Perl 5.8�ʹߤǤϡ����Τ褦�ʾ���in-memory file���Ȥ��ޤ���
��³�ۤ�Ϥ� Perl �ϥ�������ʸ��졣�ǡ�������������¤ :: Drk7jp�ģ¾�����쥳���ɤ򤤤ä��� perl ¦������˳�Ǽ���ơ����η�̤��֤����äƥ����ɤʤΤǤ����������ʤ���쥳���ɿ���¿���ʤ�Х���򿩤��Τ����������ʤΤǤ����������ε��������Ƥ�����˺�Ѥ��Ƥޤ����������ˤ���Ȥ��꤬����ΤǤ���
my @array = (0x21..0x7e); my $memfile; open my $wfh, '>', \$memfile or die $!; print $wfh chr($_), "\n" for (@array); close $wfh; open my $rfh, '<', \$memfile or die $!; print while(<$rfh>); close $wfh;
# ���code��append use Devel::Size::Report qw/report_size/; print report_size \@array; print report_size \$memfile;
Size report v0.10 for 'ARRAY(0x181832c)': Array ref 1948 bytes (overhead: 444 bytes, 22.79%) Scalar 16 bytes Scalar 16 bytes ����.... Total: 1948 bytes in 95 elements Size report v0.10 for 'SCALAR(0x1801b1c)': Scalar Ref 228 bytes (overhead: 16 bytes, 7.02%) Scalar 212 bytes Total: 228 bytes in 2 elements
#!/usr/local/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Benchmark qw/timethese cmpthese/; cmpthese(timethese( 0, { array => sub { my @array = (); push @array, $_ for ( 0 .. 0xff ); for ( 0 .. 0xff ) { $array[$_] != $_ and die; } }, memfile => sub { my $memfile = ''; open my $wfh, '>', \$memfile or die; print $wfh $_, "\n" for ( 0 .. 0xff ); close $wfh; open my $rfh, '<', \$memfile or die; for ( 0 .. 0xff ) { my $line = <$rfh>; $_ == $line or die; } close $rfh; } } )); __END__MacBook Pro 2.0GHz �Ǥη��:
Benchmark: running array, memfile for at least 3 CPU seconds... array: 4 wallclock secs ( 3.13 usr + 0.01 sys = 3.14 CPU) @ 7003.82/s (n=21992) memfile: 4 wallclock secs ( 3.18 usr + 0.01 sys = 3.19 CPU) @ 2334.80/s (n=7448) Rate memfile array memfile 2335/s -- -67% array 7004/s 200% --
�ʾ�ϰ�԰�쥳���ɤξ��Ǥ���������Ĺ�ξ��Ϥ����efficient�˽���ޤ����㤨�С��쥳���ɤ����٤�Unsigned Long�Ǥ��뤳�Ȥ��狼�äƤ���С�
open my $wfh, '>', \$memfile or die $!; print $wfh pack("N", $_) for (@array); close $wfh; open my $rfh, '<', \$memfile or die $!; print unpack("N", $_), "\n" while(read($rfh, $_, 4)); close $wfh;
�����Ȥä�Wrapper Class���ä���Tie::Array::Whatever�⥸�塼�����Τ�Trivial�Ǥ��礦��
�Ǹ�ˡ�������ǽ�ˤ��Ƥ��줿����˴��Nick Ing-Simmons�˴��դ��Ĥ���entry��submit���ޤ���
Dan the Just Another PerlIO Hacker
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�伫�� perldoc -f open �������ʳ��������򸫤����Ȥ��ʤ��Ǥ���....
Dan the Just Another File Hacker