Deutsch: Der Begriff Päderastie bezieht sich im klassischen und akademischen Sinn auf Liebesbeziehungen zwischen erwachsenen Männern und geschlechtsreifen Jugendlichen. Diese Beziehungen können sexuell geprägt sein oder auch nicht, freiwillig oder unfreiwillig, sentimental oder käuflich. Ihre Legalität ist von den jeweiligen Schutzaltersgrenzen und Gesetzen zur Homosexualität abhängig.
English: In the classic and academic sense, pederasty refers to the hebephilic or ephebophilic relationship between an adult male and an adolescent boy. Such relationships may be sexually expressed or not, consensual or nonconsensual, sentimental or commercial, and their legality will vary depending on local age of consent laws and prohibitions on homosexuality. The term can also be employed of the attraction of the man to the boy, whether or not reciprocated. It is analogous to korephilia.
Español: En español la palabra pederastia (del griego país o paidós: «niño» o «muchacho» y eran: «querer») se refiere a la práctica sexual abusiva y delictiva entre un varón adulto y un menor de edad.
El término «pederastia» se ha visto confundido con otros dos conceptos:
- Homosexualidad masculina: Por malinterpretación de los textos clásicos griegos, «pederasta» ha introducido el matiz semántico de la homosexualidad masculina.
- Paidofilia o pedofilia: A pesar de que etimológicamente significan lo mismo (ya que ambas se basan en paidós: «niño» o «adolescente»), la pedofilia no se refiere al abuso sexual, sino a la mera tendencia sexual o atracción entre un hombre adulto y un adolescente (en Grecia generalmente un erastes y su pupilo). Este uso es distinto del uso comun en los paises de habla inglesa, donde "pedofilia" se refiere a la atracción y contacto sexual entre un adulto y una persona de menos de trece años. Al primar en el mundo civilizado un Derecho penal de acto, y no un Derecho penal de autor, se castiga la pederastia pero no la pedofilia, es decir, el abuso sexual real y no la mera tendencia sexual.
Français : Le mot pédérastie renvoie à la relation amoureuse entre un homme adulte et un garçon adolescent, que celle-ci se traduise ou non par des rapports sexuels, qu'elle soit ou non de type consensuel, de nature sentimentale ou bien marchande. La légalité de telles relations dépend des lois en matière de protection des mineurs et des interdits concernant l'homosexualité, variables d'un État à l'autre. Le terme peut également servir à désigner l'attirance d'un homme pour un garçon, que cette dernière soit réciproque ou non.
Português: No senso clássico e acadêmico, pederastia refere-se a relação erótica entre um homem adulto e um garoto adolescente. Tal relação pode ser seualmente expressada ou não, consensual ou não consensual, sentimental ou comercial, e a sua legalidade irá variar dependendo do local, leis e proibições da homossexualidade. O termo também pode ser empregado para a atração física de um homem para um garoto, recíproca ou não.
Ancient Greece / Grèce antique / Griechische Antike
[edit]Mythical / Mythologie
Hyacinthus and Zephyrus. Figure on the left may also be Eros. Around 480 BCE. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Hyacinthus and Zephyrus. Figure on the left may also be Eros. Around 480 BCE. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Hyacinthus and Zephyrus. Attic Kylix. 500 - 450 BCE
Winged Eros and a boy. Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Daily life / Vie quotidienne / Alltag
Pederastic courtship. Around 540 BCE. Paris, Musée du Louvre.
Pederastic courtship. Around 540 BCE. Paris, Musée du Louvre.
Pederastic courtship. Attic cup. around 530 – 520 BCE. Paris, Musée du Louvre.
Pederastic courtship. Attic cup. around 530 – 520 BCE. Paris, Musée du Louvre.
Courtship gift. Paris, Musée du Louvre.
Exterior of an Attic kylix with pederastic courtship scenes. Artist; Douris. Potter; Attributed to the Python potter. Date; Around 480BCE. Museum; J. Paul Getty Museum
A second image of the same Attic kylix. This is the interior of the kylix. The exterior of the Kylix shows pederastic courtship scenes. Artist; Douris. Potter; Attributed to the Python potter. Date; Around 480BCE. Museum; J. Paul Getty Museum
Courtship scene. around 540 BCE.
Courtship scene. Around 540 BCE.
Pederasty scene
Pederasty scene. Lekythos. 6th century BCE
Pederasty scene. Lekythos. 6th century BCE.
Pederasty scene
Pederastic courtship. Athens National Museum
Pederasty scene
Pederastic courtship. Side B of a column-krater, 480–460 BCE
Pederasty scene. Musée de l'érotisme de Paris
Pederasty scene. Attic Kylix. Brygos Painter. 470 BCE
Pederasty scene. Attic Kylix. Brygos Painter. 470 BCE
Pederasty scene. Attic Kylix. Brygos Painter. 470 BCE
Pederasty scene. Briseis Painter. around 480 BCE Paris, Musée du Louvre
Man kissing a boy. Briseis Painter. around 480 BCE Paris, Musée du Louvre
Pederastic scene. Kylix. Terracotta. Carpenter Painter. 510 - 500 BCE
Pederasty scene - Kylix by Peithinos 1 of 3. Altes Museum, F 2279.
