(function(){ var Lazy = function(a, f){ for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) this[i] = a[i]; this.length = a.length; this.promise = f; this.defer = []; }; Lazy.prototype = []; (function(o){ for (p in o) Lazy.prototype[p] = o[p]; })({ extend:function(n){ if (!n) n = this.length; for (var i = this.length; i <= n; i++) this.push(this.promise(i)); return this; }, map:function(f){ var that = new Lazy(this, this.promise); that.defer = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this.defer); that.defer.push(f); return that; }, filter:function(f){ var that = new Lazy(this, this.promise); that.defer = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this.defer); that.defer.push(function(e){ return f(e) ? e : null }); return that; }, take:function(n){ if (n <= 0){ return new Lazy([]); } else if (! this.defer.length){ return new Lazy(this.extend(n-1).slice(0, n)); }else{ var ret = [], i = 0, e, j; loop: while (ret.length < n){ e = this.extend(i)[i++]; for (j = 0, l = this.defer.length; j < l; j++){ e = this.defer[j](e); if (e === null) continue loop; } ret.push(e); } return new Lazy(ret); } }, get:function(n){ return this.take(n+1)[n]; }, toString:function(){ return Array.prototype.slice.apply(this) + ''; } }); Array.Lazy = Lazy; })();
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> [0..Inf].grep({$^x % 2 == 0}).map({$^x+1})[10] 21
Dan the Lazy Evaluator