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Category:Seefeld in Tirol

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<nowiki>Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld în Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Зеефельд-ін-Тіроль; 蒂羅爾州塞弗爾德; Seefeld in Tirol; 제펠트인티롤; Зеефельд; Seefeld; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; زەيەفەلد; Zeyefelʹd; Seefeld in Tirol; Зеефельд; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld; Seefeld in Tirol; زيفيلد المنطقة الاولمبية; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Зефельд-ин-Тироль; Seefeld in Tirol; Зефельд-ин-Тироль; Seefeld in Tirol; سیفلد این تیرول; 蒂罗尔州塞弗尔德; Seefeld in Tirol; ゼーフェルト; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Зефельд-ин-Тироль; Seefeld; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tyroli; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; سیفیلڈ; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld in Tirol; Ζέεφελντ; Seefeld; chemun de l'Austria; község Ausztriában; municipi d'Àustria; Gemeinde im Bezirk Innsbruck-Land, Tirol; município da Áustria; komunë në Austri; Avusturya'da Tirol ilinin Innsbruck-Land ilçesine bağlı belediye; österreichische Gemeinde (Bezirk Innsbruck-Land); kommun i Tyrolen, Österrike; πόλη της Αυστρίας; kommune i Tirol i Østerrike; gemeente in Tirol; sídlo ve spolkové zemi Tyrolsko v Rakousku; commune autrichienne; comune austriaco; kunta Itävallan Tirolissa Innsbruckin lounaispuolella; municipality in Innsbruck-Land District, Tyrol, Austria; بلدية في مقاطعة إنسبروك لاند، النمسا; kumun aostriat; obec v Rakúsku; Seefeld in Tirol; ゼーフェルト・イン・チロル駅; Seefeld in Tyrol; Seefeld; Seefeld; Seefeld in Tirol; Campus Maris in Tyrole; Зеефельд; Seefeld; Seefeld; Сеефелд ин Тирол; Seefeld; Seefeld in Tirol; Seefeld; Зеефельд</nowiki>
Seefeld in Tirol 
municipality in Innsbruck-Land District, Tyrol, Austria
Seefeld in Tirol in October 2014
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Instance of
LocationInnsbruck-Land District, Tyrol, Austria
  • 3,462 (2020)
  • 17.4 km²
  • 17.38 km² (2018)
Elevation above sea level
  • 1,180 m
official website
Map47° 19′ 46″ N, 11° 11′ 21″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q660035
VIAF cluster ID: 244080257
GND ID: 4054109-5
Library of Congress authority ID: n83023278
NL CR AUT ID: ge327532
J9U ID: 987007564392605171
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 942611
OesterreichWiki ID: 5943
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Pages in category "Seefeld in Tirol"

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Media in category "Seefeld in Tirol"

The following 98 files are in this category, out of 98 total.