Category:Signatures from Orgelbrand Encyclopedia
Media in category "Signatures from Orgelbrand Encyclopedia"
The following 16 files are in this category, out of 16 total.
Autograph-AdamAsnyk.svg 765 × 249; 11 KB
Autograph-AdamMickiewicz.svg 1,227 × 255; 16 KB
Autograph-AleksanderSwietochowski.svg 690 × 342; 7 KB
Autograph-AlGlowacki-B Prus.svg 1,534 × 290; 15 KB
Autograph-AntoniEdwardOdyniec.svg 1,332 × 264; 19 KB
Autograph-JanChecinski.svg 1,281 × 564; 20 KB
Autograph-JanKantyGregorowicz.svg 1,146 × 270; 13 KB
Autograph-JuliuszSlowacki.svg 1,065 × 339; 31 KB
Autograph-KarolSzajnocha.svg 1,376 × 312; 39 KB
Autograph-KazimierzWoycicki.svg 1,490 × 406; 12 KB
Autograph-MichalBalinski.svg 1,560 × 434; 16 KB
Autograph-PiotrChmielowski.svg 1,284 × 294; 18 KB
Autograph-StanislawStaszic.svg 962 × 658; 8 KB
Autograph-StefanBatory.svg 1,503 × 558; 15 KB
Autograph-WaclawSzymanowski.svg 1,330 × 416; 14 KB
Autograph-WladyslawSyrokomla.svg 1,380 × 510; 10 KB