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Diskuse s wikipedistou:Andrea Ryplová

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Poslední komentář: před 7 lety od uživatele Goonsquad LCpl Mulvaney v tématu „Invitation to participate in 420 collaboration

--Elm (diskuse) 1. 4. 2017, 01:49 (CEST)Odpovědět

Invitation to participate in 420 collaboration

[editovat zdroj]

You are invited to participate in the upcoming

"420 collaboration",

which is being held from Saturday, April 15 to Sunday, April 30, and especially on April 20, 2017!

The purpose of the collaboration, which is being organized by WikiProject Cannabis, is to create and improve en:cannabis-related content at Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects in a variety of fields, including: culture, health, hemp, history, medicine, politics, and religion.

For more information about this campaign, and to learn how you can help improve Wikipedia, please visit the "420 collaboration" page.

Goonsquad LCpl Mulvaney (diskuse) 16. 4. 2017, 08:31 (CEST)Odpovědět

Really nice work on Konopí v Japonsku! If you feel like doing any other translations before the end of the month, please consider posting them at en:Wikipedia:WikiProject_Cannabis/420_Collaboration#Other-language_additions so we can recognize them as part of the campaign! If you translate to English as well, we're looking for someone to translate Legalizace.cz (even as a cited stub) for English Wikipedia if you feel motivated. Thanks for your good work! Goonsquad LCpl Mulvaney (diskuse) 21. 4. 2017, 19:59 (CEST)Odpovědět