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In language, a metaphor is a rhetorical trope where a comparison is made between two seemingly unrelated subjects. Typically, a first object is described as being a second object.

<nowiki>metáfora; myndhverfing; metafora; metaphor; метафора; استعارہ; استعارہ; sarbeeb; metafor; метафора; Истиора; Метафорась; istiora; метафора; metaforo; метафора; metafora; উপমা; métaphore; metafora; metafora; מעטאפאר; metafora; metafora; metafoor; метафора; isingathekiso; metafor; metafor; metafora; metaphor; metafora; 隱喻; استعارة; ਰੂਪਕ ਅਲੰਕਾਰ; อุปลักษณ์; meafar; 暗喻; metafora; mecaz; метафора; metafora; metafòra; metáfora; метафора; метафора; trosiad; metafora; метафара; استعاره; 隐喻; metafor; მეტაფორა; メタファー; metafoor; metafora; metafora; metafora; מטפורה; метафора; रूपकालङ्कारः; रूपक अलंकार; రూపకాలంకారము; metafora; փոխաբերութիւն; փոխաբերություն; Metapher; உருவக அணி; metafora; pahiwatig; metafoar; metafora; metafoor; metàfora; мэтафара; metafora; 은유; метафора; mitàfura; metáfora; metaphora; metafora; metafòra; metafora; metafora; 隱喻; метафора; metafora; metapora; sitiari; 隐喻; 隐喻; metaforă; метафора; استعارو; metaforo; metáfora; àm-jū; μεταφορά; ẩn dụ; figura retórica de comparación implícita; সাহিত্যিক পরিভাষা; költői kép; ülekandeline kõnekujund; стилістична фігура; σχήμα λόγου; govorna figura; neposredno vzporejanje ene stvari z drugo na podlagi skupne značilnosti; слово или выражение, употребляемое в переносном значении; figure of speech in which one thing is asserted to be another when it is in fact not so, based on properties of the latter that apply to the former, pointing to similarity; rhetorische Figur in Relation von Begriffen; kielikuva eli trooppi; figurë e të folurit e krahasimit të nënkuptuar; آرایه ادبی; beeldspraak waarin beweer word dat een ding 'n ander is terwyl dit in werklikheid nie so is nie, gebaseer op eienskappe van laasgenoemde wat op eersgenoemde van toepassing is, weens 'n ooreenkoms; figurative udtryk; figură de stil; 修辞技法のひとつ、比喩の一種; prenesenie významu zo slova východzieho na cieľové na základe podobnosti predmetov a ich vlastností; bildligt uttryck; majas; figura retorica; דוגמא ציורית; vorm van beeldspraak; bir ilgi veya benzetme sonucu gerçek anlamından başka anlamda kullanılan söz veya kavram; निहित तुलना द्वारा चिह्नित भाषण का आंकड़ा; figure de style; 직유보다 한 단계 발전된 비유법; figura estilística; usar un termo para referirse a outro; تشبيه بليغ، حذف منه المشبه به أو المشبه بشرط وجود صفة لازمة دالة على المحذوف; jazykový jev spočívající v přenášení významu na základě vnější podobnosti; figure of speech; prispodoba; podoba; primerjava; रूपक; Metaphorik; Metaphern; metaphors; إستعارة; 隠喩; 暗喩</nowiki>
figure of speech in which one thing is asserted to be another when it is in fact not so, based on properties of the latter that apply to the former, pointing to similarity
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  • stylistic device
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  • figurative language
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Wikidata Q18534
GND ID: 4038935-2
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85084283
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 11932492j
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 7866
NL CR AUT ID: ph122767
National Library of Spain ID: XX531063
J9U ID: 987007529320305171
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