Main website:
Part of the mission of the CSH is to enhance the scientific interactions between its members, the Bernese arm of the PlanetS NCCR, the Bernese contingent of the CHEOPS mission and the various research groups within WP.
The CSH runs a Visitor's Program that invites colloquium+seminar+research visitors, plans the logistics of their visits (travel, hotel accommodation, reimbursement, visitor's office) and embeds them in an array of interaction mechanisms (research coffee, research lunch, journal club, etc) during their visit to the CSH's main location in G6 (Gesellschaftsstrasse 6, CH-3012, Bern, Switzerland).
The CSH places a heavy emphasis on its youth (students and postdocs), and strives to enhance and augment their scientific education via these interaction mechanisms.
Using the site
This is the Wikidot page for the CSH to manage and store its schedules for visitors. The schedule pages are fully editable by the public, because it is meant to be grassroots-based and leaderless. Please do not ask for permission to edit a specific schedule (unless explicitly requested by the host of the visitor).
If you are interested in meeting with a specific visitor, click on her/his name in the menu and add the following: time, your name, your office number (in parentheses). Unless indicated otherwise, the convention is that the visitor goes to your office during the scheduled time.
Feel free to separate the schedule into separate days by copying the table. If you wish to join us for speaker dinner (which will be paid for by the CSH), please add your name to the list on a first-come, first-served basis.