English: Nalewka is a traditional Polish category of alcoholic tincture. The alcoholic beverage is usually 40 to 45% strong and is made by maceration of various ingredients in alcohol, usually vodka or spirit. Among the ingredients often used are fruits, herbs, spice, sugar or molasses. The name is also misleadingly used for a variety of alcoholic cocktails sold in Poland, usually of low quality and low content of alcohol (not greater than 18%). The name nalewka is currently being registered for national apellation within the European Union. Contrary to ordinary liqueurs, nalewkas are usually aged.
Polski: Nalewka to alkoholowy wyciąg z owoców, korzeni, kwiatów i ziół, zazwyczaj o mocy 40-45 procent alkoholu. Sporządzane są przez zalanie owoców (świeżych lub suszonych), przypraw albo ziół alkoholem i osłodzenie syropem.
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