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EDGE Agreements

The Department is committed to transparency in its business incentive programs. On this page, you may find basic information about EDGE incentive agreements. This page currently shows agreements signed since January 20, 2015. To view an agreement, click on the company name.

The Department posts information about EDGE incentive awards within ten business days of execution of the EDGE agreement. In certain circumstances for agreements signed prior to May 1, 2017, EDGE incentive recipients may be engaged in confidential negotiations associated with their relocation or expansion within Illinois. In those cases, information about the EDGE incentive will not be posted on this page until after the confidential negotiations have concluded. Public disclosure of a project prior to the conclusion of related negotiations may negatively impact such negotiations, and thus several EDGE agreements signed prior to May 1, 2017 do not yet appear on this page.

Please note:

  • Agreements executed since September 18, 2017, are subject to P.A. 100-0511, which require the Department to list whether the EDGE project site is located in an underserved area. Only those projects subject to the changes in P.A. 100-0511 are identified as being within or outside of an underserved area.

Information Guide

  • The “Company Name” column indicates the company that signed the agreement. In some cases, more than one company may be a party to the agreement. For example, an agreement might include a parent corporation and a specific affiliate of that corporation. To view all parties to the agreement, click on the company name in the table and review the file.
  • The “Date Executed” column indicates when the Department signed the agreement.
  • The “Project Location” column indicates where the project incentivized by the agreement will be located.
  • The “New Employee Jobs Target” column states the minimum number of “New Employee” jobs (as defined in the agreement) that must be created and maintained in order for the company to be eligible for any tax credits.
  • The “Retained Employee Jobs Target” column states the minimum number of “Retained Employee” jobs (as defined in the agreement) that must retained in order for the company to be eligible for any tax credits. If the column shows “0”, that means the company does not receive credits for any Retained Employee positions.
  • The “Estimated Value of the Credit” column states an estimate of the amount of the tax credits that could be awarded to the company over the life of the agreement, assuming the company fulfills the obligations set forth in the agreement.
  • The “Located in an Underserved Area” column indicates whether the EDGE project location is in an Underserved Area, as that term is defined in the EDGE statute and rules.
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Company Name Date Executed Project Location New Employee Jobs Target Retained Employee Jobs Target Estimated Value of Credit Located in Underserved Area? (y/n):

For more information contact:

Office of Business Development
Illinois Department of Commerce