Pederasty scene - Kylix by Peithinos 2 of 3. Altes Museum, F 2279.
Pederasty scene - Kylix by Peithinos 3 of 3. Altes Museum, F 2279.
Pedarastic intercrural Sex. Cup. 550 - 525 BCE
Pederastic scene. Aryballos. mid 6th century BCE. Museum of fine Arts, Boston
Pederastic scene. Aryballos. mid 6th century BCE. Museum of fine Arts, Boston
Symposium. Aryballos. mid 6th century BCE. Museum of fine Arts, Boston
Two handled cup. A Karchesion. This side has an inscription above the figures that reads, "Kalos", Handsome. Around 520 BCE - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston [1]
Detail of two handled cup. A Kantharos. This side has an inscription above the figures that reads, "Kalos", Handsome. Around 520 BCE - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.[1]
Other side of Two handled cup. A Karchesion. Around 520 BCE - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston [2]
Pederastic scene. Bell Krater. Attributed to: The Dinos Painter. Production date around 420BCE
A second image of the same bell krater. Attributed to: The Dinos Painter. Production date around 420BCE
Pederastic sex. Tyrrhenian amphora. Guglielmi painter. Around 565 - 550 BCE
Pederastic sex. Tyrrhenian amphora. 560 - 530 BCE.
Pederastic sex.Detail of Tyrrhenian amphora. 560 - 530 BCE.
Neck Amphora. At the far right is a pederastic scene between two males. Artist: The Timiades Painter. 575 - 550 BCE
Pederastic scene. Attic Psykter. Attributed to Smikros. Date: around 510 BCE
Pederastic scene. Attic Psykter. Attributed to Smikros. Date: around 510 BCE
Pederastic scene. Attic Psykter. Attributed to Smikros. Date: around 510 BCE
Pederastic scene. Attic Psykter. Attributed to Smikros. Date: around 510 BCE
Symposium scene. Fresco from the north wall of a tomb in Paestum (Italy). 470 BCE
Detail of Fresco from the north wall. 470 BCE
Symposium scene. Fresco from the north wall of a tomb in Paestum (Italy). 470 BCE
Symposium scene. Fresco from the south wall of a tomb in Paestum (Italy). 470 BCE
Symposium scene. Fresco from the south wall a tomb in Paestum (Italy). 470 BCE
Symposium scene. Attic kylix. Around 460-450 BCE.
Symposium scene. Detail. Attic kylix. Around 460-450 BCE.
Ancient Rome / Rome antique / Roma antica / Antikes Rom
Antinous (c. 110–130 CE). He was the beloved of the Roman Emperor Hadrian.
Ecouen Antinous.
Antinous as Egyptian god Osyris.
Antinous (Delphi, Greece).
Antinous - Antinoo (Palazzo Altaemps, Rome).
Antinous - Antinoo.
Emperor Hadrian, on a coin.
Emperor Hadrian, on a coin.
Emperor Hadrian, on a coin.
Emperor Hadrian. - L'imperatore Adriano, amante di Antinoo.
Polydeukion, here portrayed in a votive relief (2nd c. E.E.), was the favorite pupil and beloved of stoic philosopher and millionaire Herodes Atticus.
Ganymede - Ganimede (Museo delle Terme, Rome, Italy).
The rape of Ganymede (Museo archeologico, Venice, Italy) - Il ratto di Ganimede. Museo archeologico, Venezia.
Skyphos from Pergamon with relief appliques:left is Ganymede around 180 - 70 BCE
Ganymede (Musée du Louvre, Paris, France).
Man and youth having sex, Warren Cup
Young man and boy having sex, Warren Cup
Hadrian and Antinous in Egypt.
Japan / Japon
Three samurais
Suzuki Harunobu Shunga, ca. 1750.
China / Chine
The Way of the Academicians from “Hua Ying Chin Chen” (Variegated Positions of the Flower Battle), China, Ming dynasty (1368–1644)
"Old Monk Received into a Wealthy Man's House while his Young Companion is being seduced by the Owner", Mid nineteenth century, Silk painting, F. M. Bertholet Collection
Muslim lands / Pays musulmans / Islamische Länder
[edit]Persia / Perse / Persien
Mahmoud & Ayaz, and Shah Abbas; Unknown artist - Moraqqa; 17th century Reza Abbasi Museum
Ayaz kneeling before Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni. A miniature painting from a fifteenth century manuscript of six poems by 'Attar. "Six poems" by Farid al-Din 'Attar Southern Iran, 1472 British Library, London
Shah Abbas I & wine boy
Men and youths by a stream - Ceramic panel from Chehel Sotoun
Youth seeking his father's advice
Miniature illustration to the Haft Awrang of Jami, in the story A Father Advises his Son About Love Freer and Sackler Galleries, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. -
Persian youth playing chess with two suitors Illustration to the Haft Awrang of Jami, in the story A Father Advises his Son About Love Freer and Sackler Galleries, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.
