Weather radar
English: Weather radar
Deutsch: Wetterradar
Español: Radar meteorológico
Русский: Метеорологическая радиолокационная станция
Suomi: Säätutka
Français : Radar météorologique
Italiano: Radar meteorologico
Nederlands: Weerradar
Polski: Radar dopplerowski
한국어: 기상 레이더
العربية: رادار جوي
Radar stations
NSSL's first Doppler Weather Radar located in Norman, Oklahoma.
NSSL's first research Doppler Weather Radar.
Norman Doppler Weather Radar installation.
NSSL's second Doppler Weather Radar, 15 miles west of Oklahoma City.
NSSL Doppler Weather Radar with rainshaft nearby. If you don't believe the radar, look out the window.
Doppler Weather Radar Tower - San Diego California.
Weather radar on top of 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York City RCA GE Building
Radar of the Lisca weather station, Slovenia
Weather radar on top of the New Water Tower of Kerava, Finland
Weather radar of Tivissa-Llaberia, in the top of the mountain of la Miranda, in Catalonia
Radar images
[edit]- Reflectivy images
storm front
A classical "hook echo" as seen in the strongest tornado in the 1999 Oklahoma Tornado Outbreak.
Snow in Denver, CO
Lake effect snow on Buffalo, NY
Smoke plume over NY
CAPPI example
Secondary lobe echoes
Bright band on radar
Snowsquall line/Bourrasque de neige frontale
Composite de plusieurs radars montrant un Derecho
Color scale example
- Velocity images (Doppler)
Mesocyclone and downburst patterns of Doppler radial velocities (radar at bottom)
Doppler winds pattern
Doppler dilemma
Mesocyclone detection on Doppler data on McGill Radar
Mesocyclone detection on NEXRAD
Détection de mésocyclone sur NEXRAD
Vents radiaux
Radial winds component
Supercell encounters bats
>Hurricane Katrina winds
Composantes Radar components
Sonar/radar principle
Sonar/radar principle
Radar sounding
Radar beam and pulse size with distance
Calculation of radar beam height
Radar beam height in SVG
Radar polarization in PNG
Radar polarization in SVG
Polarisation radar en SVG
Polarisation in Spanish
Polarisation in Chineese
Radar resolution
5cm wavelength Radar attenuation by heavy rain
Radar sidelobes echoes
Radar angles in Canada
Angles radar au Canada
Three body scattering
Artefact sources
Sources d'erreurs sur un radar
Artefacts cluttering radar display
Filtered radar data
Loop of filtered and non filtered data
Drop size distribution (DSD) that enter into the Reflectivty versus Rain rate relation
Marshall-Palmer theorical DSD
Ducting radar beam due to temperature inversion
Super-refraction in altitude
Normal refraction in atmopshere
Beam spreading with distance
Loop showing a Wind Farm location
Reflectivity and radial velocities of wind mills blades
Tornado vortex signature algorithm output
Comparison of two radars with different resolution
Comparison of two radars with different resolution
Radial velocity explanation
Radars météorologiques français ARAMIS en 2019 / French weather radars ARAMIS in 2019
Radar météorologique d'aéroport TDWR d'aéroports aux États-Unis
Terminal Doppler Weather Radar network in the United States
Doppler weather radar network in the Philippines