<nowiki>Honorio de Autun; Honoré d'Autun; Honorius Augustodunensis; Honorius Augustodunensis; Honorius Augustodunensis; Гонорий Августодунский; Onorio di Ratisbona; Honorius Augustodunensis; Honório de Autun; Honorius Augustodunensis; Honorius Augustodunensis; 欧坦的奥诺里于斯; Honorius Augustodunensis; Honorius Augustodunensis; オータンのホノリウス; Honório de Autun; Honorius Augustodunensis; Honorius Augustodunensis; Honorius Augustodunensis; Honorius Augustodunensis; Honorius van Autun; Honorius de Autun; Honoré d'Autun; Honorius Augustodunensis; Honorius Augustodunensis; Honorius Augustodunensis; Honoré d'Autun; Хонориј Августодунски; Honorius Augustodunensis; Hristiyan keşiş ve yazar; középkori keresztény teológus; French theologian; ލިޔުންތެރިއެއް; French theologian; Duits monnik (1080-1154); الهیدان، راهب، و فیلسوف آلمانی; German theologian; christlicher Theologe; monaco, teologo e filosofo tedesco; diagaire Gearmánach; عالم عقيدة فرنسي; teólogo francés; moine et théologien allemand; Onorio Augustodunense; Onorio d'Augsburg; Onorio d'Autun; ホノリウス・アウグストドゥネンシス; Honorius Augustodunensis; Onorio Augustodunense; Onorio di Ratisbona; Honoré de Ratisbonne; Honorius Augustodunensis; Honorius von Autun; Honorius von Autun; Honorius of Autun; Honorius von Autun; Honorius of Autun; Honorius Solitarius; Augustodunensis Honorius; Augustodunense Onorio; Honoré d'Autun; 霍諾里厄斯·奧古斯托杜南西斯; 歐坦的洪諾留</nowiki>
Honorius Augustodunensis
German theologian
Opening few lines of the Welsh adaption of the Imago Mundi from the Red Book of Hergest (Jesus College, Oxford MS 111).Y llyfyr hwn a elwir Imago Mwndi. Sef yw hynny delw y byd.English translation:This book is called Imago Mundi. The whole world is contained within.