

ASA Section on Statistical Computing &

ASA Section on Statistical Graphics

The ASA Section on Statistical Computing's mission is to promote computational applications that solve problems arising in statistics and data science. Through these efforts, we advocate efficient and user-friendly computational applications arising from methodological and software developments. In addition, we encourage the joint application of computational statistical and data science techniques in other fields, and act as a focal point for computational activities within the ASA. The importance of these activities is becoming even more critical with the advance of data technologies that challenge us with new problems.

The ASA Section on Statistical Graphics's mission is to foster understanding and proper use of statistical graphics in statistics, in other scientific fields, in the greater data visualization community, in the mass media, and among the general public. In addition, we encourage the teaching of statistical graphics in universities, colleges, secondary schools, and primary schools and we encourage research in statistical graphics and data visualization to provide a focus within the Association for it. The importance of these activities is becoming even more critical with the advent of enormous datasets of extremely high dimensionality.

If these activities interest you, please consider adding either or both sections to your ASA membership.

JSM 2025 Invited Session Proposals

The submission portal is open now through September 5th for proposals for invited sessions for JSM 2025 in Nashville, TN. We at the Statistical Computing Section and Statistical Graphics Section look forward to receiving your proposals on computing & graphics-related topics. 

For more information or to submit, please visit: https://ww2.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2025/

Reach out to Emily Zabor (Statistical Graphics Section, Program Chair-Elect 2024) at [email protected] or Allison Theobold (Statistical Computing Section, Program Chair-Elect 2024) at [email protected] with questions.

Congratulations 2024 Data Challenge Expo Winners!

Student Winners

FIRST: Understanding Confidence in American Institutions Over Time: Comparing Two National Surveys
Andrew Forrester, University of Maryland and co-author Ujjayini Das

SECOND: Exploring the 2024 GSS
Yichi Song, Carleton College, and co-authors Bryanna Schaffer and Adam Loy 

THIRD: Investigating American Optimism: Evidence from 2022 General Social Survey (GSS) Data
Wooyoung Kim, Washington State, and co-authors Jacqueline Carlton, David Rice, Daryl DeFord, and MdMahedi Hasan

HONORABLE MENTION: A Matter of Perception: An Analysis of Factors Influencing Perceived Crime in Selected U.S. Cities
Hiyang Wang, Duke University, and co-authors Erick Jiang, Ziyao Cui, Nicholas Sortisio, Cynthia Rudin, and Eric Chen

Professional Winner

Analysis of Social Trends using the General Social Survey
Natalie Winans, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and co-authors Damon Leach, Logan Lwis, Sydney Schwartz, Beata Meluch, Samantha Obermiller, David Degnan, and Lisa Bramer


2024 JSM Mixer

The Joint Statistical Computing and Graphics mixer will be held at  5:30 pm PDT on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, at the Hyatt Columbia 2.  With many thanks to our sponsors CRC Press, SAS, Posit and O'Reilly.

2024 Student Awards announced!

The review panel of the John M. Chambers Statistical Software Award consisted of Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel (Section on Statistical Computing), Claire Bowen (Section on Statistical Computing), Steven Chiou (Section on Statistical Computing), Philip Waggoner (Awards Chair/joint member; non-voting committee chair). The 2024 John M. Chambers Statistical Software Award goes to:

The review panel of the Student Paper Award consisted of Haim Bar (Section on Statistical Computing and Section on Statistical Graphics), Lucy D’Agostino McGowan (Section on Statistical Graphics), Susan VanderPlas (Section on Statistical Graphics), Tim Hesterberg (Section on Statistical Computing), and Philip Waggoner (Awards Chair/joint member; committee chair). The 2024 Student Paper Awards go to:

  • Jae Choi, University of Texas at Dallas, "Revisiting Link Prediction with the Dowker Complex";
  • Yu Wang, Medical College of Wisconsin, "Rforce: Random Forest for Composite Endpoints";
  • Thomas Sun, Rice University, "Ultra-efficient MCMC for Bayesian longitudinal functional data analysis";
  • Yuhang Lin, Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence (CSAFE), Iowa State University, "A reproducible pipeline for extracting representative signals from wire cuts".

The student award recipients will present their work in a topic-contributed session of the 2024 Joint Statistical Meetings. They will also receive their certificate and cash prize at the mixer of the Section on Statistical Computing and the Section on Statistical Graphics.