![Hypnotic Denton's awesome hand-painted sign.](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/NypP1mJQarXnVWlX3aOMXF3TjF4=/16x0:483x350/1200x800/filters:focal(16x0:483x350)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/38794880/hypnoticdentonsignFB.0.jpg)
Brace, Denton: Long-awaited Hypnotic Donuts (and the attached Cultivar Coffee) is almost ready to open. Per the Denton Record-Chronicle, the opening date has been set for next Wednesday, September 3. Besides wacky doughnut varieties like the Evil Elvis, Peace-stachio and Canadian Healthcare and the chicken biscuits the White Rock shop has become known for, the Denton outpost will also serve the Canadian delicacy known as poutine; according to the Record-Chronicle, the shop will serve both "the classic version with fries, brown gravy and cheese curds, and also a Hypnotic version with Tater Tots, white gravy and cheese curds." (Perhaps even more importantly, there will be beer.)
The Denton location will share space with local roaster Cultivar Coffee; besides brewing their own beans, Cultivar is also making their own syrups and even almond milk. For a sneak peek at the new shop, hit up the open house taking place this Sunday from 6-8 p.m.
· Hypnotic Donuts [Official]
· Doughnuts With a 'Good Vibe' [Denton RC]
· Hypnotic Donuts/Facebook]