Getting started

Basic usage


yarn add datebook

Example usage

import { ICalendar } from 'datebook'

const config: CalendarOptions = {
  title: 'Happy Hour',
  location: 'The Bar, New York, NY',
  description: 'Let\'s blow off some steam with a tall cold one!',
  start: new Date('2022-07-08T19:00:00'),
  end: new Date('2022-07-08T23:30:00'),
  // an event that recurs every two weeks:
  recurrence: {
    frequency: 'WEEKLY',
    interval: 2


const icalendar = new ICalendar(config)

fs.writeFileSync('my-event.ics', icalendar.render())

This will download Happy Hour.ics onto the user's device. On most mobile devices, this will open the default calendar app with the event.

Google Calendar

import { GoogleCalendar } from 'datebook'

const googleCalendar = new GoogleCalendar(config)

window.location.href = googleCalendar.render()

googleCalendar.render() will return a URL that the user can navigate to and pre-fill event details:'s%20blow%20off%20some%20steam%20with%20a%20tall%20cold%20one!&location=The%20Bar%2C%20New%20York%2C%20NY&dates=20220708T190000%2F20220708T230000&recur=RRULE%3AFREQ%3DWEEKLY%3BINTERVAL%3D1

Via <script> import

Datebook can also be used via script import. CDNs such as jsdelivropen in new window can be used to host Datebook for your project.


<!doctype html>
    <script src=""></script>
      const googleCalendar = new datebook.GoogleCalendar({
        title: 'Happy Hour',
        location: 'The Bar, New York, NY',
        description: 'Let\'s blow off some steam with a tall cold one!',
        start: new Date('2022-07-08T19:00:00'),
        end: new Date('2022-07-08T23:30:00'),
        // an event that recurs every two weeks:
        recurrence: {
          frequency: 'WEEKLY',
          interval: 2

      window.location.href = googleCalendar.render()