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Category:Manute Bol

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<nowiki>Manute Bol; Manute Bol; Manute Bol; Manute Bol; Мануте Бол; Manute Bol; Manute Bol; Мануте Бол; 马努特·波尔; Manute Bol; マヌート・ボル; Manute Bol; Manute Bol; Мануте Бол; Manute Bol; Manute Bol; Manute Bol; Manute Bol; Manute Bol; Manute Bol; Manute Bol; Manute Bol; Manute Bol; Manute Bols; Manute Bol; Мануте Бол; Manute Bol; Manut Bol; Manute Bol; Manute Bol; Manute Bol; Manute Bol; മെനൂട്ട് ബോൾ; Manute Bol; Manute Bol; Manute Bol; مانوت بول; Мануте Бол; Manute Bol; مانوت بول; Μανούτ Μπολ; מאנוט בול; cestista sudanese; joueur de basket-ball soudanais; суданский баскетболист; sudanesischer Basketballspieler; basquetebolista e ativista sul-sudanês; بازیکن بسکتبال و ورزشکار سودانی; baschetbalist sudanez; 南スーダンのバスケットボール選手 (1962-2010); jogador de basquete sudanês; sudanesisk-amerikansk basketspelare; sudański koszykarz; כדורסלן עבר אמריקאי ממוצא סודני; basketballer uit Soedan (1962-2010); baloncestista sudanés-estadounidense; Sudanese-American basketball player; لاعب كرة سلة سوداني; Σουδανός-Αμερικανός καλαθοσφαιριστής; pemain bola basket di Sudan; Манут Бол; Manute; Bol; מנוט בול; מנוטה בול; Raan Cheg; The Dinka Dunker; Iron Bol; Minutiae; The Project; 'Nute</nowiki>
Manute Bol 
Sudanese-American basketball player
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Date of birth16 October 1962
Date of death19 June 2010
Manner of death
  • natural causes
Cause of death
Place of burial
  • Turalei
Work period (start)
  • 1985
Work period (end)
  • 1996
Country of citizenship
Country for sport
Educated at
Member of sports team
  • Bol Bol
  • Madut Bol
Authority file
Wikidata Q313479
VIAF cluster ID: 73055956
Library of Congress authority ID: n92100541
IMDb ID: nm1188701
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Media in category "Manute Bol"

The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.