Gospel of Mark
- Bible contributed by Sweet Publishing to Wikimedia Commons
- Mark illustrations at Sweet Publishing
- See the Combined gallery of the Gospels
- See also the preceding book of Matthew and the succeeding book of Luke
Chapter 1
[edit]Chapter 2
[edit]Chapter 3
[edit]Chapter 4
[edit]Chapter 5
[edit]Chapter 6
[edit]Chapter 7
[edit]Chapter 8
[edit]Chapter 9
The transfiguration
The transfiguration
The transfiguration
The transfiguration
The transfiguration
The transfiguration
Chapter 10
[edit]Chapter 11
[edit]Chapter 12
[edit]Chapter 13
[edit]Chapter 14
[edit]Chapter 15
[edit]Chapter 16
[edit]Black and White
Mark the Evangelist. French School
Saint Peter. Carravacci
Saint Peter. Bolswert
Peter repentant. artist unknown
John the Baptist. Westall
John the Baptist preaching. Stothard
Christ baptized. Ryley
Jesus is tempted. Scheits
Christ came into Galilee. Parros
Simon Peter and Andrew with Christ. Mortier
Christ heals the possessed. Jan Luyken
Christ cleanses a leper. Jan Luyken
The hem of his garment. Jan Luyken
The Syro-Phoenician woman. Jan Luyken
Christ calls Levi. Houbraken
Christ sends evil spirits into swine. Pntz
A dispute with the pharisees. Passeri
Christ heals a paralytic. De Vos
The man with the withered hand. Orley
The epileptic boy. Jan Luyken
Christ heals the blind. Bourdon
The disciples pluck ears of corn. Caspar Luyken
Christ preaching. French School
Preaching from a ship. French School
Christ chooses the twelve apostles. Passeri
Christ sends the twelve apostles. Mortier
The barren fig tree. French School
Christ stills the storm. Parros
Walking on the sea. Schellenberg
Christ stills the storm. Loutherbourg
Walking on the sea. Loutherbourg
Christ raises Jairus’ daughter. Kappner
Christ raises Jairus’ daughter. after Rembrandt
Christ feeds the people. French School
Saint Peter given the keys. Rubens
Christ foretells his death and resurrection. Passeri
The Transfiguration. French School
The Transfiguration. De Vos
John the Baptist. Guido Reni
The death of John the Baptist. Rembrandt
Judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Le Clerc
Beheading of John the Baptist. Mortier
The sons of Zebedee and their mother, and James the martyr. Kraussen
Christ blesses little children. West
The rich young man. Mortier
Christ cures Bartimaeus. Kussell
Christ rides into Jerusalem. Passeri
The cleansing of the Temple. Schellenberg
The widow’s mite. Jan and Caspar Luyken
Jesus disputes with the Pharisees. French School
Showing the tribute money. after Rubens
Jesus teaches in the Temple. Perelle
The destruction of the Temple foretold. Caspar Luyken
Predictions of the end-time. Borcht
Christ anointed by a woman. Jan Luyken
Judas sells Jesus. Stradanus
Christ institutes the Eucharist. French School
Christ in Gethsemane. Schellenberg
Jesus’ disciples sleep. Houbraken
Christ apprehended in the Garden. Goltzius
The High Priest rent his clothes. Passeri
Christ mocked as a prophet. Durer
Peter denies Christ. Houbraken
Jesus brought before Pilate. Mortier
Jesus scourged. Marillier
Christ saluted. French School
Christ taken to be crucified. De Bruin
Jesus crucified. Mignard
Jesus crucified. after Rubens
Christ taken down. Kussell
Christ taken down. Rembrandt
the empty tomb. Smirke