File:Saint-saens sonate partition hautbois et piano.pdf

Original file (1,239 × 1,752 pixels, file size: 650 KB, MIME type: application/pdf, 5 pages)
[edit]DescriptionSaint-saens sonate partition hautbois et piano.pdf |
Français : Partition de hautbois et piano du premier mouvement de la sonate de Camille Saint-Saëns pour Hautbois et piano opus 166 (1921).
English: Oboe and piano score of the first movement of the sonate for oboe and piano by Camille Saint-Saëns, opus 166 (1921). |
Date | |
Source | Own work |
Author | Cdang |
Other versions | Oboe alone: File:Saint-saens sonate hautbois op166 1er mouvement.pdf ; midi file of the piano: File:Saint-saens sonate hautbois op166 1er mouvement piano.midi |
LilyPond source
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The musical notation in this image was rendered by LilyPond, a free-software engraving program. Here is a listing of the LilyPond source used to create this file. |
\version "2.18.2"
\paper{ make-footer=##f }
\header {
title = "Sonate pour hautbois et piano"
subtitle = "opus 166" subsubtitle = "à monsieur Louis Bas"
composer = "Camille Saint-Saëns (1921)"
\score {
\new Staff \with {instrumentName = "Hautbois" midiInstrument="oboe"} \relative c'' {
\clef "G"
\time 3/4
\key d \major
\tempo \markup { "Andantino" }
\override Score.RehearsalMark.break-align-symbols =#'(time-signature)
\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-numbers
\set Score.skipBars = ##t
r4 fis \p d
r e a,
r d d,~
d8 (fis' e d a'4~
a8 b, g' fis e d )
cis4~ ( cis8.d32 e d8. e32 fis )
e4~ ( e8. d32 cis b8. a32 b )
cis4 r16 a( b cis d e fis d e fis g e a2~ \<
a8 \! ) d,4 cis d8~
d e4 \> fis g8 \!
fis4~ fis8 r b,16 ( cis d b )
e4~ e8 r ais,16 ( b cis ais )
d8 r d,4~ \mf ( \tuplet 3/2 4 { d8 cis b
cis d e} fis4. ) e8
d4 ( cis dis~
dis8 e fis g a c )
b2 a4~ (
a8 b cis ! d e g)
fis2 e4~
e g,4. \dim a8
b ( e, ) g4. fis8 \!
e4 \p r4 r4
b4^^~ \f ( b8 [ cis32 d e fis g a b cis d e fis g ]
a2 ) r4
d,,4^^~ \f ( d8 \tuplet 13/12 { e32 [ fis g a b c d e fis g a b c ]}
d2.~ \>
d4 \! ) r r
r b \p g
r a dis, ( \bar "||"
\mark \default
\key ees \major
ees8) g ( f ees bes'4~ \<
bes2.~ \! \>
bes8 \! ) r bes,4 ees~
ees ees, \cresc ( f8 g
aes4~^\markup {\italic stringendo} aes8 ) r aes4~ (
aes8 g' f d, ees f
bes4~ bes8 ) r bes4~ (
bes8 aes' g ees, f g ) \!
c^\markup{\normalsize \bold {Poco allegro}} \mf ( b c2~
c8 b c2~
c8 ) cis ( d2~
d8 cis d2~
d8 \cresc ) d ( ees2~
ees8 ) e ( f4. ) fis8 ( \!
g2. \f )
\afterGrace b2. ( \startTrillSpan {ais16 \stopTrillSpan b )}
c4~ ( \tuplet 3/2 4 {c8 aes ees c aes ees )}
d4~ ( \tuplet 3/2 4 {d8 f c' d f c' )}
bes4~ ( \tuplet 3/2 4 {bes8 g ees bes g ees )}
c4~ ( \tuplet 3/2 4 {c8 ees f c' ees g )}
r4 r c,~ ( c8 ees aes c \dim ees g )
fis2. \!
