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Category:Polymorphic Light Eruption

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<nowiki>Dermatite polimorfa solare; Lucite; ผื่นหลายรูปแบบจากแสงแดด; argiagatiko erupzio polimorfo; Soleksem; Polymorfe lichteruptie; Полиморфная световая сыпь; Polymorphe Lichtdermatose; Erupção polimorfa à luz; Polymorphous light eruption; طفح ضوئي متعدد الأشكال; 다형성광선성발진; soleksem; кожное заболевание; Hautkrankheit; condição de pele; medical condition; حالة طبية; медичний стан; hudlidelse; Actinodermatose; Actinite; polymorphic light eruption; PMLE; Sonnenekzem; โรคแพ้แสงแดด PMLE; Zonneallergie; Chronisch polymorfe lichtdermatose; Zonne-allergie; PMLE</nowiki>
Polymorphous light eruption 
medical condition
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  • photodermatosis
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Polymorphic Light Eruption

Media in category "Polymorphic Light Eruption"

The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.