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<nowiki>Kubb; Kubb; Кубб; Kubb; 國皇棋Kubb; kubb; Kubb; クッブ; Kubb; Kubb; Kubb; Kubb; Kubb; Kubb; Kubb; Kubb; Kubb; Sveda blokludo; Каб; Кубб; Geschicklichkeitsspiel; スウェーデン発祥のニュースポーツ; jeu de quilles suédois; sällskapsspel som spelas utomhus; game of skill; játék; selskapsspill som spilles utendørs; havespil; Шведские городки; Viking chess; Wikinger-Schach; Hägars Wikingerschach; Wikingerschach; Bauernkegeln; Wikingerkegeln; Wikingerspiel; Troccoletti; Kubb; Vikingspillet; Kubbespillet; kongespil</nowiki>
game of skill
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Media in category "Kubb"

The following 57 files are in this category, out of 57 total.