r4 d_\markup{\italic {poco a poco ritenuto e diminuendo}} ( ees
fis4 )
d ( ees
fis2.~ \bar "||"
\mark \default
\key d \major
fis4 ) r r
fis2.~ \pp fis4 r r
r4 \tempo "Tempo I" fis \p d
r e a,
r d d,~(
d8 fis' e d a'4~
a8 b, g' fis e d )
cis4~ ( cis8. d32 e d8. e32 fis
e4 ) r e~ (
e16 d cis b cis a b cis d e fis d
e fis g e a2)
r8 d,4 cis d8~
d e4 fis g8
fis4~ \cresc fis8 r b,16 ( cis d b )
g'4~ g8 r cis,16 ( d e cis )
a'8 \! r a4~ \f (
\tuplet 3/2 4 {a8 g fis
g a b ) } cis4.( b8)
a r fis,4 ~ ( \tuplet 3/2 4 {fis8 e d
e fis g } a4. g8
fis8 ) r c''2-> ~ (
c8 bes a g f ees
d \dim cis ! b ! a g fis
g a bes c d ees \!
fis ! \p g a2~
a4 ) r r
r4 r cis,4 (
d2.~ \startTrillSpan )
d~ \<
d~ \! \>
d2 \! ( cis8 \stopTrillSpan d )
d'2.~ \pp
R2.\fermataMarkup \bar "|."
\new PianoStaff \with{instrumentName="Piano" midiInstrument="acoustic grand"} <<
\new Staff = "haut" \relative c'' {
\clef G
\key d \major
\time 3/4
\override Score.RehearsalMark.break-align-symbols =#'(time-signature)
\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-numbers
\set Score.currentBarNumber = #1
<d, fis a>2. \p
<cis e a>
<d fis>
<d fis>
<< {e2.} {b'2 g4} >>
r8 e ( a g fis d ) \break
cis'2 e4 ~
e16 ( d cis b a4 ) r
r r16 e ( fis g a b cis a
b cis d b ) e4 fis \break
a, d cis ~
cis8 a ( b a' gis4 )
r8 gis, ( ais g'! fis4 ~
fis8 ) r <<
{d2_\markup{\italic sempre \italic \bold p}
e4 cis2}
{fis4 g ( g4 ) cis, fis ~}
>> \break
\autoBeamOff fis8 fis~ \autoBeamOn \times 2/3 {fis ( e d} \times 2/3 { e fis g )}
<fis a>4. \cresc <e g>8 <dis fis>4~
<dis fis>8 ( g a b c e )
dis4 \! <a, c> \mf <g b>
\new Voice {\voiceOne a2 g4 ~ \break
g g2~
g4 b a
g g'-. ( e-. )
r fis-. ( b,-. )
\new Voice {\voiceTwo cis,8 dis b2 ~
b4 e2~_\markup{\italic dim.}
e4 b2~
b4 s2
<fis' a>2.
<g b>2.
<fis cis'>
g4. ( fis8 g [ a ] ) \break
\new Voice {\voiceOne
b4 ( d e )
\new Voice {\voiceTwo
g,4_\markup{\italic sempre \italic \bold p} a8 b a g
a8 ( c b a ) a'4 ~
a8 ( c, g' fis e d ) \break
r4 <d b'>-. ( <b g'>-. )
r4 <c a'>-. ( <a d>-. )
b8 ( cis! d e fis g )
a, ( b cis dis e fis ) \bar "||" \mark \default
\key ees \major <bes, ees g>2 r16 \pp \ottava #1 ees' ( bes' g ) \break
r d ( bes' f ) r bes, ( g' ees ) r bes ( g' d ) \ottava #0
r g, ( ees' c ) r g ( ees' bes ) r ees, ( c' aes )
r ees ( c' aes ) r c, ( aes' f ) r bes, ( aes' ees ) \break
r4^\markup{\italic stringendo} \cresc r16 d, f aes bes d f aes
d8 r r4 r
r r16 g,, bes ees g bes ees g,
g'8 r r4 r \! \break
r8 \mf aes,,,16 ( d f d aes f' g, e' cis g )
r8 aes16 ( d f d aes f' a, fis' ees a, )
r8 bes16 ( ees g ees bes g' a, fis' ees a, )
r8 bes16 ( ees g ees bes g' b, gis' f b, ) \break
r8 \cresc c16 ( fis a fis c a' cis, bes' g cis, )
r8 d16 ( aes' ces aes d, ces' d, bes' aes d, ) \!
