
CPU Benchmarks

Over 1,000,000 CPUs Benchmarked

CPU Performance Comparison

Performance of selected CPUs can be found below. The values for the CPU are determined from thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark results and is updated daily.

' + newMsg + '
'; toast.style.backgroundColor = "#AE0034"; launch_toast(); //toast.innerHTML = oldText; //toast.style.backgroundColor = oldBgColor; } } _AddCPU(CPUId, CPUName, CPUCount) { CPUCount = typeof CPUCount !== 'undefined' ? parseInt(CPUCount) : 1; CPUId = parseInt(CPUId); for( var i = 0; i < this.CPUs.length; i++ ) if( this.CPUs[i].CPUId == CPUId && this.CPUs[i].CPUCount == CPUCount ) return true; // Already added if( this.CPUs.length < MAX_COMPARE ) { this.CPUs.push(new CPU(CPUId, CPUName, CPUCount)); return true; } return false; } removeCPU(CPUId, CPUCount) { if( this._RemoveCPU(CPUId, "", CPUCount) ) { let _this = this; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/compareAjax.php", data: { action: "remove", cpuid: CPUId, cpucount: CPUCount }, success: function( data ) { console.log(data); _this.UpdateGUI(); }, }); } } _RemoveCPU(CPUId, CPUName, CPUCount) { CPUCount = typeof CPUCount !== 'undefined' ? CPUCount : 1; for( var i = 0; i < this.CPUs.length; i++ ) if( this.CPUs[i].CPUId == CPUId && this.CPUs[i].CPUCount == CPUCount ) { this.CPUs.splice(i,1); return true; } return false; } removeAll() { this.CPUs.length = 0; let _this = this; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/compareAjax.php", data: { action: "removeAll" }, success: function( data ) { console.log(data); _this.UpdateGUI(); }, }); } _RemoveAll() { this.CPUs.length = 0; } CompareCPUs(interactive) { if( this.CPUs.length < 2 ) { if(interactive) alert( "Minimum of 2 CPUs are required for comparison"); return; } // Build Param String let paramString1 = ""; let paramString2 = ""; for( let i = 0; i < this.CPUs.length; i++ ) { if( i ) { paramString1 += " vs "; paramString2 += "vs"; } var name = this.CPUs[i].CPUName; var n = name.indexOf("@"); if( n > 0 ) { name = name.substr( 0, n-1 ); } name = name.replace( /\//g, "", name ); name = name.replace( /Intel\sCore\b/i, "Intel " ); name = name.replace( /\s+/g, " ", name ); paramString1 += name; paramString2 += "" + this.CPUs[i].CPUId; if( typeof this.CPUs[i].CPUCount !== 'undefined' && Number.isInteger( this.CPUs[i].CPUCount ) && this.CPUs[i].CPUCount > 1 ) paramString2 += "." + this.CPUs[i].CPUCount.toString(); } // Redirect to comparison page let locationHref = "/compare"; window.location.href = encodeURI(locationHref + "/" + paramString2 + "/" + paramString1.replace(/\s/g, "-")); } } function updateSidebar() { let objSidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar"); if( !objSidebar ) { console.log( "Error: Object 'sidebar' not found!" ); return; } //console.log( "UpdateSideBar() Max Compare: " + MAX_COMPARE ); //console.log( myCmp.CPUs ); let pSidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar_default_text"); let tableSidebar = document.getElementById( "sidebar_table" ); let buttonSidebar = document.getElementById( "sidebar_button" ); let divTableSidebar = document.getElementById( "div_sidebar_table" ); pSidebar.style.display = (myCmp.CPUs.length < 2) ? "block":"none"; divTableSidebar.style.display = "block"; buttonSidebar.style.display = "block"; // Remove all CPUs const tbody = document.getElementById('compbody'); if (tbody) { // Get all tr elements inside the tbody const rows = tbody.querySelectorAll('tr'); // Iterate over each row rows.forEach(row => { // If the row's id doesn't match the one to keep, remove it if (row.id !