
URI::Escape::XS 0.04 �� Release �����ΤǤ��Τ餻���ޤ���


IDN����ݲ��ɥᥤ��̾�ϡ� URI Encode �ǤϤʤ� Punycode �� encode ���ʤ���Фʤ�ʤ�����äơ��ȼ�������.jp�פ��ǤϤʤ�������������

�����Ĥ����ʬ������Ѥ�餺 URI Encode ���ʤ���Фʤ�ʤ���


        # if you have CNet::IDN::Encode installed
        $safe = encodeURIComponentIDN("http://��.jp/dan/")
        $str  = decodeURIComponentIDN("");

    Same as "encodeURIComponent" except that the host part is encoded in
    punycode. Net::IDN::Encode is required to use this function.

    URIs with Internationalizing Domain Names require two encodings:
    Punycode for host part and URI escape for the rest.

    Currently only FULL URIs with "http:" or "https:" are supported.

    Same as "decodeURIComponent" except that the host part is encoded in
    punycode. Net::IDN::Encode is required to use this function.

����������������Ѥ���ˤϡ�Net::IDN::Encode����ɬ�פˤʤ롣��ǰ�ʤ���CPAN shell��ͳ�Υ��󥹥ȡ�������ܤǡ�source����äƤ���make���ʤ���Фʤ�ʤ��������⤳�졢Ʊ����Claus F���rber �����Ƥ��Ƥ��� Unicode::Stringprep �˰�¸���Ƥ��ơ�����ޤ� make ��ɬ�ס�

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Dan the Man with too Many Encodings to Support