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APG IV Classification: DomainEukaryota • (unranked)Archaeplastida • RegnumPlantae • CladusAngiosperms • Claduseudicots • Claduscore eudicots • Cladussuperasterids • OrdoSantalales • Familia: Loranthaceae Juss. (1808)
Wikispecies Wikispecies has an entry on: Loranthaceae.
<nowiki>Loranthaceae; Белдікгүлділер тұқымдасы; بەلدىكگۇلدىلەر تۇقىمداسى; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; 桑寄生科; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; 桑寄生科; Loranthaceae; 꼬리겨우살이과; Белдікгүлділер тұқымдасы; Lorantacoj; ochmetovité; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; Ljepkovke; Rjemjenicowe rostliny; Họ Tầm gửi; بەلدىكگۇلدىلەر تۇقىمداسى; Lorantu dzimta; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; 桑寄生科; Белдікгүлділер тұқымдасы; Loranthaceae; Boğambürckimilər; Loranthaceae; إسارية; Beldikgüldiler tuqımdası; lorantazeo; Loranthaceae; Ремнецветниковые; Riemenblumengewächse; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; 桑寄生科; ფითრისებრნი; オオバヤドリギ科; Loranthaceae; اساريه; Loranthaceae; הרנוגיים; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; วงศ์กาฝาก; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; փոկածաղկազգիներ; fakínfélék; Loranthaceae; Gązewnikowate; ലൊറാന്തേസീ; 桑寄生科; lorantàcies; موخوریان; Loranthaceae; Рэменякветкавыя; Loranthaceae; 桑寄生科; 桑寄生科; Beldikgüldiler tuqımdası; familia de plantas; উদ্ভিদের পরিবার; növénycsalád; taimesugukond; Dikotiledoneoen klaseko zenbait landarez esaten da. Zuhaixka epifito eta erdiparasitoak dira, eta hosto aurkako eta bertizilatuak eta lore aktinomorfikoak dituzte. 4 estamine, 4 edo 6 petalo, beheko obulua, eta baia-motako fruitua dituzte.; familia de plantes; семейство растений; Familie der Ordnung Sandelholzartige (Santalales); taxon; сямейства раслін; augu dzimta; семейство растения; biljna porodica iz reda santalolike; bitki familyası; teulu o blanhigion; växtfamilj; 檀香目的一科植物; فصيله نباتيه; родина рослин; משפחה של צמחים; bitki fəsiləsi; famille de plantes; familio di planti; familie uit de orde Santalales; kasviheimo; family of plants; فصيلة نباتية; čeleď rostlin; familie de plante; Lorantacea; Elytranthaceae; Gaiadendraceae; Psittacanthaceae; Dendrophthoaceae; Nuytsiaceae; Lorantáceas; Lorantácea; Lorantaceae; Lorantaceas; Quintral o Cutral; Erva-de-passarinho; enxerto-de-passarinho; guirarepoti; Loranthacées; Loranthacée; Lorantàcies; Loranthaceae; Praktmistelväxter; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; Họ Tằm gửi; Họ Chùm gửi; Loranthaceae; Ремнецветные; Лорантовые; Loranthaceae; Белдік Гүлділер Тұқымдасы; Loranthaceae; 꼬리겨우살잇과; showy mistletoes; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae; Loranthaceae</nowiki>
family of plants
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Instance of
Common name
Taxon authorAntoine Laurent de Jussieu, 1808
Authority file
Wikidata Q156691
NL CR AUT ID: ph574824
J9U ID: 987007536155305171
NCBI taxonomy ID: 3963
ITIS TSN: 27854
Encyclopedia of Life ID: 4404
Fossilworks taxon ID: 55699
GBIF taxon ID: 6663
Tropicos ID: 42000214
IPNI plant ID: 30000121-2
GRIN URL: https://npgsweb.ars-grin.gov/gringlobal/taxonomyfamily.aspx?id=673
Flora of North America taxon ID: 10520
Flora of China ID: 10520
Watson & Dallwitz family ID: lorantha
Plazi ID: 1664674A-4D7C-5AFA-B13A-E07BAEFB7498, 03B087C1-FFAD-A46F-FF45-FBE5FD13FBE5
New Zealand Organisms Register ID: 4d414969-929e-452f-b99a-fe0d1433ac19
FloraBase ID: 22797
Plantarium ID: 44461
iNaturalist taxon ID: 59831
NBN System Key: NBNSYS0000164593
BOLD Systems taxon ID: 148565
Plants of the World Online ID: urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:30000121-2
IRMNG ID: 114850
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  • Included tribes (for Wikispecies,  8 August 2023):
  • Elytrantheae, Gaiadendreae, Lorantheae, Nuytsieae, Psittacantheae