== 'selectCPU') { row.remove(); } }); } let i; for( i = 0; i < myCmp.CPUs.length; i++ ) { row = document.createElement( "TR" ); row.setAttribute( "id", "" + myCmp.CPUs[i].CPUId ); if( i % 2 ) row.setAttribute( "class", "alt" ); tableSidebar.tBodies[0].insertBefore(row, document.getElementById('selectCPU')); col2 = row.insertCell(); col2.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "" + (i+1) + ": " + myCmp.CPUs[i].CPUName )); col1 = row.insertCell( -1 ); col1.setAttribute( "class", "ta-center" ); let but = document.createElement( "button" ); but.appendChild( document.createTextNode("X") ); but.onclick = function(id, numCPUs) { return function(){ myCmp.removeCPU(id, numCPUs ); anim(); }; }(myCmp.CPUs[i].CPUId, myCmp.CPUs[i].CPUCount > 1 ? myCmp.CPUs[i].CPUCount : 1); col1.appendChild( but ); } if( i < MAX_COMPARE ) { $('#selectCPU').show(); if( i % 2 ) $('#selectCPU').addClass('alt'); else $('#selectCPU').removeClass('alt'); } else { $('#selectCPU').hide(); } } var myCmp = new MyCompare(); $(document).ready( function($) { // Floating sidebar $('#sidebar').portamento(); myCmp.UpdateGUI(); }); $('#autocomplete').autocomplete({ //lookup: lookupCPUs, serviceUrl: '/autocomplete/cpu/', onSelect: function(suggestion){ myCmp.addCPU( suggestion.data, suggestion.value, 1 ); }, noCache: false, transformResult: function(response) { let jsonObj = JSON.parse(response); let abc = jsonObj.suggestions.slice(0,10); return {suggestions: abc}; }, onSearchStart: function(params) { //console.log("Before: "+params.query); params.query = params.query.trim(); params.query = params.query.substring(0,40); params.query = params.query.replace(/\(TM\)/i, ""); params.query = params.query.replace(/\(R\)/i, ""); if(/^(int|inte|intel)\b/i.test(params.query)) params.query = params.query.replace(/^(int|inte|intel)\b/i, "Intel "); if(/\b(Xe|Xeo|Xeon)\b/i.test(params.query)) params.query = params.query.replace(/\b(Xe|Xeo|Xeon)\b/i, "Xeon "); if(/\b(Ryz|Ryze|Ryzen)\b/i.test(params.query)) params.query = params.query.replace(/\b(Ryz|Ryze|Ryzen)\b/i, "Ryzen "); if(/^(AM|AMD)\b/i.test(params.query)) params.query = params.query.replace(/^(AM|AMD)\b/i, "AMD "); if(/^(Qua|Qual|Qualc)\b/i.test(params.query)) params.query = params.query.replace(/^(Qua|Qual|Qualc)\b/i, "Qualcomm "); if(/\b(Pen|Pent)\b/i.test(params.query)) params.query = params.query.replace(/\b(Pen|Pent)\b/i, "Pentium "); if(/^(App|Appl)\b/i.test(params.query)) params.query = params.query.replace(/^(App|Appl)\b/i, "Apple "); params.query = params.query.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); //console.log("After: "+params.query); }, showNoSuggestionNotice: true, noSuggestionNotice: "Failed to locate CPU model. Try looking at mega list to see all names instead.", width: 300, minChars: 3, lookupLimit: 10, preventBadQueries: true, params: {"compact": 1}, deferRequestBy: 500, preserveInput: true }); $("#sidebar_minimize, #sidebar_restore").click( function(event) { event.preventDefault(); jQuery('#portamento_container').toggle( ); jQuery('#sb_restore').toggle(); }); $("#sidebar_button").on( "click", function() { myCmp.CompareCPUs(true); }); function anim() { var indexcmp = document.getElementById('indexcmp'); if(indexcmp.innerHTML < MAX_COMPARE) { $(".cmp-header a svg").addClass("anim-class"); $(".cmp-header .number-cmp").addClass("anim-bounce-class"); setTimeout(function () { $(".cmp-header a svg").removeClass('anim-class'); }, 1500); } } function anim2() { $(".cmp-header a svg").addClass("anim-class"); setTimeout(function () { $(".cmp-header a svg").removeClass('anim-class'); }, 1500); } function launch_toast(toastID) { //var indexcmp = document.getElementById("indexcmp"); var toast = document.getElementById("toast"); //toast.top = indexcmp.top+30; toast.className = "show"; toast.style.display = "block"; setTimeout(function(){ toast.className = toast.className.replace("show", ""); }, 5000); }