Youth conversing with suitors
Miniature illustration from the Haft Awrang of Jami, in the story A Father Advises his Son About Love. Freer and Sackler Galleries, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. -
Sheikh and boy partying in a garden
Saki - Reza Abbasi - Moraqqa’-e Golshan 1609 Golestan Palace
Ottoman empire / Empire ottoman / Osmanisches Reich
Jalal al-Din Rumi, Founder of the Order of the Whirling Cerviches, Showing His Love for His Young Disciple Hussam al-Din Chelebi
Pre-modern Europe / Europe prémoderne / Europa premoderna / Vormodernes Europa
[edit]Images up to 1800 ca.
Zeus and Ganymede + Apollo and Cyparissus (1522)
Antonio da Correggio (Antonio Allegri) (1489-1534), Ratto di Ganimede (1531), (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna).
Illustrazione per gli Emblemata di Andrea Alciati (1534).
Raffaello da Montelupo (1505-1566), Giove bacia Ganimede - Jupiter kisses Ganymede (1550 ca.).
Nicolas Beatrizet (1515-1565), Zeus and Ganymede.
Illustrazione per gli Emblemata di Andrea Alciati: Ganymedes - In deo laetandum
Tempesta, Antonio (1555-1630) - In aquilam transformatus Iupiter Ganymedem rapit.
Cherubino Alberti (16th century), Zeus and Ganymede.
16th century.
François Chauveau, Enlevement de Ganymède (17th century)
Lelio Orsi (16th century), Ratto di Ganimede. (Museo estense, Modena, Italy).
Damiano Mazza, Ratto di Ganimede, 16th century (National Gallery, London).
Rembrandt Harmenszoon Van Rijn (1606-1669), The rape of Ganymede, (1635). (Gemäldegalerie, Dresda).
Eustache Le Sueur, "Abduction of Ganymede"
Carlo Cesio (1626-1686), Ganimede e Giove, da: A. Carracci, Illustrazione de la Galleria Farnese (1675).
Annibale Carracci (da), Ganimede e l'aquila - Incisione tratta dall'affresco tutt'ora a Palazzo Farnese (Roma)
Dolcibene: incisione della statua del Ganimede dei Musei vaticani (1785 ca).
Grangerel, incisione da Rubens 1786/1808.
Zeus kissing Ganymede - A copy of an original by Wilhelm Böttner. Originally painted circa 1780. This copy was painted in the 19th century
Portraits / Portraits / Ritratti
Emperor Hadrian. Modern bust.
Miscellaneous topics / Autre / Miscellanea / Verschiedenes
Socratic love. French 19th century erotic drawing from the Manual of Classical Erotology by Friedrich Karl Forberg
Jacopo Caraglio (16th century), Apollo and Hyacinthos. Engraving.
Modern & contemporary era / Époque moderne et contemporaine / Età moderna e contemporanea / Moderne und Gegenwart
[edit]Personages / Personnalités / Persönlichkeiten
English writer Frederick William Rolfe (1860-1913) a.k.a "Baron Corvo", in 1886.
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), New York, 1882. Picture taken by Napoleon Sarony (1821-1896).
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), with his lover Alfred Douglas. For more pictures of Oscar Wilde click here.
Robert Ross at 24 - beloved of Oscar Wilde
Greek poet Constantinos Cavafy around 1900.
Wilhelm von Gloeden (1856-1931) in 1891 (self-portrait).
Wilhelm von Gloeden (1856-1931) before 1910. From magazine Varietas n. 75, July 1910, p. 401.
Photographer Wilhelm von Plüschow (1852-1930) portraied by his cousin Wilhelm von Gloeden (1856-1931) (circa 1890).
Photographer Wilhelm von Plüschow (1852-1930) portraied by his cousin Wilhelm von Gloeden (1856-1931) (circa 1890).
Portrait of Lord Ronald Gower's lover, Frank Hird, painted by Henry Scott Tuke in 1894.
Stefan George in 1910. Picture by Jacob Hilsdorf.
Stefan George in 1910. Picture by Jacob Hilsdorf.
Hannover, Stoecken cemetery. Grave of Fritz Haarmann's victims.
Various / Divers / Sonstiges
Frederick Rolfe (1860-1913) a.k.a "Baron Corvo", portrait of Tito Biondi, Rome, circa 1890.
Frederick Rolfe (1860-1913), male nude, 1891.
Sergei Eisenstein: Ganymede I and II, Drawing, Andrei Moskvin Collection, Moscow
See also / Voir aussi / Siehe auch
[edit]- ↑ a b Two-handled cup with male couples. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Retrieved on 1 May 2024. ""Two-handled cup with male couples. Sides (A) and (B): A man titillating a boy, who responds, flanked by grape vines with large clusters of grapes. On one side, over the figures, KALOS (handsome); ""
- ↑ Cite error: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs namedKarchesion
- ↑ a b Jared Alan Johnson (2015) "The Greek Youthening: Assessing the Iconographic Changes within Courtship during the Late Archaic Period." (Master's)[1], University of Tennessee