    Actinanthella, Aetanthus, Agelanthus, Alepis, Amyema, Amylotheca, Atkinsonia (plant), Bakerella, Baratranthus, Benthamina, Berhautia, Cecarria, Cladocolea, Cyne, Dactyliophora, Decaisnina, Dendropemon, Dendrophthoe, Desmaria, Diplatia, Distrianthes, Elytranthe, Emelianthe, Englerina, Erianthemum, Gaiadendron, Globimetula, Helicanthes, Helixanthera, Ileostylus, Ixocactus, Lampas, Lepeostegeres, Lepidaria, Ligaria, Loranthus, Loxanthera, Lysiana, Macrosolen, Moquiniella, Muellerina, Notanthera, Nuytsia, Oedina, Oliverella, Oncella, Oncocalyx, Oryctanthus, Oryctina, Panamanthus, Papuanthes, Pedistylis, Peraxilla, Phragmanthera, Phthirusa, Plicosepalus, Psittacanthus, Scurrula, Septulina, Socratina, Sogerianthe, Spragueanella, Struthanthus, Tapinanthus, Taxillus, Thaumasianthes, Tolypanthus, Trilepidea, Tripodanthus, Tristerix, Trithecanthera, Tupeia, Vanwykia
    Agelanthus, Alepis, Amyema, Amylotheca, Atkinsonia (plant), Baratranthus, Benthamina, Cecarria, Cladocolea, Dactyliophora, Decaisnina, Dendropemon, Dendrophthoe, Desmaria, Diplatia, Englerina, Erianthemum, Gaiadendron, Globimetula, Helixanthera, Ileostylus, Ixocactus, Lepidaria, Ligaria, Loranthus, Lysiana, Macrosolen, Moquiniella, Muellerina, Notanthera, Nuytsia, Oncocalyx, Oryctanthus, Peraxilla, Phragmanthera, Phthirusa, Plicosepalus, Psittacanthus, Scurrula, Septulina, Struthanthus, Tapinanthus, Taxillus, Tripodanthus, Tristerix, Tupeia
    Actinanthella, Aetanthus, Agelanthus, Alepis, Amyema, Amylotheca, Atkinsonia (plant), Bakerella, Baratranthus, Benthamina, Berhautia, Cecarria, Cladocolea, Dactyliophora, Decaisnina, Dendropemon, Dendrophthoe, Desmaria, Diplatia, Emelianthe, Englerina, Erianthemum, Gaiadendron, Globimetula, Helicanthes, Helixanthera, Ileostylus, Ixocactus, Lepeostegeres, Lepidaria, Ligaria, Loranthus, Loxanthera, Lysiana, Macrosolen, Moquiniella, Muellerina, Notanthera, Nuytsia, Oedina, Oliverella, Oncella, Oncocalyx, Oryctanthus, Peraxilla, Phragmanthera, Phthirusa, Plicosepalus, Psittacanthus, Scurrula, Septulina, Socratina, Sogerianthe, Spragueanella, Struthanthus, Tapinanthus, Taxillus, Tolypanthus, Tripodanthus, Tristerix, Tupeia, Vanwykia
    Aciella, Acranthemum, Acrostachys, Acrostephanus, Actinanthella, Aetanthus, Agelanthus, Alepis, Allohemia, Alveolina, Amyema, Amylotheca, Antriba, Apodina, Arcenthobium, Arceutholobium, Arceutobium, Arculus, Arthraxella, Atkinsonia (plant), Bakerella, Baratranthus, Beccarina, Benthamina, Berhautia, Blumella, Botryoloranthus, Candollina, Castrea, Cecarria, Chatinia, Chiridium, Chorilepidella, Chorilepis, Choristega, Choristegeres, Cichlanthus, Cladocolea, Cleistoloranthus, Coleobotrys, Cyathiscus, Cyne, Dactyliophora, Danserella, Decaisnina, Dendropemon, Dendrophthoe, Dentimetula, Desmaria, Desrousseauxia, Dicymanthes, Diplatia, Dipodophyllum, Distrianthes, Dithecina, Eichlerina, Elytranthe, Emelianthe, Englerina, Epicoila, Erianthemum, Etubila, Eubrachium, Furarium, Gaeodendrum, Gaiadendron, Globimetula, Glossidea, Glutago, Helicanthes, Helisanthera, Helixanthera, Hemiarthron, Hemitria, Hookerella, Hyphear, Hyphipus, Ileostylus, Isocaulon, Iticania, Ixocactus, Kingella, Lampas, Lanthorus, Lepeostegeres, Lepidaria, Lepidella, Lepiostegeres, Lepostegeres, Leucobotrys, Ligaria, Lipotactes, Locella, Loranthus, Lorantus, Loxania, Loxanthera, Lysiana, Macrosolen, Maracanthus, Martiella, Meiena, Meranthera, Merismia, Metastachys, Metula (Loranthaceae), Miquelina, Moquiniella, Muellerina, Neamyza, Neophylum, Notanthera, Nuytsia, Oedina, Oliverella, Oncella, Oncocalyx, Oryctanthus, Oryctina, Panamanthus, Papuanthes, Passovia, Pedistylis, Peltomesa, Peraxilla, Perella, Peristethium, Phoenicanthemum, Phragmanthera, Phrygilanthus, Phthirusa, Phyllodesmis, Phyllostephanus, Pilostigma, Plicosepalus, Psathyranthus, Pseudixus, Psittacanthus, Ptychostylus, Pusillanthus, Razoumowskia, Razumowskia, Rhizanthemum, Rhizomonanthes, Rhoradendron, Schimperina, Scurrula, Septimetula, Septulina, Siphanthemum, Socratina, Sogerianthe, Solenocalyx, Spragueanella, Steirotis, Stelin, Stemmatophyllum, Stephaniscus, Strepsimela, Struthanthus, Sycophila (Loranthaceae), Taguaria, Tapinanthus, Tapinostemma, Taxillus, Tetradyas, Thaumasianthes, Thelecarpus, Tieghemia, Tolypanthus, Treubania, Triarthron, Trilepidea, Tripodanthus, Tristerix, Trithecanthera, Tupeia, Ungula, Vanwykia, Velvetia, Xylochlamys
    Note: list containing potentially synonyms


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