\new Voice {\voiceOne r16 \f ees8 g bes ees g bes16
r16 aes8 f d bes aes f16 \break
r g8 bes ees g bes ees16
r des8 g, f des g, f16}
r4 <ees aes c>8 r r4
r4 <f aes d>8 r r4 \break
r <g bes ees>8 r r4
r <c ees f c'>8 r r4
r4 \tupletDown \tuplet 3/2 4 {r8 ( c f, c' ees g}
f8 ) r \tuplet 3/2 4 { r c' ( f, c' ees g } \tupletNeutral
f ) r r4 r4
R2. \break
r4 \cresc \tuplet 3/2 4 {r8 ees, ( aes, c ees g}
fis ) \new Voice { \voiceOne r \tuplet 3/2 4 {r ees' _( aes, c ees g}
fis ) } r r4 r
R2. \!
<aes,, c>^\markup{\italic rit.} \dim
R2.\! \bar "||" \break
\mark \default
\key d \major
<< \new Voice {\voiceOne cis4 ( dis e )}
\new Voice {\voiceTwo ais,2. \p}
<b dis>4 \dim ( <cis e> <dis fis> ) \!
<b d > ( \pp <cis e > <d fis> )
<a d fis>2. \p
<a cis e>
<a d>4 <a cis> ( <g b>
<fis a> <e g> <d fis> )
<< \new Voice {\voiceOne b'2 g4}
\new Voice {\voiceTwo <b, e>2. }
>> \break
r8 e ( a g fis d )
cis ( e ) e'8. ( d32 cis b8. a32 b )
cis4 r8 g ( fis d
cis e cis' b cis a~
a16 g b a ) g4 (fis ) \break
<< \new Voice {\voiceOne a4 ( d cis ) }
\new Voice {\voiceTwo e,2.}
r8 a \cresc ( b a' g4 )
r8 b,8 ( cis b' a4 )
r8 <d, d'> \! \f \repeat unfold 16 {<d d'>} \break
\repeat unfold 6 {<d d'>}
<d d'> r r4 <a, d>4 (
<bes ees>2. -> )
<a d fis> \p
<bes ees g>
<fis a>4. <g b>8-. ( <e cis'>-. <fis d'>-. )
<g e'>-. ( <a fis'>-. <b g'>-. <cis a'>-. <d b'>-. <e cis'>-. ) \break
<fis d'>-. ( <g e'>-. <a fis'>-. <b g'>-. <cis a'>-. <d b'>-. )
<cis e> ( <d fis> <e g> ) r r4
r <g b>-. \pp ( <e g>-. )
r <fis a>-. ( <d fis>-. )
r <b g'>-. ( <g e'>-. )
r <a fis'>-. ( <fis d'>-. )
r <fis fis'>-. ( <d d'>-. )
r <a, a'>-. ( <fis fis'>-. )
<d d'> r2 \fermata \bar "|."
\new Staff = "bas" \relative c' {
\clef F
\key d \major
<fis a>
e2 g4
a2. ~
a8 cis ( e fis gis e )
a r r g! ( fis d
cis e cis b cis a
g4 ) g' fis
cis b a
b8 r \clef G b'2 (
b4 ) ais2
<ais cis>4 b2 ~
b4. e,8 b'4~
b a8 g fis4
fis' r r
\clef F e,,,4. fis8 g[ a]
b4. d8 c4~
c cis dis
e r r
r4 g-. ( b-. )
r a e'4~
e8 g, a b e,4 ~
e8 ( b' fis g a b )
\clef G <<
\new Voice {\voiceOne
fis'4 ( e d8 c )
\new Voice {\voiceTwo
c2 ( b8 a )
<g e'>4 <a c> <c a'>
b8 ( c d e fis g )
a, ( b c d e fis )
g4 ( fis e )
fis ( dis b )
\key ees \major <bes ees g>2 <bes' ees g>4
<aes d f> <g bes ees> <f bes d>
<ees g c> <d g bes> <c ees aes>
<bes ees g> <aes c f> <g bes ees>
\clef F bes,,16 bes' f' aes bes r16 r8 r4
bes,,16 bes' g' bes ees r r8 r4
R2. \mf
\new Voice {\voiceOne
bes,,16 bes' ~ bes8 ~ bes 2
bes,16 bes' ~ bes8 ~ bes 2
bes,16 bes' ~ bes8 ~ bes 2
bes,16 bes' ~ bes8 ~ bes 2
bes,16 bes' ~ bes8 ~ bes 2
bes,16 bes' ~ bes8 ~ bes 2
\new Voice {\voiceTwo
bes,8 ~ bes 8 ~ bes 2
bes8 ~ bes 8 ~ bes 2
bes8 ~ bes 8 ~ bes 2
bes8 ~ bes 8 ~ bes 2
bes8 ~ bes 8 ~ bes 2
bes8 ~ bes 8 ~ bes 2
\new Voice {\voiceTwo ees'8 g bes \change Staff = haut ees g bes
aes f d \change Staff = bas bes aes f
g bes \change Staff = haut ees g bes ees
des g, f des \change Staff = bas g, f}
r8 \autoBeamOff <ees, ees'> <ees' aes c> r r4
r8 <f, f'> <f' aes d> r r4
r8 <g, g'> <g' bes ees> r r4
r8 <aes, aes'> <aes' c ees f> \autoBeamOn r r4
\tupletDown \tuplet 3/2 4 {aes8 ( c e} f ) r r4
\clef "G" \tuplet 3/2 4 {aes8 ( c ees} f ) r r4 \tupletNeutral
\clef "F" \times 2/3 {c,,8 ( ees aes} c ) r r4
\new Voice { \voiceTwo \change Staff = haut \times 2/3 {c8 ( ees aes} c ) } \change Staff = bas r r4
ees,4 ( d c )
r r r
\key d \major
e (dis cis )
r r r
fis ( e dis )
fis ( e d )
<a d fis>2.
<g cis e>
<fis d'>4 <a cis> ( <g b>
<fis a> <e g> <d fis> )
<e, e'>2 <g g'>4
<a a'>2.
r8 cis ( e fis gis e
a4 ) r4 r4
r4 r16 e, ( fis g a b cis a
b8 ) << \new Voice {\voiceOne r8 a'2}
\new Voice {\voiceTwo fis8 ( e4 d ) }
<< \new Voice {\voiceOne a'2.}
\new Voice {\voiceTwo cis,4 ( b a ) }
d4 d'4. fis,8
e4 e'4. g,8
fis r \clef "G" fis'4~ ( \times 2/3 {fis8 e d}
\times 2/3 {e fis g} a4. g8
fis ) r a4~ ( \times 2/3 { a8 g fis}
\times 2/3 {g a b} cis4. b8
a ) r r4 \clef "F" <fis,,, fis'>4 (
<g g'>2. -> )
<g g'>~
<g g'>
<g g'>
e''8 ( d cis b a a'~
a g fis e e' d )
cis ( b a ) r r4
r4 <fis, fis'>-. ( <d d'>-. )
r <a a'>-. ( <fis fis'>-. )
<d d'> r2
\layout {}
\midi {}
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current | 21:29, 3 March 2022 | ![]() | 1,239 × 1,752, 5 pages (650 KB) | Cdang (talk | contribs) | Uploaded own work with UploadWizard |
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Short title |
Author | \376\377\000C\000a\000m\000i\000l\000l\000e\000 \000S\000a\000i\000n\000t\000-\000S\000a\000\353\000n\000s\000 \000\(\0001\0009\0002\0001\000\) |
File change date and time | 23:22, 3 March 2022 |
Date and time of digitizing | 23:22, 3 March 2022 |
Software used | LilyPond 2.18.2 |
Conversion program | GPL Ghostscript 8.70 |
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Page size | 595.28 x 841.89 pts (A4) |
Version of PDF format | 1.4 |
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