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Guide for Sponsored Students

Third-Party Contract Student Agreement

The Sponsored Accounts Office at Michigan State University (MSU) processes all third-party contract agreements (TPC). Sponsors agree to assume financial responsibility for all or a portion of a student’s educational costs. The Sponsored Accounts Office will apply a conditional credit, prepare and bill (invoice) the sponsor for the authorized charges, and correspond directly with the sponsor.

Please direct all inquiries and required documents to [email protected]

Complete the Third-Party Contract Student Agreement

Sponsored students will still receive the standard billing statements and notifications. Students are responsible for paying their bill by the due date. Action items:
  • Pay your portion of the bill by the due date to avoid late fees and/or holds
  • Ensure sponsor documents are received by the Sponsored Accounts Office for the conditional credit to be applied. TPC is not applied toward the student account until proper authorization/documentation has been received from the sponsor. A personal letter or email from the student is not sufficient as verification of sponsorship
  • It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they meet the requirements of their sponsor to receive funding

It is the policy of MSU to protect our students’ right to confidentiality per the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). By participating in the third-party sponsor program, you grant authorization to the university to release to your sponsoring agency information pertaining to assessed tuition and registration fees, financial aid, and enrollment.
The FERPA release authorization is in effect for the semesters covered by the Sponsor Agreement, Third-Party Contact.

Sponsor organizations must provide our school with a billing authorization (and roster for multiple students) prior to the creation of the student’s semester bill. Upon receipt of this authorization, our office will apply conditional credit on the students’ account equal to their sponsor award. Sponsor invoices are generated and emailed after quarter-of-term (after add/drop period) each semester and monthly thereafter, as needed.

MSU Sponsored Accounts does not accept authorizations for books or supplies.

Please email all required sponsor forms to [email protected]

Once the sponsorship has been established, a conditional third-party credit (TPC) is placed on the student account. It is important to note that the TPC credit is conditional; it does not indicate payment was received from the sponsor.

Sponsored students will continue to receive billing statements and notifications. Sponsored students are responsible for paying their portion of the bill by the due date. It is the responsibility of the student to know what the sponsor requires to receive the funding. To avoid late payment fees and/or holds:

  • Pay your portion of the bill by the due date
  • Ensure sponsor documents are received by the Sponsored Accounts Office for the conditional credit to be applied. The TPC conditional credit is not applied toward the student account until completed authorization/documentation has been received from the sponsor

Sponsor invoices are generated and emailed after quarter-of-term (after add/drop period) each semester and monthly thereafter, as needed. The student continues to be responsible for any balance not covered by the sponsor funding.

  • A $25 processing fee is included on the sponsor invoice
  • International organizations sponsoring international students are charged an annual administrative fee for services and support rendered. The fee of $700 is assessed in two installments of $350 each for the Fall and Spring semesters, for each supported student who is enrolled in those terms

Sponsors have (30) days upon receipt of the invoice to make payment. In the event a sponsor does not pay, any outstanding sponsor balance remains the financial responsibility of the student. If the Third-Party payment received from the sponsor differs from the invoiced amount, the TPC funding applied to the sponsored student’s account will be adjusted accordingly. If the sponsor does not pay, the TPC funding will be removed. Students are responsible for balances owed on their student account.

Sponsors may mail check payments or pay via wire transfers with invoice:

Michigan State University
Sponsored Accounts
426 Auditorium Rd Room 110
East Lansing, MI 48824-2602

Wire Transfer Details
Bank Of America
2600 W. Big Beaver Rd.
Troy, MI 48084
Account #1935218139 (Checking)
Routing #026009593 (Wire Payments)
Routing #071000039 (ACH Payments)
Please reference invoice number when submitting payment

Michigan Education Trust (MET)

Michigan Education Trust (MET) is a prepaid tuition program that pays tuition and mandatory fees (in some instances) only. If you expect your tuition to be paid by MET, you must have an activated contract. To activate your contract, contact MET directly via email at [email protected] and via phone at 1.800.MET.4KID (1.800.638.4543). MET will provide MSU with a roster of students attending any given semester. Tuition will be charged to the student's account, and a conditional MET credit will be applied by MSU. MSU will invoice MET after quarter term each semester.

For questions concerning charges and credit hours billed to MET by MSU, please contact our office at [email protected].

Michigan Education Savings Plan (MESP):

MESP is a state sponsored 529 college savings program. There are two options for making payments to MSU using your 529 savings plan:

  1. 529 savings plan payments can be initiated in the bill payment area in the Student Information System (SIS). There is a $10 service fee to pay online.
  2. You may also have a payment mailed. You may initiate a payment from your 529 account via MESP (

Please ensure your processor includes the student's ID number on the check and send to:

Michigan State University
Hannah Administration Building
426 Auditorium Rd., Room 110
East Lansing, MI 48824-2602

Veteran Educational Benefits

Enrollment certification for Veterans Educational Benefits is processed by the Office of the Registrar, located in room 150 Hannah Administration Building. The Department of Veteran Affairs determines eligibility for veteran and dependent education benefits. Once a determination is made, the Office of the Registrar certifies student enrollment in compliance with the Department of Veterans Affairs regulations. The Veterans Certification Team is dedicated to making your experience at MSU a positive one. More information can be provided by the Office of the Registrar.

Tax Form 1042-S

The Form 1042S: Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding is used to report scholarships, grants received, stipends or tuition scholarships, and compensation for independent and dependent personal services for individuals classified as "nonresident alien for tax purposes". In addition, income exempt from withholding is also reported on a 1042-S. Michigan State University will provide three copies of the 1042-S by March 15th for the previous tax year. A copy of the 1042-S must be filed with the Federal and State tax returns.

Important Note: Michigan State University is unable to provide you with tax advice. If you have any tax-related questions, you should seek the counsel of an informed tax preparer or adviser.

Dual Enrolled High School Students:

Dual Enrollment (DE) is an opportunity for students in grades 9.5-12 to enroll in select undergraduate courses at Michigan State University while in high school. More information is available at Home - Dual Enrollment - Michigan State University (