Hi @Elmi,
Yes, the last version is the version available in github.
Just in case you have a "corrupted" installation you could remove your installation and start over.
Example using /root/ dir as home directory where we installed letsencrypt cloning it with git.
cd /root/
tar zcvf backup-local_letsencrypt-2016-Jan-06.tar.gz .local/share/letsencrypt/
tar zcvf backup-letsencrypt_github-2016-Jan-06.tar.gz letsencrypt/
rm -rf .local/share/letsencrypt/
rm -rf letsencrypt/
git clone https://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt
cd letsencrypt/
./letsencrypt-auto --help
If no errors, you can try again to create the certificates:
./letsencrypt-auto certonly --webroot -w /home/user/domain.de -d domain.de --debug --email youremail@whatever.tld --text --agree-tos --staging
will generate the certs but won't try to install it in your apache or nginx installation, the certs should be available (once created) in /etc/letsencrypt/live/yourdomain.tld/
It specifies to letsencrypt that challenge will use this web root method (it will left the file challenge in the path specified by -w switch)
-w /home/user/domain.de
Specifies the document root for your domain. In this case, letsencrypt will left the challenge file into /home/user/domain.de/.well-known/acme-challenge/random_challenge_file so you should be sure that files put into /home/user/domain.de/.well-known/acme-challenge/ are accesible using this from a browser http://domain.de/.well-known/acme-challenge/whateverfile
-d domain.de
specifies the domains that the cert will be generated for. It could be specified by several -d switches -d domain.de -d www.domain.de
or by the domains separated by comma -d domain-de,www.domain.de
keep in mind that all the specified domains should share the same document root, if that is not the case we can also specify a document root per domain -w /home/user/domain.de -d domain.de -w /home/user/www.domain.de -d www.domain.de
this switch will show more info about the process but also will be able to use some experimental functions like to work using python 2.6 (letsencrypt has been made to use python 2.7 but using --debug enables support for python 2.6).
--email youremail@whatever.tld
is used as recovery contact, also, letsencrypt will notify to this email when the cert is about to expire. If you don't want to use it, change the switch by --register-unsafely-without-email
use the text output instead of the curses UI
you automatically agree the Terms Of Service.
you will create a fake certificate for your domain, it won't be valid for browsers but you won't hit the rate limit for creating your certs, once the process is ok for you, just remove this switch and rerun the command to create a valid certificate.
Good luck.