People breakthrough top 10 single. ► Watch more Embrace videos: https://bit.ly/EmbraceVideos ► Subscribe to the Embrace YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/EmbraceYTsub ► Sign up to the Embrace mailinglist: https://bit.ly/EmbraceMailinglist ► Shop Official Embrace Store: https://embrace.tmstor.es FOLLOW EMBRACE ► website: https://www.embrace.co.uk ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embrace_band_official ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/embracemusic ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@embrace_band ► X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/embrace EMBRACE ARE Mickey Dale – keyboards and piano, backing vocals, horn and string arrangement. Steve Firth – bass guitar Mike Heaton – drums, percussion, backing vocals Danny McNamara – lead vocals, acoustic guitar Richard McNamara – lead guitar, keyboards, percussion, backing and lead vocals, production, mixing LYRICS Come back to what you know Take everything real slow I wanna lose you but I can't let you go Before you interfere Let me make it loud and clear That you got no more to prove, I'm the fool So take it easy on yourself There's nothing new about regretting how you felt I'll never let you down Or ever feel the way that I've been fearing now I'm coming back to what you know won't mean a thing Everything that you've done keeps you from me Now I know that I need more time Come back and let me see you're right I'm coming back to what you know 'Cause I know that I need it now it's gone Now I know that I need more time Come back and let me see you're right So hang on to what you got, keep it safe Hang on to what you got, keep it safe from harm You'll find there's nothing new that we can't leave behind Come back to what you know Take everything real slow I wanna lose you but I got far too high to let go Now the demon in me knows what I knew so long ago I'm coming back to what you know won't mean a thing Everything that you've done keeps you from me Now I know that I need more time Come back and let me see you're right I'm coming back to what you know 'Cause I know that I need it now it's gone Now I know that I need more time Come back and let me see you're right So hang on to what you got, keep it safe Hang on to what you got, keep it safe from harm We've got time We got time I'm coming back to what you know won't mean a thing Everything that you've done keeps you from me Now I know that I need more time Come back and let me see you're right I'm coming back to what you know 'Cause I know that I need it now it's gone Now I know that I need more time Come back and let me see you're right Come back to what you know Take everything real slow I tried to lose you but I got far too close ABOUT EMBRACE Formed in the early ‘90s, Embrace solidified their current line-up in 1996, consisting of brothers Danny and Richard McNamara, bassist Steve Firth, keyboardist Mickey Dale, and drummer Mike Heaton. Their breakthrough came in 1997 with the indie anthem 'All You Good Good People', followed by top 10 hits 'Come Back To What You Know' and 'My Weakness Is None Of Your Business'. Debut album 'The Good Will Out’, released in June 1998 soared to number one and went on to sell over 500,000 copies in the UK alone, marking it out as one of the fastest-selling debuts by a British artist. Subsequent albums, 'Drawn from Memory' (2000) and 'If You've Never Been' (2001) both entered the top 10 before the band left their original label Hut Recordings. After a three-year hiatus, Embrace signed with Independiente Records. 2004’s 'Out of Nothing’ album propelled the band back to the top of the charts, thanks in part to Coldplay's Chris Martin, who wrote the hit single ‘Gravity' for the album. The album went on to sell over 600,000 copies in the UK (2xPlatinum) and the band has now scored eight consecutive top 10 album in their career to date. #EmbraceBand #Alternative #IndieMusic Music video by Embrace performing Come Back To What You Know.
    Moonlight Sorcery - In Coldest Embrace (Official Music/Lyric Video)

    Moonlight Sorcery - In Coldest Embrace (Official Music/Lyric Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:01
    • Uploaded Date: 04 May 2023
    • views: 91286
    Country: Finland | Year: 2023 | Genre: Melodic/Symphonic Black Metal Pre-order 7" Single: 2-color bundle: https://bit.ly/3Lwlrpm Black 7'': https://bit.ly/42pxYSg Green 7'': https://bit.ly/42kiT4V Moonlight Sorcery is working relentless towards their goal: a full-length studio album. Following two acclaimed EPs released in 2022, the Finnish symphonic black metal band is now completing the work on their first complete studio recording, Horned Lord of the Thorned Castle, which will see the light in September 2023. Today we proudly present you the first taste of such opus: Burning Embrace, a 7’’ single containing a brand-new song, “In Coldest Embrace”, and Moonlight Sorcery’s own reinterpretation of Deep Purple’s classic “Burn”. Burning Embrace will be released physically on 7’’ only on June 23, 2023, via Avantgarde Music. “In Coldest Embrace” composed by Loitsumestari Taikakallo, lyrics by Ruttomieli and arrangements by Moonlight Sorcery. Session drums by Tommi ”Tomahawk” Tuhkala recorded in Wolfthrone Studios and produced by Owe Inborr. Mixed and mastered at Unisound by Dan Swanö. Videography by Sofia Douska https://instagram.com/dvsk.photography https://www.facebook.com/dvsk.photography Music video by Loitsumestari Taikakallo - Moonlight Sorcery - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/moonlight.sorcery Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moonlight.sorcery Bandcamp: https://moonlightsorcery.bandcamp.com Metal Archives: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Moonlight_Sorcery/3540502461 - Avantgarde Music - Website: http://www.avantgardemusic.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/avantgardemusiclabel Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/avantgarde_music Bandcamp: https://avantgardemusic.bandcamp.com Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/AvantgardeMusiclabel Upload on behalf of Avantgarde Music!
    In Twilight's Embrace - Lawa (Full Album 2018)

