Latest articles
My favorite records from 2024
— The past year in music releases.
My “Skip to content” markup was breaking the back button on iOS
<main tabindex=-1>
makes iOS Safari forget its scroll position. -
How to think about HTML responsive images
— srcset, sizes, picture, source, and how they all fit.
My favorite records from 2023
— The past year in music releases.
So you want to add a web feed
— How to write an Atom feed from scratch.
Slotted content in Eleventy
— Fill slots in an HTML layout with chunks of Markdown content.
Sass in Eleventy, with versioning
— Adding support for
files, complete with content hashes. -
Line-height tricks made simpler with the ‘lh’ CSS unit
— Three old CSS techniques made new with the line-height unit.
Why do mobile browsers share canonical URLs?
— And the case for them to revisit.
Get useful input values with formDataMap()
— A utility function inspired by the FormData DOM interface.
Build-time og:image generation with eleventy-img
HTTP 301 redirects in Eleventy
-moz-bullet-font can affect the line height
A note on feeds, a feed on notes
An occasional, lightly-edited review of web development news, open-source finds and minutiae. Read all WatchStarFork issues, or jump to the latest: