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Category:Swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics

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<nowiki>natación en los Juegos Olímpicos de Río de Janeiro 2016; úszás a 2016. évi nyári olimpiai játékokon; natación nos Xuegos Olímpicos de Rio de Janeiro 2016; natació als Jocs Olímpics d'estiu de 2016; Olympische Sommerspiele 2016/Schwimmen; snámh ag Cluichí Oilimpeacha an tSamhraidh 2016; شنا در بازی‌های المپیک تابستانی ۲۰۱۶; 2016年夏季奧林匹克運動會游泳比賽; Swimmen op de Olympyske Simmerspullen 2016; Natație la Jocurile Olimpice de vară din 2016; 2016年リオデジャネイロオリンピックの競泳競技; simning vid olympiska sommarspelen 2016; שחייה באולימפיאדת ריו דה ז'ניירו; 2016年夏季奥林匹克运动会游泳比赛; uinti kesäolympialaisissa 2016; Zwumme op de Olympische Zomerspeule 2016; пливање на Летните олимписки игри 2016; Plivanje na OI 2016.; nuoto ai Giochi della XXXI Olimpiade; ২০১৬ গ্রীষ্মকালীন অলিম্পিকে সাঁতার; natation aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 2016; 2016년 하계 올림픽 수영; Плаваньне на летніх Алімпійскіх гульнях 2016 году; Плаванне на летніх Алімпійскіх гульнях 2016; Плавание на летних Олимпийских играх 2016; natação nos Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 2016; 2016 Yaz Olimpiyatları'nda yüzme; Пливање на Летњим олимпијским играма 2016.; Renang di Sukan Olimpik Musim Panas 2016; Bơi lội tại Thế vận hội Mùa hè 2016; 2016 സമ്മർ ഒളിമ്പിക്സിലെ നീന്തൽ മത്സരം; peldēšana 2016. gada Vasaras Olimpiskajās spēlēs; 2016 ਸਮਰ ਓਲੰਪਿਕ ਦੇ ਤੈਰਾਕੀ ਮੁਕਾਬਲੇ; Plaukimas 2016 m. vasaros olimpinėse žaidynėse; Плавання на літніх Олімпійських іграх 2016; Pływanie na Letnich Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 2016; natação nos Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 2016; กีฬาว่ายน้ำในโอลิมปิกฤดูร้อน 2016; Renang pada Olimpiade Musim Panas 2016; Symjing under Sommar-OL 2016; Svømming under Sommer-OL 2016; zwemmen op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2016; Plavání na Letních olympijských hrách 2016; Plivanje na OI 2016.; Ujumine 2016. aasta suveolümpiamängudel; Plávanie na Letných olympijských hrách 2016; swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics; السباحة في الألعاب الأولمبية الصيفية 2016; κολύμβηση στους Θερινούς Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες 2016; Svømning under sommer-OL 2016; 2016 Olimpiyat Oyunları'nda yüzme; sportág a XXXI. nyári olimpiai játékokon; Disziplin bei den Olympischen Sommerspielen 2016; Swimming on summer Olympic games 2016; salah satu cabang olahraga di Olimpiade Musim Panas 2016; jedna z dyscyplin rozgrywanych podczas igrzysk olimpijskich w Rio de Janeiro; plavání na Letních olympijských hrách 2016; sportevenement op de Olympische Spelen; السباحة في الألعاب الأولمبية الصيفية ٢٠١٦; السباحة في دورة الألعاب الأولمبية الصيفية ٢٠١٦; السباحة في دورة الألعاب الأولمبية الصيفية 2016</nowiki>
swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics 
Swimming on summer Olympic games 2016
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Instance of
  • Olympic sports discipline event
Part of
Has part(s)
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – men's 4 × 200 metre freestyle relay
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – women's 4 × 200 metre freestyle relay
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – women's 200 metre individual medley
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – men's 100 metre breaststroke
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – men's 50 metre freestyle
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – women's 50 metre freestyle
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – men's 100 metre freestyle
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – men's 200 metre freestyle
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – men's 400 metre freestyle
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – women's 100 metre freestyle
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – women's 400 metre freestyle
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – women's 200 metre freestyle
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – women's 800 metre freestyle
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – women's 200 metre backstroke
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – men's 100 metre backstroke
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – men's 200 metre breaststroke
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – men's 1500 metre freestyle
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – men's 200 metre backstroke
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – men's 100 metre butterfly
  • swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics – men's 200 metre individual medley
Number of participants
  • 955
Point in time
  • 2016
Start time
  • 6 August 2016
End time
  • 16 August 2016
Followed by
Authority file
Wikidata Q8022145
BabelNet ID: 16969980n
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Media in category "Swimming at the 2016 Summer Olympics"

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