    In Twilight's Embrace - Lawa (Full Album 2018)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 29:42
    • Uploaded Date: 31 Oct 2018
    • views: 128138
    "Lawa" 12" LP out now on Warmate Records. Order vinyl: https://www.warmaterecords.com Order CDs & merchandise: https://metalsmierci.pl/ 00:00 - Zaklęcie 03:20 - Dziś wzywają mnie podziemia 08:04 - Krew 13:49 - Pełen Czerni 19:07 - Ile trwa czas 23:23 - Żywi nieumarli Physical & digital: https://intwilightsembrace.bandcamp.com Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/intwilightsembrace Released a year after the lauded fourth full-length “Vanitas” (Arachnophobia Records) and sung entirely in Polish, “Lawa” is yet another step into the sonic netherworld of Metal Śmierci, a rift between the fundamental principles of black and death metal, yet this time taken even further, into more atmospheric, idiosyncratic and surreal directions. It’s like an exorcism, during which the spirits are unbound into a November night and dance among the living. Come, join the celebration of the weird! Do Diabła z nami!
    In Twilight's Embrace : Lifeblood (Full Split Album)

    In Twilight's Embrace : Lifeblood (Full Split Album)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 47:46
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Oct 2024
    • views: 2
    Country: Poland | Year: 2022 | Genre: Black Metal Tracklist: 1. The Death Drive 00:00 2. Smoke and Mirrors 08:58 3. Lifeblood 14:54 4. Iskry 20:50 5. So Bleeds the Night 26:12 6. Sedation to Sedition 33:38 7. Te Deum 39:07 Upload on behalf of Malignant Voices!
    SIRENIA - In Styx Embrace (Official Lyric Video) | Napalm Records

    SIRENIA - In Styx Embrace (Official Lyric Video) | Napalm Records

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:56
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Nov 2018
    • views: 253312
    Order "Arcane Astral Aeons" here: http://smarturl.it/ArcaneAstralAeons Two years after Dim Days Of Dolor mastermind Morten Veland presents the ninth Sirenia album: Arcane Astral Aeons once more reflects the Norwegian`s love for title alliterations and succeeds in infusing the darkest night with the brightest colors. Who could resist a symphonic, unbridled opener like ‘In Styx Embrace‘? Singer Emmanuelle Zoldan`s ethereal mezzo-soprano voice connects all 11 varied and spirited compositions: the insanely melodic ‘Into The Night‘ impressively showcases her abilities and flows into the catchy ‘Love Like Cyanide‘ that`s not even afraid to employ a small handful of black metal trademarks. Danish producer legend Jacob Hansen managed to harmonize Sirenia`s more soothing side with edgy metal sounds and delivers a perfectly balanced wild ride. The most compelling release so far courtesy of Morten Veland!
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    Daft Punk - Within (Official Audio)

    Official audio for “Within” by Daft Punk Homework: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/Homework Discovery: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/Discovery Alive 1997: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/Alive1997 Daft Club: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/DaftClub Human After All: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/HumanAfterAll Human After All (Remixes): https://daftpunk.lnk.to/HumanAfterAllRemixes Alive 2007: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/Alive2007 Watch more videos of Daft Punk: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/listenY Listen to Daft Punk’s Essentials here: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/essentials Official website: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followW Instagram: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followI Facebook:https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followF Twitter : https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followT YouTube: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/subscribeonY Spotify:https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followS Apple Music: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followA Amazon Music: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/followonAM Deezer: https://daftpunk.lnk.to/deezer Lyrics: I've been, for some time Looking for someone I need to know now Please tell me who I am I've been, for some time Looking for someone I need to know now Please tell me who I am #DaftPunk #Within #OfficialAudio
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    Adherens junction

    Adherens junctions (or zonula adherens, intermediate junction, or "belt desmosome") are protein complexes that occur at cell–cell junctions in epithelial and endothelial tissues, usually more basal than tight junctions. An adherens junction is defined as a cell junction whose cytoplasmic face is linked to the actin cytoskeleton. They can appear as bands encircling the cell (zonula adherens) or as spots of attachment to the extracellular matrix (adhesion plaques).

    A similar cell junction in non-epithelial, non-endothelial cells is the fascia adherens. It is structurally the same, but appears in ribbonlike patterns that do not completely encircle the cells. One example is in cardiomyocytes.


    Adherens junctions are composed of the following proteins:

  • cadherins. The cadherins are a family of transmembrane proteins that form homodimers in a calcium-dependent manner with other cadherin molecules on adjacent cells.
  • p120 (sometimes called delta catenin) binds the juxtamembrane region of the cadherin.
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